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Since z~1, the stellar mass density locked in low mass groups and clusters has grown by a factor of ~8. Here we make the first statistical measurements of the stellar mass content of low mass X-ray groups at 0.5<z<1, enabling the calibration of stellar-to-halo mass scales for wide-field optical and infrared surveys. Groups are selected from combined Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). These ultra-deep observations allow us to identify bona fide low mass groups at high redshift and enable measurements of their total halo masses. We compute aggregate stellar masses for these halos using galaxies from the Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS (CSI) spectroscopic redshift survey. Stars comprise ~3-4% of the total mass of group halos with masses 10^{12.8}<M200/Msun<10^{13.5} (about the mass of Fornax and 1/50th the mass of Virgo). Complementing our sample with higher mass halos at these redshifts, we find that the stellar-to-halo mass ratio decreases toward higher halo masses, consistent with other work in the local and high redshift universe. The observed scatter about the stellar-halo mass relation is ~0.25 dex, which is relatively small and suggests that total group stellar mass can serve as a rough proxy for halo mass. We find no evidence for any significant evolution in the stellar-halo mass relation since z<1. Quantifying the stellar content in groups since this epoch is critical given that hierarchical assembly leads to such halos growing in number density and hosting increasing shares of quiescent galaxies.
We follow the structural evolution of star forming galaxies (SFGs) like the Milky Way by selecting progenitors to z~1.3 based on the stellar mass growth inferred from the evolution of the star forming sequence. We select our sample from the 3D-HST survey, which utilizes spectroscopy from the HST WFC3 G141 near-IR grism and enables precise redshift measurements for our sample of SFGs. Structural properties are obtained from Sersic profile fits to CANDELS WFC3 imaging. The progenitors of z=0 SFGs with stellar mass M=10^{10.5} Msun are typically half as massive at z~1. This late-time stellar mass assembly is consistent with recent studies that employ abundance matching techniques. The descendant SFGs at z~0 have grown in half-light radius by a factor of ~1.4 since z~1. The half-light radius grows with stellar mass as r_e M^{0.29}. While most of the stellar mass is clearly assembling at large radii, the mass surface density profiles reveal ongoing mass growth also in the central regions where bulges and pseudobulges are common features in present day late-type galaxies. Some portion of this growth in the central regions is due to star formation as recent observations of H-alpha maps for SFGs at z~1 are found to be extended but centrally peaked. Connecting our lookback study with galactic archeology, we find the stellar mass surface density at R=8 kpc to have increased by a factor of ~2 since z~1, in good agreement with measurements derived for the solar neighborhood of the Milky Way.
We study the structural evolution of massive galaxies by linking progenitors and descendants at a constant cumulative number density of n_c=1.4x10^{-4} Mpc^{-3} to z~3. Structural parameters were measured by fitting Sersic profiles to high resolution CANDELS HST WFC3 J_{125} and H_{160} imaging in the UKIDSS-UDS at 1<z<3 and ACS I_{814} imaging in COSMOS at 0.25<z<1. At a given redshift, we selected the HST band that most closely samples a common rest-frame wavelength so as to minimize systematics from color gradients in galaxies. At fixed n_c, galaxies grow in stellar mass by a factor of ~3 from z~3 to z~0. The size evolution is complex: galaxies appear roughly constant in size from z~3 to z~2 and then grow rapidly to lower redshifts. The evolution in the surface mass density profiles indicates that most of the mass at r<2 kpc was in place by z~2, and that most of the new mass growth occurred at larger radii. This inside-out mass growth is therefore responsible for the larger sizes and higher Sersic indices of the descendants toward low redshift. At z<2, the effective radius evolves with the stellar mass as r_e M^{2.0}, consistent with scenarios that find dissipationless minor mergers to be a key driver of size evolution. The progenitors at z~3 were likely star-forming disks with r_e~2 kpc, based on their low Sersic index of n~1, low median axis ratio of b/a~0.52, and typical location in the star-forming region of the U-V versus V-J diagram. By z~1.5, many of these star-forming disks disappeared, giving rise to compact quiescent galaxies. Toward lower redshifts, these galaxies continued to assemble mass at larger radii and became the local ellipticals that dominate the high mass end of the mass function at the present epoch.
