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Variations of eclipse arrival times have recently been detected in several post common envelope binaries consisting of a white dwarf and a main sequence companion star. The generally favoured explanation for these timing variations is the gravitational pull of one or more circumbinary substellar objects periodically moving the center of mass of the host binary. Using the new extreme-AO instrument SPHERE, we image the prototype eclipsing post-common envelope binary V471 Tau in search of the brown dwarf that is believed to be responsible for variations in its eclipse arrival times. We report that an unprecedented contrast of 12.1 magnitudes in the H band at a separation of 260 mas was achieved, but resulted in a non-detection. This implies that there is no brown dwarf present in the system unless it is three magnitudes fainter than predicted by evolutionary track models, and provides damaging evidence against the circumbinary interpretation of eclipse timing variations. In the case of V471 Tau, a more consistent explanation is offered with the Applegate mechanism, in which these variations are prescribed to changes in the quadrupole moment within the main-sequence star
Secondary stars in cataclysmic variables (CVs) follow a well defined period-density relation. Thus, canonical donor stars in CVs are generally low-mass stars of spectral type M. However, several CVs have been observed containing secondary stars which are too hot for their inferred masses. This particular configuration can be explained if the donor stars in these systems underwent significant nuclear evolution before they reached contact. In this paper we present SDSSJ001153.08-064739.2 as an additional example belonging to this peculiar type of CV and discuss in detail its evolutionary history. We perform spectroscopic and photometric observations and make use of available Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey photometry to measure the orbital period of SDSSJ001153.08-064739.2 as 2.4 hours and estimate the white dwarf (Mwd>0.65Msun) and donor star (0.21Msun<Mdon<0.45Msun) masses, the mass ratio (q = 0.32 +- 0.08), the orbital inclination (47 degrees < i < 70 degrees), derive an accurate orbital ephemeris (T0 = 2453383.578 + E x 0.10028081), and report the detection of an outburst. We show that SDSSJ001153.08-064739.2 is one of the most extreme cases in which the donor star is clearly too hot for its mass. SDSSJ001153.08-064739.2 is therefore not only a peculiar CV containing an evolved donor star but also an accreting CV within the period gap. Intriguingly, approximately half of the total currently-observed sample of these peculiar CVs are located in the period gap with nearly the same orbital period.
We present ULTRACAM photometry and X-Shooter spectroscopy of the eclipsing double white dwarf binary CSS 41177, the only such system that is also a double-lined spectroscopic binary. Combined modelling of the light curves and radial velocities yield masses and radii for both white dwarfs without the need to assume mass-radius relations. We find that the primary white dwarf has a mass of M1 = 0.38(2) Msun and a radius of R1 = 0.0222(4) Rsun. The secondary white dwarfs mass and radius are M2 = 0.32(1) Msun and R2 = 0.0207(4) Rsun, and its temperature and surface gravity (T2 = 11678(313) K, log(g2) = 7.32(2)) put it close to the white dwarf instability strip. However, we find no evidence for pulsations to roughly 0.5% relative amplitude. Both masses and radii are consistent with helium white dwarf models with thin hydrogen envelopes of 0.0001 Mstar. The two stars will merge in 1.14 Gyr due to angular momentum loss via gravitational wave emission.

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