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Circinus X-1 exhibited a bright X-ray flare in late 2013. Follow-up observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton from 40 to 80 days after the flare reveal a bright X-ray light echo in the form of four well-defined rings with radii from 5 to 13 arcminutes, growing in radius with time. The large fluence of the flare and the large column density of interstellar dust towards Circinus X-1 make this the largest and brightest set of rings from an X-ray light echo observed to date. By deconvolving the radial intensity profile of the echo with the MAXI X-ray lightcurve of the flare we reconstruct the dust distribution towards Circinus X-1 into four distinct dust concentrations. By comparing the peak in scattering intensity with the peak intensity in CO maps of molecular clouds from the Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey we identify the two innermost rings with clouds at radial velocity ~ -74 km/s and ~ -81 km/s, respectively. We identify a prominent band of foreground photoelectric absorption with a lane of CO gas at ~ -32 km/s. From the association of the rings with individual CO clouds we determine the kinematic distance to Circinus X-1 to be $D_{Cir X-1} = 9.4^{+0.8}_{-1.0}$ kpc. This distance rules out earlier claims of a distance around 4 kpc, implies that Circinus X-1 is a frequent super-Eddington source, and places a lower limit of $Gamma gtrsim 22$ on the Lorentz factor and an upper limit of $theta_{jet} lesssim 3^{circ}$ on the jet viewing angle.
Jets from active galactic nuclei in the centers of galaxy clusters inflate cavities of low density relativistic plasma and drive shock and sound waves into the intracluster medium. When these waves overrun previously inflated cavities, they form a differentially rotating vortex through the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability. The dissipation of energy captured in the vortex can contribute to the feedback of energy into the atmospheres of cool core clusters. Using a series of hydrodynamic simulations we investigate the efficiency of this process: we calculate the kinetic energy in the vortex by decomposing the velocity field into its irrotational and solenoidal parts. Compared to the two-dimensional case, the 3-dimensional Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is about a factor of 2 more efficient. The energy in the vortex field for weak shocks is E_vortex ~ rho_ICM v_shock^2 V_bubble (with dependence on the geometry, density contrast, and shock width). For strong shocks, the vortex becomes dynamically unstable, quickly dissipating its energy via a turbulent cascade. We derive a number of diagnostics for observations and laboratory experiments of shock-bubble interactions, like the shock-vortex standoff distance, which can be used to derive lower limits on the Mach number. The differential rotation of the vortex field leads to viscous dissipation, which is sufficiently efficient to react to cluster cooling and to dissipate the vortex energy within the cooling radius of the cluster for a reasonable range of vortex parameters. For sufficiently large filling factors (of order a few percent or larger), this process could thus contribute significantly to AGN feedback in galaxy clusters.
78 - Andrea Merloni 2008
We present a comprehensive synthesis model for the AGN evolution and the growth of supermassive black holes in the Universe. We solve the continuity equation for SMBH mass function using the locally determined one as a boundary condition, and the hard X-ray luminosity function as tracer of the AGN growth rate distribution, supplemented with a luminosity-dependent bolometric correction and an absorbing column distribution. Differently from most previous semi-analytic and numerical models, we do not assume any specific distribution of Eddington ratios, rather we determine it empirically by coupling the mass and luminosity functions. SMBH show a very broad accretion rate distribution, and we discuss the consequences of this fact for our understanding of observed AGN fractions in galaxies. We confirm previous results and demonstrate that, at least for z<1.5, SMBH mass function evolves anti-hierarchically, i.e. the most massive holes grew earlier and faster than less massive ones. For the first time, we find hints of a reversal of such a downsizing behaviour at redshifts above the peak of the black hole accretion rate density (z~2). We also derive tight constraints on the (mass weighted) average radiative efficiency of AGN: we find that 0.065<xi_0 epsilon_{rad}< 0.07$, where xi_0 is the local SMBH mass density in units of 4.3x10^5 M_sun Mpc^{-3}. We trace the cosmological evolution of the kinetic luminosity function of AGN, and find that the overall efficiency of SMBH in converting accreted rest mass energy into kinetic power, ranges between 3 and 5 times 10^{-3}. Such a ``kinetic efficiency varies however strongly with SMBH mass and redshift, being maximal for very massive holes at late times, as required for the AGN feedback by many galaxy formation models in Cosmological contexts. (Abriged)
84 - Andrea Merloni 2007
(Abridged) We have studied the relationship among nuclear radio and X-ray power, Bondi rate and the kinetic luminosity of sub-Eddington active galactic nuclear (AGN) jets. Besides the recently discovered correlation between jet kinetic and Bondi power, we show that a clear correlation exists also between Eddington-scaled kinetic power and bolometric luminosity, given by: Log(L_kin/L_Edd)=0.49*Log(L_bol/L_Edd)-0.78. The measured slope suggests that these objects are in a radiatively inefficient accretion mode, and has been used to put stringent constraints on the properties of the accretion flow. We found no statistically significant correlations between Bondi power and bolometric AGN luminosity, apart from that induced by their common dependence on L_kin. Analyzing the relation between kinetic power and radio core luminosity, we are then able to determine, statistically, both the probability distribution of the mean jets Lorentz factor, peaking at Gamma~7, and the intrinsic relation between kinetic and radio core luminosity, that we estimate as: Log(L_kin)=0.81*Log(L_R)+11.9, in good agreement with theoretical predictions of synchrotron jet models. With the aid of these findings, quantitative assessments of kinetic feedback from supermassive black holes in the radio mode will be possible based on accurate determinations of the central engine properties alone. As an example, Sgr A* may follow the correlations of radio mode AGN, based on its observed radiative output and on estimates of the accretion rate both at the Bondi radius and in the inner flow. If this is the case, the SMBH in the Galactic center is the source of ~ 5 times 10^38 ergs/s of mechanical power, equivalent to about 1.5 supernovae every 10^5 years.

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