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The baryon-baryon interactions with strangeness S = -2 with the flavor SU(3) breaking are calculated for the first time by using the HAL QCD method extended to coupled channel system in lattice QCD. The potential matrices are extracted from the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter wave functions obtained by the 2+1 flavor gauge configurations of CP-PACS/JLQCD Collaborations with a physical volume of 1.93 fm cubed and with m_pi/m_K = 0.96, 0.90, 0.86. The spatial structure and the quark mass dependence of the potential matrix in the baryon basis and in the SU(3) basis are investigated.
We present a lattice QCD study for the cutoff effects on nuclear forces. Two-nucleon forces are determined from Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave functions using the HAL QCD method. Lattice QCD simulations are performed employing N_f = 2 clover fermion configurations at three lattice spacings of a = 0.108, 0.156, 0.215 fm on a fixed physical volume of L^3 x T = (2.5 fm)^3 x 5 fm with a large quark mass corresponding to m_pi = 1.1 GeV. We observe that while the discretization artifact appears at the short range part of potentials, it is suppressed at the long distance region. The cutoff dependence of the phase shifts and scattering length is also presented.
We derive asymptotic behaviors of the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave function at large space separations for systems with more than 2 particles in quantum field theories. To deal with $n$-particles in the center of mass flame coherently, we introduce the Jacob coordinates of $n$ particles and then combine their $3(n-1)$ coordinates into the one spherical coordinate in $D=3(n-1)$ dimensions. We parametrize on-shell $T$-matrix for $n$-particle system of scalar fields at low energy, using the unitarity constraint of the $S$-matrix. We then express asymptotic behaviors of the NBS wave function for $n$ particles at low energy, in terms of parameters of $T$-matrix, and show that the NBS wave function carry the information of $T$-matrix such as phase shifts and mixing angles of the $n$-particle system in its own asymptotic behavior, so that the NBS wave function can be considered as the scattering wave of $n$-particles in quantum mechanics. This property is one of the essential ingredients of the HAL QCD scheme to define potential from the NBS wave function in quantum field theories such as QCD. Our results, together with an extension to systems with spin 1/2 particles, justify the HAL QCDs definition of potentials for 3 or more nucleons(baryons) in terms the NBS wave functions.
We report the recent progress on the determination of three-nucleon forces (3NF) in lattice QCD. We utilize the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave function to define the potential in quantum field theory, and extract two-nucleon forces (2NF) and 3NF on equal footing. The enormous computational cost for calculating multi-baryon correlators on the lattice is drastically reduced by developing a novel contraction algorithm (the unified contraction algorithm). Quantum numbers of the three-nucleon (3N) system are chosen to be (I, J^P)=(1/2,1/2^+) (the triton channel), and we extract 3NF in which three nucleons are aligned linearly with an equal spacing. Lattice QCD simulations are performed using N_f=2 dynamical clover fermion configurations at the lattice spacing of a = 0.156 fm on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a large quark mass corresponding to m(pi)= 1.13 GeV. Repulsive 3NF is found at short distance.
We review recent lattice QCD activities with emphasis on the impact on nuclear physics. In particular, the progress toward the determination of nuclear and baryonic forces (potentials) using Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave functions is presented. We discuss major challenges for multi-baryon systems on the lattice: (i) signal to noise issue and (ii) computational cost issue. We argue that the former issue can be avoided by extracting energy-independent (non-local) potentials from time-dependent NBS wave functions without relying on the ground state saturation, and the latter cost is drastically reduced by developing a novel unified contraction algorithm. The lattice QCD results for nuclear forces, hyperon forces and three-nucleon forces are presented, and physical insights are discussed. Comparison to results from the traditional Lueschers method is given, and open issues to be resolved are addressed as well.
We propose a novel algorithm for calculating multi-baryon correlation functions on the lattice. By considering the permutation of quarks (Wick contractions) and color/spinor contractions simultaneously, we construct a unified index list for the contraction where the redundancies in the original contraction are eliminated. We find that a significant reduction in the computational cost of correlators is achieved, e.g., by a factor of 192 for $^3$H and $^3$He nuclei, and a factor of 20736 for the $^4$He nucleus, without assuming isospin symmetry. A further reduction is possible by exploiting isospin symmetry, and/or interchange symmetries associated with sink baryons, if such symmetries exist. Extensions for systems with hyperons are presented as well.
We explore three-nucleon forces (3NF) from lattice QCD simulations. Utilizing the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave function, two-nucleon forces (2NF) and 3NF are determined on the same footing. Quantum numbers of the three-nucleon (3N) system are chosen to be (I, J^P)=(1/2,1/2^+) (the triton channel). The enormous computational cost is reduced by employing the simplest geometrical configuration, where 3N are aligned linearly with an equal spacing. We perform lattice QCD simulations using Nf=2 dynamical clover fermion configurations generated by CP-PACS Collaboration, at the lattice spacing of a = 0.156 fm on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a large quark mass corresponding to m(pi) = 1.13 GeV. Repulsive 3NF is found at short distance.
We investigate three-nucleon forces (3NF) from lattice QCD simulations, utilizing the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave function to determine two-nucleon forces (2NF) and 3NF on the same footing. Quantum numbers of the three-nucleon (3N) system are chosen to be (I, J^P)=(1/2, 1/2^+) (the triton channel). We consider the simplest geometrical configuration where 3N are aligned linearly with an equal spacing, to reduce the enormous computational cost. Lattice QCD simulations are performed using Nf=2 dynamical clover fermion configurations at the lattice spacing of a = 0.156 fm on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a large quark mass corresponding to m(pi) = 1.13 GeV. We find repulsive 3NF at short distance.
101 - Takumi Doi , Sinya Aoki 2011
Three-nucleon forces (3NF) are investigated from two-flavor lattice QCD simulations. We utilize the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave function to determine two-nucleon forces (2NF) and 3NF in the same framework. As a first exploratory study, we extract 3NF in which three nucleons are aligned linearly with an equal spacing. This is the simplest geometrical configuration which reduces the huge computational cost of calculating the NBS wave function. Quantum numbers of the three-nucleon system are chosen to be (I, J^P)=(1/2,1/2^+) (the triton channel). Lattice QCD simulations are performed using N_f=2 dynamical clover fermion configurations at the lattice spacing of a = 0.156 fm on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a large quark mass corresponding to m_pi= 1.13 GeV. We find repulsive 3NF at short distance in the triton channel. Several sources of systematic errors are also discussed.
The calculation of the nucleon strangeness form factors from N_f=2+1 clover fermion lattice QCD is presented. Disconnected insertions are evaluated using the Z(4) stochastic method, along with unbiased subtractions from the hopping parameter expansion. We find that increasing the number of nucleon sources for each configuration improves the signal significantly. We obtain G_M^s(0) = -0.017(25)(07), which is consistent with experimental values, and has an order of magnitude smaller error. Preliminary results for the strangeness contribution to the second moment of the parton distribution function are also presented.

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