337 - Shannon G. Patel 2011
We utilize for the first time HST ACS imaging to examine the structural properties of galaxies in the rest-frame U-V versus V-J diagram (i.e., the UVJ diagram) using a sample at 0.6<z<0.9 that reaches a low stellar mass limit (log M/Msun>10.25). The use of the UVJ diagram as a tool to distinguish quiescent galaxies from star forming galaxies (SFGs) is becoming more common due to its ability to separate red quiescent galaxies from reddened SFGs. Quiescent galaxies occupy a small and distinct region of UVJ color space and we find most of them to have concentrated profiles with high Sersic indices (n>2.5) and smooth structure characteristic of early-type systems. SFGs populate a broad, but well-defined sequence of UVJ colors and are comprised of objects with a mix of Sersic indices. Interestingly, most UVJ-selected SFGs with high Sersic indices also display structure due to dust and star formation typical of the n<2.5 SFGs and late-type systems. Finally, we find that the position of a SFG on the sequence of UVJ colors is determined to a large degree by the mass of the galaxy and its inclination. Systems that are closer to edge-on generally display redder colors and lower [OII]3727 luminosity per unit mass as a consequence of the reddening due to dust within the disks. We conclude that the two main features seen in UVJ color space correspond closely to the traditional morphological classes of early and late-type galaxies.
We study the star formation rates (SFRs) of galaxies as a function of local galaxy density at 0.6<z<0.9. We used a low-dispersion prism in IMACS on the 6.5-m Baade (Magellan I) telescope to obtain spectra and measured redshifts to a precision of sigma_z/(1+z)=1% for galaxies with z<23.3 AB mag. We utilized a stellar mass-limited sample of 977 galaxies above M>1.8x10^{10} Msun to conduct our main analysis. With three different SFR indicators, (1) Spitzer MIPS 24-micron imaging, (2) SED fitting, and (3) [OII]3727 emission, we find the median specific SFR (SSFR) and SFR to decline from the low-density field to the cores of groups and a rich cluster. For the SED and [OII] based SFRs, the decline in SSFR is roughly an order of magnitude while for the MIPS based SFRs, the decline is a factor of ~4. We find approximately the same magnitude of decline in SSFR even after removing the sample of galaxies near the cluster. Galaxies in groups and a cluster at these redshifts therefore have lower star formation (SF) activity than galaxies in the field, as is the case at z~0. We investigated whether the decline in SFR with increasing density is caused by a change in the proportion of quiescent and star forming galaxies (SFGs) or by a decline in the SFRs of SFGs. Using the rest-frame U-V and V-J colors to distinguish quiescent galaxies from SFGs we find the fraction of quiescent galaxies increases from ~32% to 79% from low to high density. In addition, we find the SSFRs of SFGs, selected based on U-V and V-J colors, to decline with increasing density by factors of ~5-6 for the SED and [OII] based SFRs. The MIPS based SSFRs for SFGs decline with a shallower slope. The order of magnitude decline in the SSFR-density relation at 0.6<z<0.9 is therefore driven by both a combination of declining SFRs of SFGs as well as a changing mix of SFGs and quiescent galaxies [ABRIDGED].
114 - Shannon G. Patel 2009
We examine the star formation rates (SFRs) of galaxies in a redshift slice encompassing the z=0.834 cluster RX J0152.7-1357. We used a low-dispersion prism in the Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph (IMACS) to identify galaxies with z<23.3 AB mag in diverse environments around the cluster out to projected distances of ~8 Mpc from the cluster center. We utilize a mass-limited sample (M>2x10^{10} M_sun) of 330 galaxies that were imaged by Spitzer MIPS at 24 micron to derive SFRs and study the dependence of specific SFR (SSFR) on stellar mass and environment. We find that the SFR and SSFR show a strong decrease with increasing local density, similar to the relation at z~0. Our result contrasts with other work at z~1 that find the SFR-density trend to reverse for luminosity-limited samples. These other results appear to be driven by star-formation in lower mass systems (M~10^{10} M_sun). Our results imply that the processes that shut down star-formation are present in groups and other dense regions in the field. Our data also suggest that the lower SFRs of galaxies in higher density environments may reflect a change in the ratio of star-forming to non-star-forming galaxies, rather than a change in SFRs. As a consequence, the SFRs of star-forming galaxies, in environments ranging from small groups to clusters, appear to be similar and largely unaffected by the local processes that truncate star-formation at z~0.8.
