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Local electron and ion heating characteristics during merging reconnection startup on the MAST spherical tokamak have been revealed for the first time using a 130 channel YAG-TS system and a new 32 chord ion Doppler tomography diagnostic. 2D local profile measurement of $T_e$, $n_e$ and $T_i$ detect highly localized electron heating at the X point and bulk ion heating downstream. For the push merging experiment under high guide field condition, thick layer of closed flux surface formed by reconnected field sustains the heating profile for more than electron and ion energy relaxation time $tau^E_{ei}sim4-10$ms, both heating profiles finally form triple peak structure at the X point and downstream. Toroidal guide field mostly contributes the formation of peaked electron heating profile at the X point. The localized heating increases with higher guide field, while bulk downstream ion heating is unaffected by the change in the guide field under MAST conditions ($B_t>3B_{rec}$).
316 - Y. Funaki , T. Yamada , E. Hiyama 2014
New concept of clustering is discussed in $Lambda$ hypernuclei using a new-type microscopic cluster model wave function, which has a structure that constituent clusters are confined in a container, whose size is a variational parameter and which we refer to as Hyper-Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Ropke (Hyper-THSR) wave function. By using the Hyper-THSR wave function, $2alpha + Lambda$ cluster structure in ${^{9}_Lambda{rm Be}}$ is investigated. We show that full microscopic solutions in the $2alpha + Lambda$ cluster system, which are given as $2alpha + Lambda$ Brink-GCM wave functions, are almost perfectly reproduced by the single configurations of the Hyper-THSR wave function. The squared overlaps between the both wave functions are calculated to be $99.5$%, $99.4$%, and $97.7$% for $J^pi=0^+$, $2^+$, and $4^+$ states, respectively. We also simulate the structural change by adding the $Lambda$ particle, by varying the $Lambda N$ interaction artificially. As the increase of the $Lambda N$ interaction, the $Lambda$ particle gets to move more deeply inside the core and invokes strongly the spatial core shrinkage, and accordingly distinct localized $2alpha$ clusters appear in the nucleonic intrinsic density, though in ${^{8}{rm Be}}$ rather gaslike $2alpha$-cluster structure is shown. The origin of the localization is associated with the strong effect of Pauli principle. We conclude that the container picture of the $2alpha$ and $Lambda$ clusters is essential in understanding the cluster structure in ${^{9}_Lambda{rm Be}}$, in which the very compact spatial localization of clusters is shown in the density distribution.
133 - Y. Matsuda 2012
Using stacks of Ly-a images of 2128 Ly-a emitters (LAEs) and 24 protocluster UV-selected galaxies (LBGs) at z=3.1, we examine the surface brightness profiles of Ly-a haloes around high-z galaxies as a function of environment and UV luminosity. We find that the slopes of the Ly-a radial profiles become flatter as the Mpc-scale LAE surface densities increase, but they are almost independent of the central UV luminosities. The characteristic exponential scale lengths of the Ly-a haloes appear to be proportional to the square of the LAE surface densities (r(Lya) propto Sigma(LAE)^2). Including the diffuse, extended Ly-a haloes, the rest-frame Ly-a equivalent width of the LAEs in the densest regions approaches EW_0(Lya) ~ 200 A, the maximum value expected for young (< 10^7 yr) galaxies. This suggests that Ly-a photons formed via shock compression by gas outflows or cooling radiation by gravitational gas inflows may partly contribute to illuminate the Ly-a haloes; however, most of their Ly-a luminosity can be explained by photo-ionisation by ionising photons or scattering of Ly-a photons produced in HII regions in and around the central galaxies. Regardless of the source of Ly-a photons, if the Ly-a haloes trace the overall gaseous structure following the dark matter distributions, it is not surprising that the Ly-a spatial extents depend more strongly on the surrounding Mpc-scale environment than on the activities of the central galaxies.
We present the results of the extensive narrow-band survey of Lyalpha emission-line objects at z=3.1 in the 1.38 deg^2 area surrounding the high density region of star-forming galaxies at z=3.09 in the SSA22 field, as well as in the 1.04 deg^2 area of the three separated general blank fields. In total of 2161 Lyalpha emitters, 1394 in the SSA22 fields and 767 in the general fields, respectively, are detected to the narrow-band AB magnitude limit of 25.73, which corresponds to the line flux of 1.8 x 10^{-17} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} or luminosity of 1.5 x 10^{42} erg s^{-1} at z=3.1, above the observed equivalent width threshold, 190AA . The average surface number density of the emitters at z=3.1 in the whole general fields above the thresholds is 0.20+-0.01 arcmin^{-2}. The SSA22 high-density region at z=3.09 whose peak local density is 6 times the average is found to be the most prominent outstanding structure in the whole surveyed area and is firmly identified as a robust `protocluster with the enough large sample. We also compared the overdensity of the 100 arcmin^2 and 700 arcmin^2 areas which contain the protocluster with the expected fluctuation of the dark matter as well as those of the model galaxies in cosmological simulations. We found that the peak height values of the overdensity correspond to be 8-10 times and 3-4 times of the expected standard deviations of the counts of Lyalpha emitters at z=3.1 in the corresponding volume, respectively. We conclude that the structure at z=3.09 in the SSA22 field is a very significant and rare density peak up to the scale of 60 Mpc.
