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Microscopic speed limits that constrain the motion of matter, energy, and information abound in physics, from the ultimate speed limit set by light to Lieb-Robinson speed limits in quantum spin systems. In addition to these state-independent speed limits, systems can also be governed by emergent state-dependent speed limits indicating slow dynamics arising, for example, from slow low-energy quasiparticles. Here we describe a different kind of speed limit: a situation where complex information/entanglement spreads rapidly, in a fashion inconsistent with any speed limit, but where simple signals continue to obey an approximate speed limit. If we take the point of view that the motion of simple signals defines the local spacetime geometry of the universe, then the effects we describe show that spacetime locality can be compatible with a high degree of non-local interactions provided these are sufficiently chaotic. With this perspective, we sharpen a puzzle about black holes recently raised by Shor and propose a schematic resolution.
We study the effects of power-law long-range couplings on measurement-induced phases and transitions in tractable large-$N$ models, including a Brownian qubit model and a Brownian SYK model. In one dimension, the long-range coupling is irrelevant for $alpha>3/2$, with $alpha$ being the power-law exponent, thus the volume-law and area-law entanglement phases and the phase transition remain intact. For $alpha<3/2$ the long-range coupling becomes relevant, leading to a nontrivial dynamical exponent at the measurement-induced phase transition. More interestingly, for $alpha<1$ the entanglement pattern receives a sub-volume correction for both area-law and volume-law phases. The volume-law phase with such a sub-volume correction realizes a novel quantum error correcting code whose code distance scales as $L^{2-2alpha}$. We further extend the calculation to a quadratic SYK model, where two distinct fractal entangled phases emerge, leading to a complete phase diagram of the long-range free fermion model under monitoring.
We study the entanglement transition in monitored Brownian SYK chains in the large-$N$ limit. Without measurement the steady state $n$-th Renyi entropy is obtained by summing over a class of solutions, and is found to saturate to the Page value in the $nrightarrow 1$ limit. In the presence of measurements, the analytical continuation $nrightarrow 1$ is performed using the cyclic symmetric solution. The result shows that as the monitoring rate increases, a continuous von Neumann entanglement entropy transition from volume-law to area-law occurs at the point of replica symmetry unbreaking.
We investigate the effect of quantum errors on a monitored Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model featuring a measurement-induced phase transition that can be understood as a symmetry-breaking transition of an effective $Z_4$ magnet in the replica space. The errors describe the loss of information about the measurement outcomes and are applied during the non-unitary evolution or at the end of the evolution. In the former case, we find that this error can be mapped to an emergent magnetic field in the $Z_4$ magnet, and as a consequence, the symmetry is explicitly broken independent of the measurement rate. Renyi entropies computed by twisting boundary conditions now generate domain walls even in the would-be symmetric phase at a high measurement rate. The entropy is therefore volume-law irrespective of the measurement rate. In the latter case, the error-induced magnetic field only exists near the boundary of the magnet. Varying the magnetic field leads to a pinning transition of domain walls, corresponding to error threshold of the quantum code prepared by the non-unitary SYK dynamics.
Non-unitary evolution can give rise to novel steady states classified by their entanglement properties. In this work, we aim to understand its interplay with long-range hopping that decays with $r^{-alpha}$ in free-fermion systems. We first study two solvable Brownian models with long-range non-unitary dynamics: a large-$N$ SYK$_2$ chain and a single-flavor fermion chain and we show that they share the same phase diagram. When $alpha>0.5$, we observe two critical phases with subvolume entanglement scaling: (i) $alpha>1.5$, a logarithmic phase with dynamical exponent $z=1$ and logarithmic subsystem entanglement, and (ii) $0.5<alpha<1.5$, a fractal phase with $z=frac{2alpha-1}{2}$ and subsystem entanglement $S_Apropto L_A^{1-z}$, where $L_A$ is the length of the subsystem $A$. These two phases cannot be distinguished by the purification dynamics, in which the entropy always decays as $L/T$. We then confirm that the results are also valid for the static SYK$_2$ chain, indicating the phase diagram is universal for general free-fermion systems. We also discuss phase diagrams in higher dimensions and the implication in measurement-induced phase transitions.
