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We generalize the definition of an exact sequence of tensor categories due to Brugui`eres and Natale, and introduce a new notion of an exact sequence of (finite) tensor categories with respect to a module category. We give three definitions of this notion and show their equivalence. In particular, the Deligne tensor product of tensor categories gives rise to an exact sequence in our sense. We also show that the dual to an exact sequence in our sense is again an exact sequence. This generalizes the corresponding statement for exact sequences of Hopf algebras. Finally, we show that the middle term of an exact sequence is semisimple if so are the other two terms.
76 - Shlomo Gelaki 2014
We continue the study of twisting of affine algebraic groups G (i.e., of Hopf 2-cocycles J for the function algebra O(G)), which was started in [EG1,EG2], and initiate the study of the associated one-sided twisted function algebras O(G)_J. We first show that J is supported on a closed subgroup H of G (defined up to conjugation), and that O(G)_J is finitely generated with center O(G/H). We then use it to study the structure of O(G)_J for connected nilpotent G. We show that in this case O(G)_J is a Noetherian domain, which is a simple algebra if and only if J is supported on G, and describe the simple algebras that arise in this way. We also use [EG2] to obtain a classification of Hopf 2-cocycles for connected nilpotent G, hence of fiber functors Rep(G)to Vect. Along the way we provide many examples, and at the end formulate several ring-theoretical questions about the structure of the algebras O(G)_J for arbitrary G.
We classify braided tensor categories over C of exponential growth which are quasisymmetric, i.e., the squared braiding is the identity on the product of any two simple objects. This generalizes the classification results of Deligne on symmetric categories of exponential growth, and of Drinfeld on quasitriangular quasi-Hopf algebras. In particular, we classify braided categories of exponential growth which are unipotent, i.e., those whose only simple object is the unit object. We also classify fiber functors on such categories. Finally, using the Etingof-Kazhdan quantization theory of Poisson algebraic groups, we give a classification of coconnected Hopf algebras, i.e. of unipotent categories of exponential growth with a fiber functor.
Let C be a fusion category faithfully graded by a finite group G and let D be the trivial component of this grading. The center Z(C) of C is shown to be canonically equivalent to a G-equivariantization of the relative center Z_D(C). We use this result to obtain a criterion for C to be group-theoretical and apply it to Tambara-Yamagami fusion categories. We also find several new series of modular categories by analyzing the centers of Tambara-Yamagami categories. Finally, we prove a general result about existence of zeroes in S-matrices of weakly integral modular categories.
We first show that every group-theoretical category is graded by a certain double coset ring. As a consequence, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a group-theoretical category to be nilpotent. We then give an explicit description of the simple objects in a group-theoretical category (following Ostrik, arXiv:math/0202130) and of the group of invertible objects of a group-theoretical category, in group-theoretical terms. Finally, under certain restrictive conditions, we describe the universal grading group of a group-theoretical category.
Let k be any field. We consider the Hopf-Schur group of k, defined as the subgroup of the Brauer group of k consisting of classes that may be represented by homomorphic images of Hopf algebras over k. We show here that twisted group algebras and abelian extensions of k are quotients of cocommutative and commutative Hopf algebras over k, respectively. As a consequence we prove that any tensor product of cyclic algebras over k is a quotient of a Hopf algebra over k, revealing so that the Hopf-Schur group can be much larger than the Schur group of k.
We characterize a natural class of modular categories of prime power Frobenius-Perron dimension as representation categories of twisted doubles of finite p-groups. We also show that a nilpotent braided fusion category C admits an analogue of the Sylow decomposition. If the simple objects of C have integral Frobenius-Perron dimensions then C is group-theoretical. As a consequence, we obtain that semisimple quasi-Hopf algebras of prime power dimension are group-theoretical. Our arguments are based on a reconstruction of twisted group doubles from Lagrangian subcategories of modular categories (this is reminiscent to the characterization of doubles of quasi-Lie bialgebras in terms of Manin pairs).
Let g be a finite dimensional complex semisimple Lie algebra, and let V be a finite dimensional represenation of g. We give a closed formula for the mth Frobenius-Schur indicator, m>1, of V in representation-theoretic terms. We deduce that the indicators take integer values, and that for a large enough m, the mth indicator of V equals the dimension of the zero weight space of V. For the classical Lie algebras sl(n), so(2n), so(2n+1) and sp(2n), this is the case for m greater or equal to 2n-1, 4n-5, 4n-3 and 2n+1, respectively.

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