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This paper surveys and unifies a number of recent contributions that have collectively developed a metric for decentralized wireless network analysis known as transmission capacity. Although it is notoriously difficult to derive general end-to-end capacity results for multi-terminal or adhoc networks, the transmission capacity (TC) framework allows for quantification of achievable single-hop rates by focusing on a simplified physical/MAC-layer model. By using stochastic geometry to quantify the multi-user interference in the network, the relationship between the optimal spatial density and success probability of transmissions in the network can be determined, and expressed -- often fairly simply -- in terms of the key network parameters. The basic model and analytical tools are first discussed and applied to a simple network with path loss only and we present tight upper and lower bounds on transmission capacity (via lower and upper bounds on outage probability). We then introduce random channels (fading/shadowing) and give TC and outage approximations for an arbitrary channel distribution, as well as exact results for the special cases of Rayleigh and Nakagami fading. We then apply these results to show how TC can be used to better understand scheduling, power control, and the deployment of multiple antennas in a decentralized network. The paper closes by discussing shortcomings in the model as well as future research directions.
The benefit of multi-antenna receivers is investigated in wireless ad hoc networks, and the main finding is that network throughput can be made to scale linearly with the number of receive antennas nR even if each transmitting node uses only a single antenna. This is in contrast to a large body of prior work in single-user, multiuser, and ad hoc wireless networks that have shown linear scaling is achievable when multiple receive and transmit antennas (i.e., MIMO transmission) are employed, but that throughput increases logarithmically or sublinearly with nR when only a single transmit antenna (i.e., SIMO transmission) is used. The linear gain is achieved by using the receive degrees of freedom to simultaneously suppress interference and increase the power of the desired signal, and exploiting the subsequent performance benefit to increase the density of simultaneous transmissions instead of the transmission rate. This result is proven in the transmission capacity framework, which presumes single-hop transmissions in the presence of randomly located interferers, but it is also illustrated that the result holds under several relaxations of the model, including imperfect channel knowledge, multihop transmission, and regular networks (i.e., interferers are deterministically located on grids).
We consider a new approach to power control in decentralized wireless networks, termed fractional power control (FPC). Transmission power is chosen as the current channel quality raised to an exponent -s, where s is a constant between 0 and 1. The choices s = 1 and s = 0 correspond to the familiar cases of channel inversion and constant power transmission, respectively. Choosing s in (0,1) allows all intermediate policies between these two extremes to be evaluated, and we see that usually neither extreme is ideal. We derive closed-form approximations for the outage probability relative to a target SINR in a decentralized (ad hoc or unlicensed) network as well as for the resulting transmission capacity, which is the number of users/m^2 that can achieve this SINR on average. Using these approximations, which are quite accurate over typical system parameter values, we prove that using an exponent of 1/2 minimizes the outage probability, meaning that the inverse square root of the channel strength is a sensible transmit power scaling for networks with a relatively low density of interferers. We also show numerically that this choice of s is robust to a wide range of variations in the network parameters. Intuitively, s=1/2 balances between helping disadvantaged users while making sure they do not flood the network with interference.

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