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82 - T. Verdugo , V. Motta , G. Foex 2014
We analyzed the Einstein radius, $theta_E$, in our sample of SL2S galaxy groups, and compared it with $R_A$ (the distance from the arcs to the center of the lens), using three different approaches: 1.- the velocity dispersion obtained from weak lensing assuming a Singular Isothermal Sphere profile ($theta_{E,I}$), 2.- a strong lensing analytical method ($theta_{E,II}$) combined with a velocity dispersion-concentration relation derived from numerical simulations designed to mimic our group sample, 3.- strong lensing modeling ($theta_{E,III}$) of eleven groups (with four new models presented in this work) using HST and CFHT images. Finally, $R_A$ was analyzed as a function of redshift $z$ to investigate possible correlations with L, N, and the richness-to-luminosity ratio (N/L). We found a correlation between $theta_{E}$ and $R_A$, but with large scatter. We estimate $theta_{E,I}$ = (2.2 $pm$ 0.9) + (0.7 $pm$ 0.2)$R_A$, $theta_{E,II}$ = (0.4 $pm$ 1.5) + (1.1 $pm$ 0.4)$R_A$, and $theta_{E,III}$ = (0.4 $pm$ 1.5) + (0.9 $pm$ 0.3)$R_A$ for each method respectively. We found a weak evidence of anti-correlation between $R_A$ and $z$, with Log$R_A$ = (0.58$pm$0.06) - (0.04$pm$0.1)$z$, suggesting a possible evolution of the Einstein radius with $z$, as reported previously by other authors. Our results also show that $R_A$ is correlated with L and N (more luminous and richer groups have greater $R_A$), and a possible correlation between $R_A$ and the N/L ratio. Our analysis indicates that $R_A$ is correlated with $theta_E$ in our sample, making $R_A$ useful to characterize properties like L and N (and possible N/L) in galaxy groups. Additionally, we present evidence suggesting that the Einstein radius evolves with $z$.
We have discovered strong gravitational lensing features in the core of the nearby cluster Abell 3827 by analyzing Gemini South GMOS images. The most prominent strong lensing feature is a highly-magnified, ring-shaped configuration of four images around the central cD galaxy. GMOS spectroscopic analysis puts this source at z~0.2. Located ~20 away from the central galaxy is a secondary tangential arc feature which has been identified as a background galaxy with z~0.4. We have modeled the gravitational potential of the cluster core, taking into account the mass from the cluster, the BCG and other galaxies. We derive a total mass of (2.7 +- 0.4) x 10^13 Msun within 37 h^-1 kpc. This mass is an order of magnitude larger than that derived from X-ray observations. The total mass derived from lensing data suggests that the BCG in this cluster is perhaps the most massive galaxy in the nearby Universe.
We present the first strong lensing study of the mass distribution in the cluster MS 2053-04 based on HST archive data. This massive, X-ray luminous cluster has a redshift z=0.583, and it is composed of two structures that are gravitationally bound to each other. The cluster has one multiply imaged system constituted by a double gravitational arc. We have performed a parametric strong lensing mass reconstruction using NFW density profiles to model the cluster potential. We also included perturbations from 23 galaxies, modeled like elliptical singular isothermal sphere, that are approximately within 1x1 around the cluster center. These galaxies were constrained in both the geometric and dynamical parameters with observational data. Our analysis predicts a third image which is slightly demagnified. We found a candidate for this counter-image near the expected position and with the same F702W-F814W colors as the gravitational arcs in the cluster. The results from the strong lensing model shows the complex structure in this cluster, the asymmetry and the elongation in the mass distribution, and are consistent with previous spectrophotometric results that indicate that the cluster has a bimodal mass distribution. Finally, the derived mass profile was used to estimate the mass within the arcs and for comparison with X-ray estimates.

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