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We propose a new approach to high-intensity relativistic laser-driven electron acceleration in a plasma. Here, we demonstrate that a plasma wave generated by a stimulated forward-scattering of an incident laser pulse can be in the longest acceleration phase with injected relativistic beam electrons. This is why the plasma wave has the maximum amplification coefficient which is determined by the acceleration time and the breakdown (overturn) electric field in which the acceleration of the injected beam electrons occurs. We must note that for the longest acceleration phase the relativity of the injected beam electrons plays a crucial role in our scheme. We estimate qualitatively the acceleration parameters of relativistic electrons in the field of a plasma wave generated at the stimulated forward-scattering of a high-intensity laser pulse in a plasma.
We propose a new approach to high-intensity laser-driven electron acceleration in a plasma. Here, we demonstrate that a plasma wave generated by a stimulated forward-scattering of an incident laser pulse can be in a longest acceleration phase with an incident laser wave. This is why the plasma wave has the maximum amplification coefficient which is determined by the breakdown (overturn) electric field in which the acceleration of injected relativistic beam electrons occurs. We estimate qualitatively the acceleration parameters of relativistic electrons in the field of a plasma wave generated at the stimulated forward scattering of a high-intensity laser pulse in a plasma.
The amplification of a surface electromagnetic wave by means of ultrarelativistic monoenergetic electron bunch running over the flat plasma surface in absence of a magnetic field is studied theoretically. It is shown that when the ratio of electron bunch number density to plasma electron number density multiplied by a powered to 5 relativity factor is much higher than 1, i.e $gamma^5 n_b/n_p>> 1$, the saturation field of the surface electromagnetic wave induced by trapping of bunch electrons gains the magnitude: $E_x=B_yapprox 0.16 frac{omega_p m c}{e} (frac{2n_b}{gamma^2 n_p})^{1/7}$ and does not approache the surface electromagnetic wave front breakdown threshold in plasma. The surface electromagnetic wave saturation energy density in plasma can exceed the electron bunch energy density. Here, we discuss the possibility of generation of superpower Teraherz radiation on a basis of such scheme.
In nonisothermal plasma at temperature T_e>> T_i diffusion plays decisive role at conditions of smooth inhomogeneity when the inhomogeneity size is larger than the Debye radius by more than {T_e/T_i}^1/2 times. When the inhomogeneity is rather abrupt and the condition is violated, then during the spreading process the Maxwellian relaxation of ion charges becomes significant. Here, we consider these two phenomena together and refer to the anomalous character of diffusion, i.e. anomalous diffusion.
Here we discuss the possibility of employment of ultrarelativistic electron and proton bunches for generation of high plasma wakefields in dense plasmas due to the Cherenkov resonance plasma-bunch interaction. We estimate the maximum amplitude of such a wake and minimum system length at which the maximum amplitude can be generated at the given bunch parameters.
The $e-e$, $e-i$, $i-i$ and charge-charge static structure factors are calculated for alkali and Be$^{2+}$ plasmas using the method described by Gregori et al. in cite{bibGreg2006}. The dynamic structure factors for alkali plasmas are calculated using the method of moments cite{bibAdam83}, cite{bibAdam93}. In both methods the screened Hellmann-Gurskii-Krasko potential, obtained on the basis of Bogolyubovs method, has been used taking into account not only the quantum-mechanical effects but also the ion structure cite{bib73}. PACS: 52.27.Aj (Alkali and alkaline earth plasmas, Static and dynamic structure factors), 52.25.Kn (Thermodynamics of plasmas), 52.38.Ph (X-ray scattering)

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