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Titanium dioxide, TiO$_2$, is a refractory species that could play a crucial role in the dust-condensation sequence around oxygen-rich evolved stars. To date, gas phase TiO$_2$ has been detected only in the complex environment of the red supergiant VY CMa. We aim to constrain the distribution and excitation of TiO$_2$ around VY CMa in order to clarify its role in dust formation. We analyse spectra and channel maps for TiO$_2$ extracted from ALMA science verification data. We detect 15 transitions of TiO$_2$, and spatially resolve the emission for the first time. The maps demonstrate a highly clumpy, anisotropic outflow in which the TiO$_2$ emission likely traces gas exposed to the stellar radiation field. A roughly east-west oriented, accelerating bipolar-like structure is found, of which the blue component runs into and breaks up around a solid continuum component. A distinct tail to the south-west is seen for some transitions, consistent with features seen in the optical and near-infrared. We find that a significant fraction of TiO$_2$ remains in the gas phase outside the dust-formation zone and suggest that this species might play only a minor role in the dust-condensation process around extreme oxygen-rich evolved stars like VY CMa.
We obtained high resolution (0.25 to 0.90) observations of HCN and HCO+ J=3-2 of the ultraluminous QSO galaxy Mrk231 with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. We find luminous HCN and HCO+ 3-2 emission in the main disk and we detect compact (r<90 pc) vibrationally excited HCN 3-2, v2=1f emission centred on the nucleus. The velocity field of the vibrationally excited HCN is strongly inclined (PA=155 deg.) compared to the east-west rotation of the main disk. The nuclear molecular mass is estimated to 8e8 Msun with an average N(H2)of 1.2e24 cm-2. Prominent, spatially extended (>350 pc) line wings are found for HCN 3-2 with velocities +-750 km/s. Line ratios indicate that the emission is emerging in dense gas n=1e4 - 5e5 cm-3 of elevated HCN abundance X(HCN)=1e-8 to 1e-6. High X(HCN) also allows for the emission to originate in gas of more moderate density. We tentatively detect nuclear emission from the reactive ion HOC+ with HCO+/HOC+=10-20. The HCN v2=1f line emission is consistent with the notion of a hot, dusty, warped inner disk of Mrk231 where the v2=1f line is excited by bright mid-IR 14 micron continuum. We estimate the vibrational temperature T_vib to 200-400 K. We propose that 50% of the main HCN emission may have its excitation affected by the radiation field through IR pumping of the vibrational ground state. The HCN emission in the line wings, however, is more extended and thus likely not strongly affected by IR pumping. Our results reveal that dense clouds survive (and/or are formed) in the AGN outflow on scales of at least several hundred pc before evaporating or collapsing. The elevated HCN abundance in the outflow is consistent with warm chemistry possibly related to shocks and/or X-ray irradiated gas. An upper limit to the mass and momentum flux is 4e8 Msun and 12L_AGN/c, respectively, and we discuss possible driving mechanisms for the dense outflow.
139 - S. Muller , M. Guelin (2 2014
We report the first extragalactic detection of chloronium (H2Cl+), in the z=0.89 absorber in front of the lensed blazar PKS1830-211. The ion is detected through its 1_11-0_00 line along two independent lines of sight toward the North-East and South-West images of the blazar. The relative abundance of H2Cl+ is significantly higher (by a factor ~7) in the NE line of sight, which has a lower H2/H fraction, indicating that H2Cl+ preferably traces the diffuse gas component. From the ratio of the H2^35Cl+ and H2^37Cl+ absorptions toward the SW image, we measure a 35Cl/37Cl isotopic ratio of 3.1 (-0.2; +0.3) at z=0.89, similar to that observed in the Galaxy and the solar system.
We present the first results of an ALMA spectral survey of strong absorption lines for common interstellar species in the z=0.89 molecular absorber toward the lensed blazar PKS1830-211. The dataset brings essential information on the structure and composition of the absorbing gas in the foreground galaxy. In particular, we find absorption over large velocity intervals (gtrsim 100 km/s) toward both lensed images of the blazar. This suggests either that the galaxy inclination is intermediate and that we sample velocity gradients or streaming motions in the disk plane, that the molecular gas has a large vertical distribution or extraplanar components, or that the absorber is not a simple spiral galaxy but might be a merger system. The number of detected species is now reaching a total of 42 different species plus 14 different rare isotopologues toward the SW image, and 14 species toward the NE line-of-sight. The abundances of CH, H2O, HCO+, HCN, and NH3 relative to H2 are found to be comparable to those in the Galactic diffuse medium. Of all the lines detected so far toward PKS1830-211, the ground-state line of ortho-water has the deepest absorption. We argue that ground-state lines of water have the best potential for detecting diffuse molecular gas in absorption at high redshift.
