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196 - Tomotsugu Goto 2015
Infrared (IR) luminosity is fundamental to understanding the cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution, since their most intense stages are often obscured by dust. Japanese infrared satellite, AKARI, provided unique data sets to probe these both at low and high redshifts. The AKARI performed an all sky survey in 6 IR bands (9, 18, 65, 90, 140, and 160$mu$m) with 3-10 times better sensitivity than IRAS, covering the crucial far-IR wavelengths across the peak of the dust emission. Combined with a better spatial resolution, AKARI can measure the total infrared luminosity ($L_{TIR}$) of individual galaxies much more precisely, and thus, the total infrared luminosity density of the local Universe. In the AKARI NEP deep field, we construct restframe 8$mu$m, 12$mu$m, and total infrared (TIR) luminosity functions (LFs) at 0.15$<z<$2.2 using 4128 infrared sources. A continuous filter coverage in the mid-IR wavelength (2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18, and 24$mu$m) by the AKARI satellite allows us to estimate restframe 8$mu$m and 12$mu$m luminosities without using a large extrapolation based on a SED fit, which was the largest uncertainty in previous work. By combining these two results, we reveal dust-hidden cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution from $z$=0 to $z$=2.2, all probed by the AKARI satellite. The next generation space infrared telescope, SPICA, will revolutionize our view of the infrared Universe with superb sensitivity of the cooled 3m space telescope. We conclude with our survey proposal and future prospects with SPICA.
130 - Fumi Egusa 2013
Using mid-infrared (MIR) images of four photometric bands of the Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard the AKARI satellite, S7 (7 um), S11 (11 um), L15 (15 um), and L24 (24 um), we investigate the interstellar dust properties of the nearby pair of galaxies M51 with respect to its spiral arm structure. The arm and interarm regions being defined based on a spatially filtered stellar component model image, we measure the arm-to-interarm contrast for each band. The contrast is lowest in the S11 image, which is interpreted as that among the four AKARI MIR bands the S11 image best correlates with the spatial distribution of dust grains including colder components, while the L24 image with the highest contrast traces warmer dust heated by star forming activities. The surface brightness ratio between the bands, i.e. color, is measured over the disk of the main galaxy, M51a, at 300 pc resolution. We find that the distribution of S7/S11 is smooth and well traces the global spiral arm pattern while L15/S11 and L24/S11 peak at individual HII regions. This result indicates that the ionization state of PAHs is related to the spiral structure. Comparison with observational data and dust models also supports the importance of the variation in the PAH ionization state within the M51a disk. However, the mechanism driving this variation is not yet clear from currently available data sets. Another suggestion from the comparison with the models is that the PAH fraction to the total dust mass is higher than previously estimated.
We have evaluated the optical and electrical properties of a far-infrared (IR) transparent electrode for extrinsic germanium (Ge) photoconductors at 4 K, which was fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). As a far-IR transparent electrode, an aluminum (Al)-doped Ge layer is formed at well-optimized doping concentration and layer thickness in terms of the three requirements: high far-IR transmittance, low resistivity, and excellent ohmic contact. The Al-doped Ge layer has the far-IR transmittance of >95 % within the wavelength range of 40--200 microns, while low resistivity (~5 ohm-cm) and ohmic contact are ensured at 4 K. We demonstrate the applicability of the MBE technology in fabricating the far-IR transparent electrode satisfying the above requirements.
We present the results of optical identifications for 257 mid-infrared sources detected with a deep 15um survey over approximately 80 arcmin^2 area in the AKARI performance verification field near the North Ecliptic Pole. The 15um fluxes of the sources range from 1 mJy down to 40 uJy, approximately a half of which are below 100 uJy. Optical counterparts were searched for within a 2-3 arcsec radius in both the BVRiz catalog generated by using the deep Subaru/Suprime-cam field which covers one-third of the performance verification field, and the griz catalog based on observations made with MegaCam at CFHT. We found B-R and R-z colours of sources with successful optical identifications are systematically redder than that of the entire optical sample in the same field. Moreover, approximately 40% of the 15um sources show colours R-L15>5, which cannot be explained by the spectral energy distribution (SED) of normal quiescent spiral galaxies, but are consistent with SEDs of redshifted (z>1) starburst or ultraluminous infrared galaxies. This result indicates that the fraction of the ultraluminous infrared galaxies in our faint 15um sample is much larger than that in our brighter 15um sources, which is consistent with the evolving mid-infrared luminosity function derived by recent studies based on the Spitzer 24um deep surveys. Based on an SED fitting technique, the nature of the faint 15um sources is further discussed for a selected number of sources with available K_s-band data.
We report the first results of a near- and mid- infrared deep survey with the Infrared Camera (IRC) onboard AKARI in the performance verification phase. Simultaneous observations by the NIR, MIR-S and MIR-L channels of the IRC with effective integration times of 4529, 4908, and 4417 seconds at 3, 7, and 15 micron, covering 86.0, 70.3, and 77.3 arcmin^2 area, detected 955, 298 and 277 sources, respectively. The 5 sigma detection limits of the survey are 6.0, 31.5 and 71.2 micro Jy and the 50% completeness limit are 24.0, 47.5, and 88.1 micro Jy at 3, 7, and 15 micron, respectively. The observation is limited by source confusion at 3 micron. We have confirmed the turnover in the 15 micron differential source counts around 400 micro Jy, previously detected by surveys with the Infrared Space Observatory. The faint end of 15 micron raw source counts agree with the results from the deep surveys in the GOODS fields carried out with the Spitzer IRS peak up imager and the predictions of current galaxy evolution models. These results indicate that deep surveys with comprehensive wavelength coverage at mid-infrared wavelength are very important to investigate the evolution of infrared galaxies at high redshifts.
We present the properties of 11 $mu$m selected sources detected in the early data of the North Ecliptic Pole Deep (NEP-Deep) Survey of AKARI. The data set covers 6 wavelength bands from 2.5 to 11 $mu$m, with the exposure time of 10 ~ 20 minutes. This field lies within the CFHT survey with four filter bands ($g, r, i,z), enabling us to establish nearly continuous spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for wavelengths ranging from 0.4 to 11 $mu$m. The main sample studied here consists of 71 sources whose 11 $mu$m AB magnitudes are equal to or brighter than 18.5 (251 $mu$Jy), which is complete to more than 90%. The 11 $mu$m band has an advantage of sampling star forming galaxies with low to medium redshifts since the prominent PAH feature shifts into this band. As expected, we find that the majority (~68%) of 11 $mu$m bright sources are star forming galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.7 with $L_{IR} ~ 10^{10}$ -- $10^{12} L_{odot}$ based on the detailed modelling of SEDs. We also find four AGNs lying at various redshifts in the main sample. In addition, we discuss a few sources which have non-typical SEDs of the main sample, including a brown dwarf candidate, a steep power-law source, flat spectrum object, and an early-type galaxy at moderate redshift.
63 - Shinki Oyabu 2007
We report the detection of an H-alpha emission line in the low resolution spectrum of a quasar, RX J1759.4+6638, at a redshift of 4.3 with the InfraRed Camera (IRC) onboard the AKARI. This is the first spectroscopic detection of an H-alpha emission line in a quasar beyond z=4. The overall spectral energy distribution (SED) of RX J1759.4+6638 in the near- and mid-infrared wavelengths agrees with a median SED of the nearby quasars and the flux ratio of F(Ly-alpha)/F(H-alpha) is consistent with those of previous reports for lower-redshift quasars.

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