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We develop a hydrodynamic description of the resistivity and magnetoresistance of an electron liquid in a smooth disorder potential. This approach is valid when the electron-electron scattering length is sufficiently short. In a broad range of temperatures, the dissipation is dominated by heat fluxes in the electron fluid, and the resistivity is inversely proportional to the thermal conductivity, $kappa$. This is in striking contrast with the Stokes flow, in which the resistance is independent of $kappa$ and proportional to the fluid viscosity. We also identify a new hydrodynamic mechanism of spin magnetoresistance.
Superconductivity has recently been discovered in Pr$_{2}$Ba$_{4}$Cu$_{7}$O$_{15-delta}$ with a maximum $T_c$ of about 15K. Since the CuO planes in this material are believed to be insulating, it has been proposed that the superconductivity occurs in the double (or zigzag) CuO chain layer. On phenomenological grounds, we propose a theoretical interpretation of the experimental results in terms of a new phase for the zigzag chain, labelled by C$_1$S$_{3/2}$. This phase has a gap for some of the relative spin and charge modes but no total spin gap, and can have a divergent superconducting susceptibility for repulsive interactions. A microscopic model for the zigzag CuO chain is proposed, and on the basis of density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and bosonization studies of this model, we adduce evidence that supports our proposal.
We establish the existence of a chiral spin liquid (CSL) as the exact ground state of the Kitaev model on a decorated honeycomb lattice, which is obtained by replacing each site in the familiar honeycomb lattice with a triangle. The CSL state spontaneously breaks time reversal symmetry but preserves other symmetries. There are two topologically distinct CSLs separated by a quantum critical point. Interestingly, vortex excitations in the topologically nontrivial (Chern number $pm 1$) CSL obey non-Abelian statistics.
The zero temperature phase diagram of the checkerboard Hubbard model is obtained in the solvable limit in which it consists of weakly coupled square plaquettes. As a function of the on-site Coulomb repulsion U and the density of holes per site, x, we demonstrate the existence of at least 16 distinct phases. For instance, at zero doping, the ground state is a novel d-wave Mott insulator (d-Mott), which is not adiabatically continuable to a band insulator; by doping the d-Mott state with holes, depending on the magnitude of U, it gives way to a d-wave superconducting state, a two-flavor spin-1/2 Fermi liquid (FL), or a spin-3/2 FL.

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