103 - T. Yamada , Y. Funaki , T. Myo 2011
Isoscalar monopole strength function in $^{16}$O up to $E_{x}simeq40$ MeV is discussed. We found that the fine structures at the low energy region up to $E_{x} simeq 16$ MeV in the experimental monopole strength function obtained by the $^{16}$O$(alpha,alpha^{prime})$ reaction can be rather satisfactorily reproduced within the framework of the $4alpha$ cluster model, while the gross three bump structures observed at the higher energy region ($16 lesssim E_{x} lesssim 40$ MeV) look likely to be approximately reconciled by the mean-field calculations such as RPA and QRPA. In this paper, it is emphasized that two different types of monopole excitations exist in $^{16}$O; one is the monopole excitation to cluster states which is dominant in the lower energy part ($E_{x} lesssim 16$ MeV), and the other is the monopole excitation of the mean-field type such as one-particle one-hole ($1p1h$) which {is attributed} mainly to the higher energy part ($16 lesssim E_{x} lesssim 40$ MeV). It is found that this character of the monopole excitations originates from the fact that the ground state of $^{16}$O with the dominant doubly closed shell structure has a duality of the mean-field-type {as well as} $alpha$-clustering {character}. This dual nature of the ground state seems to be a common feature in light nuclei.
133 - Y. Matsuda 2010
We present results of a survey for giant Ly-alpha nebulae (LABs) at z=3 with Subaru/Suprime-Cam. We obtained Ly-alpha imaging at z=3.09+-0.03 around the SSA22 protocluster and in several blank fields. The total survey area is 2.1 square degrees, corresponding to a comoving volume of 1.6 x 10^6 Mpc^3. Using a uniform detection threshold of 1.4 x 10^{-18} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} arcsec^{-2} for the Ly-alpha images, we construct a sample of 14 LAB candidates with major-axis diameters larger than 100 kpc, including five previously known blobs and two known quasars. This survey triples the number of known LABs over 100 kpc. The giant LAB sample shows a possible morphology-density relation: filamentary LABs reside in average density environments as derived from compact Ly-alpha emitters, while circular LABs reside in both average density and overdense environments. Although it is hard to examine the formation mechanisms of LABs only from the Ly-alpha morphologies, more filamentary LABs may relate to cold gas accretion from the surrounding inter-galactic medium (IGM) and more circular LABs may relate to large-scale gas outflows, which are driven by intense starbursts and/or by AGN activities. Our survey highlights the potential usefulness of giant LABs to investigate the interactions between galaxies and the surrounding IGM from the field to overdense environments at high-redshift.
The 4-alpha condensate state for ^{16}O is discussed with the THSR (Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Roepke) wave function which has alpha-particle condensate character. Taking into account a proper treatment of resonances, it is found that the 4-alpha THSR wave function yields a fourth 0^+ state in the continuum above the 4-alpha-breakup threshold in addition to the three 0^+ states obtained in a previous analysis. It is shown that this fourth 0^+ ((0_4^+)_{THSR}) state has an analogous structure to the Hoyle state, since it has a very dilute density and a large component of alpha+^{12}C(0_2^+) configuration. Furthermore, single-alpha motions are extracted from the microscopic 16-nucleon wave function, and the condensate fraction and momentum distribution of alpha particles are quantitatively discussed. It is found that for the (0_4^+)_{THSR} state a large alpha-particle occupation probability concentrates on a single-alpha 0S orbit and the alpha-particle momentum distribution has a delta-function-like peak at zero momentum, both indicating that the state has a strong 4-alpha condensate character. It is argued that the (0_4^+)_{THSR} state is the counterpart of the 0_6^+ state which was obtained as the 4-alpha condensate state in the previous 4-alpha OCM (Orthogonality Condition Model) calculation, and therefore is likely to correspond to the 0_6^+ state observed at 15.1 MeV.
We present the results of a Spitzer IRAC and MIPS 24 micron study of extended Lyman-alpha clouds (or Lyman-alpha Blobs, LABs) within the SSA22 filamentary structure at z = 3.09. We detect 6/26 LABs in all IRAC filters, four of which are also detected at 24 micron, and find good correspondence with the 850 micron measurements of Geach et al. 2005. An analysis of the rest-frame ultraviolet, optical, near- and mid-infrared colors reveals that these six systems exhibit signs of nuclear activity (AGN)and/or extreme star formation. Notably, they have properties that bridge galaxies dominated by star formation (Lyman-break galaxies; LBGs) and those with AGNs (LBGs classified as QSOs). The LAB systems not detected in all four IRAC bands, on the other hand, are, as a group, consistent with pure star forming systems, similar to the majority of the LBGs within the filament. These results indicate that the galaxies within LABs do not comprise a homogeneous population, though they are also consistent with scenarios in which the gas halos are ionized through a common mechanism such as galaxy-scale winds driven by the galaxies within them, or gravitational heating of the collapsing cloud itself.

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