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121 - Takeshi Fukuyama 2010
The Zee model generates neutrino masses at the one-loop level by adding charged SU(2)_L-singlet and extra SU(2)_L-doublet scalars to the standard model of particle physics. As the origin of the nontrivial structure of the lepton flavor mixing, we introduce the softly broken A_4 symmetry to the Zee model. This model is compatible with the tribimaximal mixing which agrees well with neutrino oscillation measurements. Then, a sum rule m_1 e^{i alpha_12} + 2 m_2 + 3 m_3 e^{i alpha_32} = 0 is obtained and it results in Delta m^2_31 < 0 and m_3 > 1.8*10^{-2}eV. The effective mass |(M_nu)_{ee}| for the neutrinoless double beta decay is predicted as | (M_ u)_{ee} | > 1.7*10^{-2}eV. The characteristic particles in this model are SU(2)_L-singlet charged Higgs bosons s^+_alpha (alpha=xi,eta,zeta) which are made from a 3-representation of A_4. Contributions of s^+_alpha to the lepton flavor violating decays of charged leptons are almost forbidden by an approximately remaining Z_3 symmetry; only BR(tau to ebar mu mu) can be sizable by the flavor changing neutral current interaction with SU(2)_L-doublet scalars. Therefore, s^+_alpha can be easily light enough to be discovered at the LHC with satisfying current constraints. The flavor structures of BR(s^-_alpha to ell nu) are also discussed.
We analyze several integrable systems in zero-curvature form within the framework of $SL(2,R)$ invariant gauge theory. In the Drienfeld-Sokolov gauge we derive a two-parameter family of nonlinear evolution equations which as special cases include the Kortweg-de Vries (KdV) and Harry Dym equations. We find residual gauge transformations which lead to infinintesimal symmetries of this family of equations. For KdV and Harry Dym equations we find an infinite hierarchy of such symmetry transformations, and we investigate their relation with local conservation laws, constants of the motion and the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the equations. Applying successive gauge transformatinos of Miura type we obtain a sequence of gauge equivalent integrable systems, among them the modified KdV and Calogero KdV equations.

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