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A simple graph G=(V,E) is 3-rigid if its generic bar-joint frameworks in R3 are infinitesimally rigid. Block and hole graphs are derived from triangulated spheres by the removal of edges and the addition of minimally rigid subgraphs, known as blocks, in some of the resulting holes. Combinatorial characterisations of minimal $3$-rigidity are obtained for these graphs in the case of a single block and finitely many holes or a single hole and finitely many blocks. These results confirm a conjecture of Whiteley from 1988 and special cases of a stronger conjecture of Finbow-Singh and Whiteley from 2013.
The weak operator topology closed operator algebra on $L^2(R)$ generated by the one-parameter semigroups for translation, dilation and multiplication by $exp(ilambda x), lambda geq 0$, is shown to be a reflexive operator algebra, in the sense of Halmos, with invariant subspace lattice equal to a binest. This triple semigroup algebra, $A_{ph}$, is antisymmetric in the sense that $A_{ph} cap A_{ph}^*= CI$, it has a nonzero proper weakly closed ideal generated by the finite-rank operators, and its unitary automorphism group is $R$. Furthermore, the 8 choices of semigroup triples provide 2 unitary equivalence classes of operator algebras, with $A_{ph}$ and $A_{ph}^*$ being chiral representatives.
A foundational theorem of Laman provides a counting characterisation of the finite simple graphs whose generic bar-joint frameworks in two dimensions are infinitesimally rigid. Recently a Laman-type characterisation was obtained for frameworks in three dimensions whose vertices are constrained to concentric spheres or to concentric cylinders. Noting that the plane and the sphere have 3 independent locally tangential infinitesimal motions while the cylinder has 2, we obtain here a Laman-Henneberg theorem for frameworks on algebraic surfaces with a 1-dimensional space of tangential motions. Such surfaces include the torus, helicoids and surfaces of revolution. The relevant class of graphs are the (2,1)-tight graphs, in contrast to (2,3)-tightness for the plane/sphere and (2,2)-tightness for the cylinder. The proof uses a new characterisation of simple (2,1)-tight graphs and an inductive construction requiring generic rigidity preservation for 5 graph moves, including the two Henneberg moves, an edge joining move and various vertex surgery moves.

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