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We provide a brief commentary on recent work by Hammer and Son on the scaling behavior of nuclear reactions involving the emission of several loosely bound neutrons. In this work they discover a regime, termed unnuclear physics, in which these reactions are governed by an approximate conformal symmetry of the nuclear force. Remarkably, the scaling exponents that govern nuclear reactions can be related to the energies of ultracold atomic drops confined in harmonic potentials. We also comment on the importance and the limitations of this approximate symmetry in the physics of neutron stars.
36 - Marcus Bluhm 2017
Strongly coupled quantum fluids are found in different forms, including ultracold Fermi gases or tiny droplets of extremely hot Quark-Gluon Plasma. Although the systems differ in temperature by many orders of magnitude, they exhibit a similar almost inviscid fluid dynamical behavior. In this work, we summarize some of the recent theoretical developments toward better understanding this property in cold Fermi gases at and near unitarity.
Strongly correlated quantum fluids are phases of matter that are intrinsically quantum mechanical, and that do not have a simple description in terms of weakly interacting quasi-particles. Two systems that have recently attracted a great deal of interest are the quark-gluon plasma, a plasma of strongly interacting quarks and gluons produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions, and ultracold atomic Fermi gases, very dilute clouds of atomic gases confined in optical or magnetic traps. These systems differ by more than 20 orders of magnitude in temperature, but they were shown to exhibit very similar hydrodynamic flow. In particular, both fluids exhibit a robustly low shear viscosity to entropy density ratio which is characteristic of quantum fluids described by holographic duality, a mapping from strongly correlated quantum field theories to weakly curved higher dimensional classical gravity. This review explores the connection between these fields, and it also serves as an introduction to the Focus Issue of New Journal of Physics on Strongly Correlated Quantum Fluids: from Ultracold Quantum Gases to QCD Plasmas. The presentation is made accessible to the general physics reader and includes discussions of the latest research developments in all three areas.

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