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126 - T. Li , A. Patz , P. Lingos 2014
Femtosecond (fs)-resolved simultaneous measurements of charge and spin dynamics reveal the coexistence of two different quasi-particle excitations in colossal magneto-resistive (CMR) manganites, with {em fs} and {em ps} relaxation times respectively. Their populations reverse size above a {em photoexcitation-intensity-threshold} coinciding with a sudden antiferro-to-ferromagnetic switching during $<$100 fs laser pulses. We present evidence that fast, metallic, mobile quasi--electrons dressed by {em quantum spin fluctuations} coexist with slow, localized, polaronic charge carriers in non-equilibrium phases. This may be central to CMR transition and leads to a laser-driven charge reorganization simultaneously with quantum fs magnetism via an emergent quantum-spin/charge/lattice transient coupling.
112 - L. C. C. Lin 2014
We report the X-ray pulsation of ~173.3 ms for the next Geminga, PSR J1836+5925, with recent XMM-Newton investigations. The X-ray periodicity is consistent wtih the gamma-ray ephemeris at the same epoch. The X-ray folded light curve has a sinusoidal structure which is different from the double-peaked gamma-ray pulse profile. We have also analysed the X-ray phase-averaged spectra which shows the X-ray emission from PSR J1836+5925 is thermal dominant. This suggests the X-ray pulsation mainly originates from the modulated hot spot on the stellar surface.
112 - Y. T. Li , C. Li , M. L. Zhou 2011
We report a plasma-based strong THz source generated by using intense femtosecond laser pulses to irradiate solid targets at relativistic intensity >10^18W/cm2. Energies up to 50 microJ/sr per THz pulse is observed in the specular direction when the laser pulses are incident onto a copper foil at 67.5 degree. The source appears to be linearly polarized. The temporal, spectral properties of the THz are measured by a single shot, electro-optic sampling method with a chirped laser pulse. The THz radiation is attributed to the self-organized transient fast electron currents formed along the target surface. Such a strong THz source allows potential applications in THz nonlinear physics.
485 - W. Zhang , T. Li , M. Lours 2011
When a photo-diode is illuminated by a pulse train from a femtosecond laser, it generates microwaves components at the harmonics of the repetition rate within its bandwidth. The phase of these components (relative to the optical pulse train) is known to be dependent on the optical energy per pulse. We present an experimental study of this dependence in InGaAs pin photo-diodes illuminated with ultra-short pulses generated by an Erbium-doped fiber based femtosecond laser. The energy to phase dependence is measured over a large range of impinging pulse energies near and above saturation for two typical detectors, commonly used in optical frequency metrology with femtosecond laser based optical frequency combs. When scanning the optical pulse energy, the coefficient which relates phase variations to energy variations is found to alternate between positive and negative values, with many (for high harmonics of the repetition rate) vanishing points. By operating the system near one of these vanishing points, the typical amplitude noise level of commercial-core fiber-based femtosecond lasers is sufficiently low to generate state-of-the-art ultra-low phase noise microwave signals, virtually immune to amplitude to phase conversion related noise.
42 - T. Li , R. X. Ye , C. Li 2009
Magnetic resonance coupling between connected split ring resonators (SRRs) and magnetic plasmon (MP) excitations in the connected SRR chains were theoretically studied. By changing the connection configuration, two different coupling behaviors were observed, and therefore two kinds of MP bands were formed in the connected ring chains, accordingly. These MPs were revealed with positive and negative dispersion for the homo- and anti-connected chain, respectively. Notably, these two MP modes both have wide bandwidth due to the conductive coupling. Moreover, the anti-connected chain is found supporting a novel negative propagating wave with a wide band starting from zero frequency, which is a fancy phenomenon in one-dimensional system.
107 - M. Hunyadi , H. Hashimoto , T. Li 2009
Proton decay from the 3$hbaromega$ isoscalar giant dipole resonance (ISGDR) in $^{58}$Ni has been measured using the ($alpha,alphap$) reaction at a bombarding energy of 386 MeV to investigate its decay properties. We have extracted the ISGDR strength under the coincidence condition between inelastically scattered $alpha$ particles at forward angles and decay protons emitted at backward angles. Branching ratios for proton decay to low-lying states of $^{57}$Co have been determined, and the results compared to predictions of recent continuum-RPA calculations. The final-state spectra of protons decaying to the low-lying states in $^{57}$Co were analyzed for a more detailed understanding of the structure of the ISGDR. It is found that there are differences in the structure of the ISGDR as a function of excitation energy.
Freezing is a fundamental physical phenomenon that has been studied over many decades; yet the role played by surfaces in determining nucleation has remained elusive. Here we report direct computational evidence of surface induced nucleation in supercooled systems with a negative slope of their melting line (dP/dT < 0). This unexpected result is related to the density decrease occurring upon crystallization, and to surface tension facilitating the initial nucleus formation. Our findings support the hypothesis of surface induced crystallization of ice in the atmosphere, and provide insight, at the atomistic level, into nucleation mechanisms of widely used semiconductors.
50 - J. T. Li , Z. Y. Li , Q. D. Wang 2008
We study the edge-on galaxy NGC 5775, utilizing a 58.2 ks {sl Chandra} ACIS-S observation together with complementary {sl HST} ACS, {sl Spitzer} IRAC and other multi-wavelength data sets. This edge-on galaxy, with its disk-wide active star formation, is particularly well-suited for studying the disk/halo interaction on sub-galactic scales. We detect 27 discrete X-ray sources within the $D_{25}$ region of the galaxy, including an ultra-luminous source with a 0.3-7 keV luminosity of $sim7times10^{40}rm ergs s^{-1}$. The source-removed diffuse X-ray emission shows several prominent extraplanar features, including a $sim10rm kpc$ diameter ``shell-like feature and a ``blob reaching a projected distance of $sim25rm kpc$ from the galactic disk. The bulk of the X-ray emission in the halo has a scale height of $sim$1.5 kpc and can be characterized by a two-temperature optically thin thermal plasma with temperatures of $sim$ 0.2 and 0.6 keV and a total 0.3-2 keV luminosity of $sim3.5times10^{39}rm ergs s^{-1}$. The high-resolution, multi-wavelength data reveal the presence of several extraplanar features around the disk, which appear to be associated with the in-disk star formation. We suggest that hot gas produced with different levels of mass loading can have different temperatures, which may explain the characteristic temperatures of hot gas in the halo. We have obtained a sub-galactic scale X-ray-intensity-star formation relation, which is consistent with the integrated version in other star forming galaxies.
434 - T. Li , U. Garg , Y. Liu 2007
We have investigated the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (GMR) in the Sn isotopes, using inelastic scattering of 400-MeV $alpha$-particles at extremely forward angles, including 0 deg. A value of -550 pm 100 MeV has been obtained for the asymmetry term, $K_tau$, in the nuclear incompressibility.
254 - T. Li , U. Garg , Y. Liu 2007
The strength distributions of the giant monopole resonance (GMR) have been measured in the even-A Sn isotopes (A=112--124) with inelastic scattering of 400-MeV $alpha$ particles in the angular range $0^circ$--$8.5^circ$. We find that the experimentally-observed GMR energies of the Sn isotopes are lower than the values predicted by theoretical calculations that reproduce the GMR energies in $^{208}$Pb and $^{90}$Zr very well. From the GMR data, a value of $K_{tau} = -550 pm 100$ MeV is obtained for the asymmetry-term in the nuclear incompressibility.

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