We construct Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) chains subjected to continuous monitoring and explore possible entanglement phase transitions therein. We analytically derive the effective action in the large-$N$ limit and show that an entanglement transition is caused by the symmetry breaking in the enlarged replica space. In the noninteracting case with SYK$_2$ chains, the model features a continuous $O(2)$ symmetry between two replicas and a transition corresponding to spontaneous breaking of that symmetry upon varying the measurement rate. In the symmetry broken phase at low measurement rate, the emergent replica criticality associated with the Goldstone mode leads to a log-scaling entanglement entropy that can be attributed to the free energy of vortices. In the symmetric phase at higher measurement rate, the entanglement entropy obeys area-law scaling. In the interacting case, the continuous $O(2)$ symmetry is explicitly lowered to a discrete $C_4$ symmetry, giving rise to volume-law entanglement entropy in the symmetry-broken phase due to the enhanced linear free energy cost of domain walls compared to vortices. The interacting transition is described by $C_4$ symmetry breaking. We also verify the large-$N$ critical exponents by numerically solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation.
Recently, the steady states of non-unitary free fermion dynamics are found to exhibit novel critical phases with power-law squared correlations and a logarithmic subsystem entanglement. In this work, we theoretically understand the underlying physics by constructing solvable static/Brownian quadratic Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chains with non-Hermitian dynamics. We find the action of the replicated system generally shows (one or infinite copies of) $O(2)times O(2)$ symmetries, which is broken to $O(2)$ by the saddle-point solution. This leads to an emergent conformal field theory of the Goldstone modes. We derive their effective action and obtain the universal critical behaviors of squared correlators. Furthermore, the entanglement entropy of a subsystem $A$ with length $L_A$ corresponds to the energy of the half-vortex pair $Ssim rho_s log L_A$, where $rho_s$ is the stiffness of the Goldstone mode. We also discuss special limits where more than one Goldstone mode exists and comment on interaction effects.
As proposed to describe putative continuous phase transitions between two ordered phases, the deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP) goes beyond the prevalent Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW) paradigm since its critical theory is not expressed in terms of the order parameters characterizing either state, but involves fractionalized degrees of freedom and an emergent symmetry. So far, great efforts have been spent on its equilibrium properties, but the nonequilibrium properties therein are largely unknown. Here we study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the DQCP via the imaginary-time evolution in the two-dimensional (2D) J-Q$_3$ model. We discover fascinating nonequilibrium scaling behaviors hinging on the process of fractionization and the dynamics of emergent symmetry associated with two length scales. Our findings not only constitute a new realm of nonequilibrium criticality in DQCP, but also offer a controllable knob by which to investigate the dynamics in strongly correlated systems.
We show that a class of $mathcal{PT}$ symmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonians realizing the Yang-Lee edge singularity exhibits an entanglement transition in the long-time steady state evolved under the Hamiltonian. Such a transition is induced by a level crossing triggered by the critical point associated with the Yang-Lee singularity and hence is first-order in nature. At the transition, the entanglement entropy of the steady state jumps discontinuously from a volume-law to an area-law scaling. We exemplify this mechanism using a one-dimensional transverse field Ising model with additional imaginary fields, as well as the spin-1 Blume-Capel model and the three-state Potts model. We further make a connection to the forced-measurement induced entanglement transition in a Floquet non-unitary circuit subject to continuous measurements followed by post-selections. Our results demonstrate a new mechanism for entanglement transitions in non-Hermitian systems harboring a critical point.
145 - Shao-Kai Jian , Brian Swingle , 2020
The concepts of operator size and computational complexity play important roles in the study of quantum chaos and holographic duality because they help characterize the structure of time-evolving Heisenberg operators. It is particularly important to understand how these microscopically defined measures of complexity are related to notions of complexity defined in terms of a dual holographic geometry, such as complexity-volume (CV) duality. Here we study partially entangled thermal states in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model and their dual description in terms of operators inserted in the interior of a black hole in Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity. We compare a microscopic definition of complexity in the SYK model known as K-complexity to calculations using CV duality in JT gravity and find that both quantities show an exponential-to-linear growth behavior. We also calculate the growth of operator size under time evolution and find connections between size and complexity. While the notion of operator size saturates at the scrambling time, our study suggests that complexity, which is well defined in both quantum systems and gravity theories, can serve as a useful measure of operator evolution at both early and late times.

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