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We present significant evidence of halo assembly bias for SDSS redMaPPer galaxy clusters in the redshift range $[0.1, 0.33]$. By dividing the 8,648 clusters into two subsamples based on the average member galaxy separation from the cluster center, we first show that the two subsamples have very similar halo mass of $M_{rm 200m}simeq 1.9times 10^{14}~h^{-1}M_odot$ based on the weak lensing signals at small radii $R<sim 10~h^{-1}{rm Mpc}$. However, their halo bias inferred from both the large-scale weak lensing and the projected auto-correlation functions differs by a factor of $sim$1.5, which is a signature of assembly bias. The same bias hypothesis for the two subsamples is excluded at 2.5$sigma$ in the weak lensing and 4.4$sigma$ in the auto-correlation data, respectively. This result could bring a significant impact on both galaxy evolution and precision cosmology.
A joint analysis of the clustering of galaxies and their weak gravitational lensing signal is well-suited to simultaneously constrain the galaxy-halo connection as well as the cosmological parameters by breaking the degeneracy between galaxy bias and the amplitude of clustering signal. In a series of two papers, we perform such an analysis at the highest redshift ($zsim0.53$) in the literature using CMASS galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Eleventh Data Release (SDSS-III/BOSS DR11) catalog spanning 8300~deg$^2$. In this paper, we present details of the clustering and weak lensing measurements of these galaxies. We define a subsample of 400,916 CMASS galaxies based on their redshifts and stellar mass estimates so that the galaxies constitute an approximately volume-limited and similar population over the redshift range $0.47le zle 0.59$. We obtain a signal-to-noise ratio $S/Nsimeq 56$ for the galaxy clustering measurement. We also explore the redshift and stellar mass dependence of the clustering signal. For the weak lensing measurement, we use existing deeper imaging data from the CFHTLS with publicly available shape and photometric redshift catalogs from CFHTLenS, but only in a 105~deg$^2$ area which overlaps with BOSS. This restricts the lensing measurement to only 5,084 CMASS galaxies. After careful systematic tests, we find a highly significant detection of the CMASS weak lensing signal, with total $S/Nsimeq 26$. These measurements form the basis of the halo occupation distribution and cosmology analysis presented in More et al. (Paper II).
We present the Strong Lensing Legacy Survey - ARCS (SARCS) sample compiled from the final T0006 data release of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) covering a total non-overlapping area of 159 sq.deg. We adopt a semi-automatic method to find gravitational arcs in the survey that makes use of an arc-finding algorithm. The candidate list is pruned by visual inspection and ranking to form the SARCS sample. This list also includes some serendipitously discovered lens candidates. The SARCS sample consists of 127 lens candidates which span arc radii~2-18 within the unmasked area of ~ 150 sq. deg. Within the sample, 54 systems are promising lenses amongst which, we find 12 giant arcs and 2 radial arc candidates. From our sample, we detect a systematic alignment of giant arcs with the ellipticity of the baryonic component of the lens in concordance with previous studies. The lens redshift distribution corresponding to both the giant arcs and all arcs, estimated from photometric catalogs, peaks at z~0.6. Owing to the large area and depth of the CFHTLS, we find the largest lens sample probing group-scales for the first time. We compare the observed image separation distribution (ISD) of our arcs with theoretical models. A two-component density profile for the lenses which accounts for both the central galaxy and dark matter component is required by the data to explain the observed ISD. Unfortunately, current levels of uncertainties and degeneracies accommodate models both with and without adiabatic contraction. We also show the effects of changing parameters of the model that predict the ISD and that a larger lens sample might constrain relations such as the concentration-mass relation, mass-luminosity relation and slope of the luminosity function. (abridged)

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