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132 - P. Ivanov , S. V. Chernov 2015
(abbreviated) We study quantized solutions of WdW equation describing a closed FRW universe with a $Lambda $ term and a set of massless scalar fields. We show that when $Lambda ll 1$ in the natural units and the standard $in$-vacuum state is considered, either wavefunction of the universe, $Psi$, or its derivative with respect to the scale factor, $a$, behave as random quasi-classical fields at sufficiently large values of $a$, when $1 ll a ll e^{{2over 3Lambda}}$ or $a gg e^{{2over 3Lambda}}$, respectively. Statistical r.m.s value of the wavefunction is proportional to the Hartle-Hawking wavefunction for a closed universe with a $Lambda $ term. Alternatively, the behaviour of our system at large values of $a$ can be described in terms of a density matrix corresponding to a mixed state, which is directly determined by statistical properties of $Psi$. It gives a non-trivial probability distribution over field velocities. We suppose that a similar behaviour of $Psi$ can be found in all models exhibiting copious production of excitations with respect to $out$-vacuum state associated with classical trajectories at large values of $a$. Thus, the third quantization procedure may provide a boundary condition for classical solutions of WdW equation.
We review our recent results on a unified normal mode approach to dynamic tides proposed in Ivanov, Papaloizou $&$ Chernov (2013) and Chernov, Papaloizou $&$ Ivanov (2013). Our formalism can be used whenever the tidal interactions are mainly determined by normal modes of a star with identifiable regular spectrum of low frequency modes. We provide in the text basic expressions for tidal energy and angular momentum transfer valid both for periodic and parabolic orbits, and different assumptions about efficiency of normal mode damping due to viscosity and/or non-linear effects and discuss applications to binary stars and close orbiting extrasolar planets.
We determine the response of a uniformly rotating star to tidal perturbations due to a companion. General periodic orbits and parabolic flybys are considered. We evaluate energy and angular momentum exchange rates as a sum of contributions from normal modes allowing for dissipative processes. We consider the case when the response is dominated by the contribution of an identifiable regular spectrum of low frequency modes, such as gravity modes and evaluate it in the limit of very weak dissipation. Our formalism may be applied both to Sun-like stars with radiative cores and convective envelopes and to more massive stars with convective cores and radiative envelopes. We provide general expressions for transfer of energy and angular momentum valid for an orbit with any eccentricity. Detailed calculations are made for Sun-like stars in the slow rotation regime where centrifugal distortion is neglected in the equilibrium and the traditional approximation is made for the normal modes. We use both a WKBJ procedure and direct numerical evaluation which are found to be in good agreement for regimes of interest. Finally we use our formalism to determine the evolution time scales for an object, in an orbit of small eccentricity, around a Sun-like star in which the tidal response is assumed to occur. Systems with either no rotation or synchronous rotation are considered. Only rotationally modified gravity modes are taken into account under the assumption that wave dissipation occurs close to the stellar centre.

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