[ABRIDGED] We present the first results from the largest spectroscopic survey to date of an intermediate redshift galaxy cluster, the z=0.834 cluster RX J0152.7-1357. We use the colors of galaxies, assembled from a D~12 Mpc region centered on the cluster, to investigate the properties of the red-sequence as a function of density and clustercentric radius. Our wide-field multi-slit survey with a low-dispersion prism in the IMACS spectrograph at Magellan allowed us to identify 475 new members of the cluster and its surrounding large scale structure with a redshift accuracy of dz/(1+z)~1% and a contamination rate of ~2% for galaxies with i<23.75 mag. We combine these new members with the 279 previously known spectroscopic members to give a total of 754 galaxies from which we obtain a mass-limited sample of 300 galaxies with stellar masses M>4x10^{10} M_sun. We find that the red galaxy fraction is 93+/-3% in the two merging cores of the cluster and declines to a level of 64+/-3% at projected clustercentric radii R>~3 Mpc. At these large projected distances, the correlation between clustercentric radius and local density is nonexistent. This allows an assessment of the influence of the local environment on galaxy evolution, as opposed to mechanisms that operate on cluster scales. Even beyond R>3 Mpc we find an increasing fraction of red galaxies with increasing local density. The red fraction at the highest local densities in two groups at R>3 Mpc matches the red fraction found in the two cores. Strikingly, galaxies at intermediate densities at R>3 Mpc, that are not group members, also show signs of an enhanced red fraction. Our results point to such intermediate density regions and the groups in the outskirts of the cluster, as sites where the local environment influences the transition of galaxies onto the red-sequence.
We report infrared observations of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 using the NICMOS instrument of the Hubble Space Telescope during 9 visits in April-June 2003. During epochs of high X-ray/radio activity near the beginning and end of this period, we find that the $1.87 $um infrared flux is generally low ($sim 2$ mJy) and relatively steady. However, during the X-ray/radio ``plateau state between these epochs, we find that the infrared flux is significantly higher ($sim 4-6$ mJy), and strongly variable. In particular, we find events with amplitudes $sim 20-30$% occurring on timescales of $sim 10-20$s (e-folding timescales of $sim 30$s). These flickering timescales are several times faster than any previously-observed infrared variability in GRS 1915+105 and the IR variations exceed corresponding X-ray variations at the same ($sim 8s$) timescale. These results suggest an entirely new type of infrared variability from this object. Based on the properties of this flickering, we conclude that it arises in the plateau-state jet outflow itself, at a distance $<2.5$ AU from the accretion disk. We discuss the implications of this work and the potential of further flickering observations for understanding jet formation around black holes.
210 - Shannon G. Patel 2007
We present radial velocities for 14 stars on the California & Carnegie Planet Search target list that reveal new companions. One star, HD 167665, was fit with a definitive Keplerian orbit leading to a minimum mass for the companion of 50.3 Mjup at a separation from its host of ~5.5 AU. Incomplete or limited phase coverage for the remaining 13 stars prevents us from assigning to them unique orbital parameters. Instead, we fit their radial velocities with Keplerian orbits across a grid of fixed values for Msini and period, P, and use the resulting reduced chi-square surface to place constraints on Msini, P, and semimajor axis, a. This technique allowed us to restrict Msini below the brown dwarf -- stellar mass boundary for an additional 4 companions (HD 150554, HD 8765, HD 72780, HD 74014). If the combined 5 companions are confirmed as brown dwarfs, these results would comprise the first major catch of such objects from our survey beyond ~3 AU.

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