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We compare two families of continued fractions algorithms, the symmetrized Rosen algorithm and the Veech algorithm. Each of these algorithms expands real numbers in terms of certain algebraic integers. We give explicit models of the natural extension of the maps associated with these algorithms; prove that these natural extensions are in fact conjugate to the first return map of the geodesic flow on a related surface; and, deduce that, up to a conjugacy, almost every real number has an infinite number of common approximants for both algorithms.
We give explicit pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms with vanishing Sah-Arnoux-Fathi invariant. Any translation surface whose Veech group is commensurable to any of a large class of triangle groups is shown to have an affine pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism of this type. We also apply a reduction to finite triangle groups and thereby show the existence of non-parabolic elements in the periodic field of certain translation surfaces.
We give a new proof of Moeckels result that for any finite index subgroup of the modular group, almost every real number has its regular continued fraction approximants equidistributed into the cusps of the subgroup according to the weighted cusp widths. Our proof uses a skew product over a cross-section for the geodesic flow on the modular surface. Our techniques show that the same result holds true for approximants found by Nakadas alpha-continued fractions, and also that the analogous result holds for approximants that are algebraic numbers given by any of Rosens lambda-continued fractions, related to the infinite family of Hecke triangle Fuchsian groups.
We adjust Arnouxs coding, in terms of regular continued fractions, of the geodesic flow on the modular surface to give a cross section on which the return map is a double cover of the natural extension for the alpha-continued fractions, for each $alpha$ in (0,1]. The argument is sufficiently robust to apply to the Rosen continued fractions and their recently introduced alpha-variants.
We show that the set of real numbers of Lagrange value 3 has Hausdorff dimension zero by showing the appropriate generalization for each element of the Teichmueller space of the appropriate subgroup of the classical modular group.
We show that each of Veechs original examples of translation surfaces with ``optimal dynamics whose trace field is of degree greater than two has non-periodic directions of vanishing SAF-invariant. Furthermore, we give explicit examples of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms whose contracting direction has zero SAF-invariant.
We give natural extensions for the alpha-Rosen continued fractions of Dajani et al. for a set of small alpha values by appropriately adding and deleting rectangles from the region of the natural extension for the standard Rosen fractions. It follows that the underlying maps have equal entropy.
The Rosen fractions are an infinite set of continued fraction algorithms, each giving expansions of real numbers in terms of certain algebraic integers. For each, we give a best possible upper bound for the minimum in appropriate consecutive blocks of approximation coefficients (in the sense of Diophantine approximation by continued fraction convergents). We also obtain metrical results for large blocks of ``bad approximations.

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