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The problem of finding large cliques in random graphs and its planted variant, where one wants to recover a clique of size $omega gg log{(n)}$ added to an Erdos-Renyi graph $G sim G(n,frac{1}{2})$, have been intensely studied. Nevertheless, existing polynomial time algorithms can only recover planted cliques of size $omega = Omega(sqrt{n})$. By contrast, information theoretically, one can recover planted cliques so long as $omega gg log{(n)}$. In this work, we continue the investigation of algorithms from the sum of squares hierarchy for solving the planted clique problem begun by Meka, Potechin, and Wigderson (MPW, 2015) and Deshpande and Montanari (DM,2015). Our main results improve upon both these previous works by showing: 1. Degree four SoS does not recover the planted clique unless $omega gg sqrt n poly log n$, improving upon the bound $omega gg n^{1/3}$ due to DM. A similar result was obtained independently by Raghavendra and Schramm (2015). 2. For $2 < d = o(sqrt{log{(n)}})$, degree $2d$ SoS does not recover the planted clique unless $omega gg n^{1/(d + 1)} /(2^d poly log n)$, improving upon the bound due to MPW. Our proof for the second result is based on a fine spectral analysis of the certificate used in the prior works MPW,DM and Feige and Krauthgamer (2003) by decomposing it along an appropriately chosen basis. Along the way, we develop combinatorial tools to analyze the spectrum of random matrices with dependent entries and to understand the symmetries in the eigenspaces of the set symmetric matrices inspired by work of Grigoriev (2001). An argument of Kelner shows that the first result cannot be proved using the same certificate. Rather, our proof involves constructing and analyzing a new certificate that yields the nearly tight lower bound by correcting the certificate of previous works.
We study a statistical model for the tensor principal component analysis problem introduced by Montanari and Richard: Given a order-$3$ tensor $T$ of the form $T = tau cdot v_0^{otimes 3} + A$, where $tau geq 0$ is a signal-to-noise ratio, $v_0$ is a unit vector, and $A$ is a random noise tensor, the goal is to recover the planted vector $v_0$. For the case that $A$ has iid standard Gaussian entries, we give an efficient algorithm to recover $v_0$ whenever $tau geq omega(n^{3/4} log(n)^{1/4})$, and certify that the recovered vector is close to a maximum likelihood estimator, all with high probability over the random choice of $A$. The previous best algorithms with provable guarantees required $tau geq Omega(n)$. In the regime $tau leq o(n)$, natural tensor-unfolding-based spectral relaxations for the underlying optimization problem break down (in the sense that their integrality gap is large). To go beyond this barrier, we use convex relaxations based on the sum-of-squares method. Our recovery algorithm proceeds by rounding a degree-$4$ sum-of-squares relaxations of the maximum-likelihood-estimation problem for the statistical model. To complement our algorithmic results, we show that degree-$4$ sum-of-squares relaxations break down for $tau leq O(n^{3/4}/log(n)^{1/4})$, which demonstrates that improving our current guarantees (by more than logarithmic factors) would require new techniques or might even be intractable. Finally, we show how to exploit additional problem structure in order to solve our sum-of-squares relaxations, up to some approximation, very efficiently. Our fastest algorithm runs in nearly-linear time using shifted (matrix) power iteration and has similar guarantees as above. The analysis of this algorithm also confirms a variant of a conjecture of Montanari and Richard about singular vectors of tensor unfoldings.

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