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In particulate systems with short-range interactions, such as granular matter or simple fluids, local structure plays a pivotal role in determining the macroscopic physical properties. Here, we analyse local structure metrics derived from the Voronoi diagram of configurations of oblate ellipsoids, for various aspect ratios $alpha$ and global volume fractions $phi_g$. We focus on jammed static configurations of frictional ellipsoids, obtained by tomographic imaging and by discrete element method simulations. In particular, we consider the local packing fraction $phi_l$, defined as the particles volume divided by its Voronoi cell volume. We find that the probability $P(phi_l)$ for a Voronoi cell to have a given local packing fraction shows the same scaling behaviour as function of $phi_g$ as observed for random sphere packs. Surprisingly, this scaling behaviour is further found to be independent of the particle aspect ratio. By contrast, the typical Voronoi cell shape, quantified by the Minkowski tensor anisotropy index $beta=beta_0^{2,0}$, points towards a significant difference between random packings of spheres and those of oblate ellipsoids. While the average cell shape $beta$ of all cells with a given value of $phi_l$ is very similar in dense and loose jammed sphere packings, the structure of dense and loose ellipsoid packings differs substantially such that this does not hold true. This non-universality has implications for our understanding of jamming of aspherical particles.
We determine the phase diagram for a generalisation of two-and three-dimensional hard spheres: a classical system with three-body interactions realised as a hard cut-off on the mean-square distance for each triplet of particles. Quant
The phase diagram of two-dimensional continuous particle systems is studied using Event-Chain Monte Carlo. For soft disks with repulsive power-law interactions $propto r^{-n}$ with $n gtrsim 6$, the recently established hard-disk melting scenario ($n to infty$) holds: a first-order liquid-hexatic and a continuous hexatic-solid transition are identified. Close to $n = 6$, the coexisting liquid exhibits very long orientational correlations, and positional correlations in the hexatic are extremely short. For $nlesssim 6$, the liquid-hexatic transition is continuous, with correlations consistent with the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Yong (KTHNY) scenario. To illustrate the generality of these results, we demonstrate that Yukawa particles likewise may follow either the KTHNY or the hard-disk melting scenario, depending on the Debye-Huckel screening length as well as on the temperature.
In this article, we present an event-driven algorithm that generalizes the recent hard-sphere event-chain Monte Carlo method without introducing discretizations in time or in space. A factorization of the Metropolis filter and the concept of infinitesimal Monte Carlo moves are used to design a rejection-free Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm for particle systems with arbitrary pairwise interactions. The algorithm breaks detailed balance, but satisfies maximal global balance and performs better than the classic, local Metropolis algorithm in large systems. The new algorithm generates a continuum of samples of the stationary probability density. This allows us to compute the pressure and stress tensor as a byproduct of the simulation without any additional computations.
The hard-disk problem, the statics and the dynamics of equal two-dimensional hard spheres in a periodic box, has had a profound influence on statistical and computational physics. Markov-chain Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics were first discussed for this model. Here we reformulate hard-disk Monte Carlo algorithms in terms of another classic problem, namely the sampling from a polytope. Local Markov-chain Monte Carlo, as proposed by Metropolis et al. in 1953, appears as a sequence of random walks in high-dimensional polytopes, while the moves of the more powerful event-chain algorithm correspond to molecular dynamics evolution. We determine the convergence properties of Monte Carlo methods in a special invariant polytope associated with hard-disk configurations, and the implications for convergence of hard-disk sampling. Finally, we discuss parallelization strategies for event-chain Monte Carlo and present results for a multicore implementation.
The local structure of disordered jammed packings of monodisperse spheres without friction, generated by the Lubachevsky-Stillinger algorithm, is studied for packing fractions above and below 64%. The structural similarity of the particle environments to fcc or hcp crystalline packings (local crystallinity) is quantified by order metrics based on rank-four Minkowski tensors. We find a critical packing fraction phi_c approx 0.649, distinctly higher than previously reported values for the contested random close packing limit. At phi_c, the probability of finding local crystalline configurations first becomes finite and, for larger packing fractions, increases by several orders of magnitude. This provides quantitative evidence of an abrupt onset of local crystallinity at phi_c. We demonstrate that the identification of local crystallinity by the frequently used local bond-orientational order metric q_6 produces false positives, and thus conceals the abrupt onset of local crystallinity. Since the critical packing fraction is significantly above results from mean-field analysis of the mechanical contacts for frictionless spheres, it is suggested that dynamic arrest due to isostaticity and the alleged geometric phase transition in the Edwards framework may be disconnected phenomena.
Statistics of the free volume available to individual particles have previously been studied for simple and complex fluids, granular matter, amorphous solids, and structural glasses. Minkowski tensors provide a set of shape measures that are based on strong mathematical theorems and easily computed for polygonal and polyhedral bodies such as free volume cells (Voronoi cells). They characterize the local structure beyond the two-point correlation function and are suitable to define indices $0leq beta_ u^{a,b}leq 1$ of local anisotropy. Here, we analyze the statistics of Minkowski tensors for configurations of simple liquid models, including the ideal gas (Poisson point process), the hard disks and hard spheres ensemble, and the Lennard-Jones fluid. We show that Minkowski tensors provide a robust characterization of local anisotropy, which ranges from $beta_ u^{a,b}approx 0.3$ for vapor phases to $beta_ u^{a,b}to 1$ for ordered solids. We find that for fluids, local anisotropy decreases monotonously with increasing free volume and randomness of particle positions. Furthermore, the local anisotropy indices $beta_ u^{a,b}$ are sensitive to structural transitions in these simple fluids, as has been previously shown in granular systems for the transition from loose to jammed bead packs.

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