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We present redshift evolution of galaxy effective radius r_e obtained from the HST samples of ~190,000 galaxies at z=0-10. Our HST samples consist of 176,152 photo-z galaxies at z=0-6 from the 3D-HST+CANDELS catalogue and 10,454 LBGs at z=4-10 identified in CANDELS, HUDF09/12, and HFF parallel fields, providing the largest data set to date for galaxy size evolution studies. We derive r_e with the same technique over the wide-redshift range of z=0-10, evaluating the optical-to-UV morphological K-correction and the selection bias of photo-z galaxies+LBGs as well as the cosmological surface brightness dimming effect. We find that r_e values at a given luminosity significantly decrease towards high-z, regardless of statistics choices. For star-forming galaxies, there is no evolution of the power-law slope of the size-luminosity relation and the median Sersic index (n~1.5). Moreover, the r_e-distribution is well represented by log-normal functions whose standard deviation sigma_{ln{r_e}} does not show significant evolution within the range of sigma_{ln{r_e}}~0.45-0.75. We calculate the stellar-to-halo size ratio from our r_e measurements and the dark-matter halo masses estimated from the abundance matching study, and obtain a nearly constant value of r_e/r_vir=1.0-3.5% at z=0-8. The combination of the r_e-distribution shape+standard deviation, the constant r_e/r_vir, and n~1.5 suggests a picture that typical high-z star-forming galaxies have disk-like stellar components in a sense of dynamics and morphology over cosmic time of z~0-6. If high-z star-forming galaxies are truly dominated by disks, the r_e/r_vir value and the disk formation model indicate that the specific angular momentum of the disk normalized by the host halo is j_d/m_d=0.5-1. These are statistical results for galaxies major stellar components, and the detailed study of clumpy sub-components is presented in the paper II.
We present a statistical study of velocities of Lya, interstellar (IS) absorption, and nebular lines and gas covering fraction for Lya emitters (LAEs) at z~2. We make a sample of 22 LAEs with a large Lya equivalent width (EW) of > 50A based on our deep Keck/LRIS observations, in conjunction with spectroscopic data from the Subaru/FMOS program and the literature. We estimate the average velocity offset of Lya from a systemic redshift determined with nebular lines to be dv_Lya=234+-9 km s-1. Using a Kolmogorv-Smirnov test, we confirm the previous claim of Hashimoto et al. (2013) that the average dv_Lya of LAEs is smaller than that of LBGs. Our LRIS data successfully identify blue-shifted multiple IS absorption lines in the UV continua of four LAEs on an individual basis. The average velocity offset of IS absorption lines from a systemic redshift is dv_IS=204+-27 km s-1, indicating LAEs gas outflow with a velocity comparable to typical LBGs. Thus, the ratio, R^Lya_ IS = dv_Lya/dv_IS of LAEs, is around unity, suggestive of low impacts on Lya transmission by resonant scattering of neutral hydrogen in the IS medium. We find an anti-correlation between Lya EW and the covering fraction, f_c, estimated from the depth of absorption lines, where f_c is an indicator of average neutral hydrogen column density, N_HI. The results of our study support the idea that N_HI is a key quantity determining Lya emissivity.
We present the results of structure analyses for a large sample of 426 Lya emitters (LAEs) at z~2.2 that are observed with HST/ACS and WFC3-IR by deep extra-galactic legacy surveys. We confirm that the merger fraction and the average ellipticity of LAEs stellar component are 10-30 % and 0.4-0.6, respectively, that are comparable with previous study results. We successfully identify that some LAEs have a spatial offset between Lya and stellar-continuum emission peaks, d_Lya, by ~2.5-4 kpc beyond our statistical errors. To uncover the physical origin of strong Lya emission found in LAEs, we investigate Lya equivalent width (EW) dependences of these three structural parameters, merger fraction, d_Lya, and ellipticity of stellar distribution in the range of EW(Lya)=20-250A. Contrary to expectations, we find that merger fraction does not significantly increase with Lya EW. We reveal an anti-correlation between d_Lya and EW(Lya) by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. There is a trend that the LAEs with a large Lya EW have a small ellipticity. This is consistent with the recent theoretical claims that Lya photons can more easily escape from face-on disks having a small ellipticity, due to less inter-stellar gas along the line of sight, although our KS test indicates that this trend is not statistically significant. Our results of Lya-EW dependence generally support the idea that an HI column density is a key quantity determining Lya emissivity.
We have performed deep imaging surveys for LyA emitters (LAEs) at redshift ~7.3 in two blank fields, the Subaru Deep Field (SDF) and the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep survey Field (SXDF), using the Subaru/Suprime-Cam equipped with new red-sensitive CCDs and a new narrow-band filter, NB1006 (lambda_c=10052 Ang, FWHM=214 Ang). We identified four objects as LAE candidates that exhibit luminosity excess in NB1006. By carrying out deep follow-up spectroscopy for three of them using Subaru/FOCAS and Keck/DEIMOS, a definitively asymmetric emission line is detected for one of them, SXDF-NB1006-2. Assuming this line is LyA, this object is a LAE at z=7.215 which has luminosity of 1.2^{+1.5}_{-0.6} x 10^43 [erg s-1] and a weighted skewness S_w=4.90+-0.86. Another object, SDF-NB1006-2, shows variable photometry and is thus probably a quasar (QSO) or an active galactic nucleus (AGN). It shows an asymmetric emission line at 10076 Ang, which may be due to either LyA at z=7.288 or [OII] at z=1.703. The third object, SDF-NB1006-1, is likely a galaxy with temporal luminosity enhancement associated with a supernova explosion, as the brightness of this object varies between the observed epochs. Its spectrum does not show any emission lines. The inferred decrease in the number density of LAEs toward higher redshift is n_LyA(z=7.3)/n_LyA(z=5.7) = 0.05^+0.11_-0.05 from z=5.7 to 7.3 down to L(LyA)=1.0 x 10^43 [erg s-1]. The present result is consistent with the interpretation in previous studies that the neutral hydrogen fraction is rapidly increasing from z=5.7 to 7.3.

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