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We present properties of moderately massive clusters of galaxies detected by the newly developed Hyper Suprime-Cam on the Subaru telescope using weak gravitational lensing. Eight peaks exceeding a S/N ratio of 4.5 are identified on the convergence S/N map of a 2.3 square degree field observed during the early commissioning phase of the camera. Multi-color photometric data is used to generate optically selected clusters using the CAMIRA algorithm. The optical cluster positions were correlated with the peak positions from the convergence map. All eight significant peaks have optical counterparts. The velocity dispersion of clusters are evaluated by adopting the Singular Isothemal Sphere (SIS) fit to the tangential shear profiles, yielding virial mass estimates, M500c, of the clusters which range from 2.7x10^13 to 4.4x10^14 solar mass. The number of peaks is considerably larger than the average number expected from LambdaCDM cosmology but this is not extremely unlikely if one takes the large sample variance in the small field into account. We could, however, safely argue that the peak count strongly favours the recent Planck result suggesting high sigma8$value of 0.83. The ratio of stellar mass to the dark matter halo mass shows a clear decline as the halo mass increases. If the gas mass fraction, fg, in halos is universal, as has been suggested in the literature, the observed baryon mass in stars and gas shows a possible deficit compared with the total baryon density estimated from the baryon oscillation peaks in anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background.
We consider the extent to which future imaging surveys of galaxies can distinguish between dark energy and modified gravity models for the origin of the cosmic acceleration. Dynamical dark energy models may have similar expansion rates as models of modified gravity, yet predict different growth of structure histories. We parameterize the cosmic expansion by the two parameters, $w_0$ and $w_a$, and the linear growth rate of density fluctuations by Linders $gamma$, independently. Dark energy models generically predict $gamma approx 0.55$, while the DGP model $gamma approx 0.68$. To determine if future imaging surveys can constrain $gamma$ within 20 percent (or $Deltagamma<0.1$), we perform the Fisher matrix analysis for a weak lensing survey such as the on-going Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) project. Under the condition that the total observation time is fixed, we compute the Figure of Merit (FoM) as a function of the exposure time $texp$. We find that the tomography technique effectively improves the FoM, which has a broad peak around $texpsimeq {rm several}sim 10$ minutes; a shallow and wide survey is preferred to constrain the $gamma$ parameter. While $Deltagamma < 0.1$ cannot be achieved by the HSC weak-lensing survey alone, one can improve the constraints by combining with a follow-up spectroscopic survey like WFMOS and/or future CMB observations.
We present the results of an ongoing weak lensing survey conducted with the Subaru telescope whose initial goal is to locate and study the distribution of shear-selected structures or halos. Using a Suprime-cam imaging survey spanning 21.82 square degree, we present a catalog of 100 candidate halos located from lensing convergence maps. Our sample is reliably drawn from that subset of our survey area, (totaling 16.72 square degree) uncontaminated by bright stars and edge effects and limited at a convergence signal to noise ratio of 3.69. To validate the sample detailed spectroscopic measures have been made for 26 candidates using the Subaru multi-object spectrograph, FOCAS. All are confirmed as clusters of galaxies but two arise as the superposition of multiple clusters viewed along the line of sight. Including data available in the literature and an ongoing Keck spectroscopic campaign, a total of 41 halos now have reliable redshifts. For one of our survey fields, the XMM LSS (Pierre et al. 2004) field, we compare our lensing-selected halo catalog with its X-ray equivalent. Of 15 halos detected in the XMM-LSS field, 10 match with published X-ray selected clusters and a further 2 are newly-detected and spectroscopically confirmed in this work. Although three halos have not yet been confirmed, the high success rate within the XMM-LSS field (12/15) confirms that weak lensing provides a reliable method for constructing cluster catalogs, irrespective of the nature of the constituent galaxies or the intracluster medium.

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