81 - S. Muller 2012
According to the Big Bang theory and as a consequence of adiabatic expansion of the Universe, the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) increases linearly with redshift. This relation is, however, poorly explored, and detection of any deviation would directly lead to (astro-)physics beyond the standard model. We aim at measuring the temperature of the CMB with an accuracy of a few percent at z=0.89 toward the molecular absorber in the galaxy lensing the quasar PKS1830-211. We adopt a Monte-Carlo Markov Chain approach, coupled with predictions from the non-LTE radiative transfer code RADEX, to solve the excitation of a set of various molecular species directly from their spectra. We determine Tcmb=5.08 pm 0.10 K at 68% confidence level. Our measurement is consistent with the value Tcmb=5.14 K predicted by the standard cosmological model with adiabatic expansion of the Universe. This is the most precise determination of Tcmb at z>0 to date.
We use high (0.65 x 0.52,(65x52pc)) resolution SubMillimeter Array (SMA) observations to image the CO and 13CO 2-1 line emission of the extreme FIR-excess galaxy NGC 1377. We find bright, complex CO 2-1 line emission in the inner 400 pc of the galaxy. The CO 2-1 line has wings that are tracing a kinematical component which appears perpendicular to that of the line core. Together with an intriguing X-shape of the integrated intensity and dispersion maps, this suggests that the molecular emission of NGC 1377 consists of a disk-outflow system. Lower limits to the molecular mass and outflow rate are M_out(H2)>1e7 Msun and dM/dt>8 Msun/yr. The age of the proposed outflow is estimated to 1.4Myrs, the extent to 200pc and the outflow speed to 140 km/s. The total molecular mass in the SMA map is estimated to M_tot(H2)=1.5e8 Msun (on a scale of 400 pc) while in the inner r=29 pc the molecular mass is M_core(H2)=1.7e7 Msun with a corresponding H2 column density of N(H2)=3.4e23 cm-2 and an average CO 2-1 brightness temperature of 19K. Observing the molecular properties of the FIR-excess galaxy NGC 1377 allows us to probe the early stages of nuclear activity and the onset of feedback in active galaxies. The age of the outflow supports the notion that the current nuclear activity is young - a few Myrs. The outflow may be powered by radiation pressure from a compact, dust enshrouded nucleus, but other driving mechanisms are possible. The buried source may be an AGN or an extremely young (1Myr) compact starburst. Limitations on size and mass lead us to favour the AGN scenario, but further studies are required to settle the issue. In either case, the wind with its implied mass outflow rate will quench the nuclear power source within a very short time of 5-25 Myrs. It is however possible that the gas is unable to escape the galaxy and may eventually fall back onto NGC 1377 again.
We report on the observation of the confinement-induced collapse dynamics of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate (dBEC) in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We show that for a fixed interaction strength the collapse can be initiated in-trap by lowering the lattice depth below a critical value. Moreover, a stable dBEC in the lattice may become unstable during the time-of-flight dynamics upon release, due to the combined effect of the anisotropy of the dipolar interactions and inter-site coherence in the lattice.
We detect luminous emission from HCN, HCO+ and HNC 1--0 in the QSO ULIRG Mrk~231 with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer at 1.55 by 1.28 resolution. All three lines show broad line wings - which are particularly prominent for HCN. Velocities are found to be similar (750 km/s) to those found for CO 1-0. This is the first time bright HCN, HCO+ and HNC emission has been detected in a large-scale galactic outflow. We find that both the blue- and red-shifted line wings are spatially extended by at least 0.75 (700 pc) in a north-south direction. The line wings are brighter (relative to the line center intensity) in HCN than in CO 1-0 and line ratios suggest that the molecular outflow consists of dense (n>10E4 cmE-3) and clumpy gas with a high HCN abundance X(HCN)>10E-8. These properties are consistent with the molecular gas being compressed and fragmented by shocks in the outflow. Alternatively, HCN is instead pumped by mid-IR continuum, but we propose that this effect is not strong for the spatially extended outflowing gas. In addition, we find that the rotation of the main disk, in east-west direction, is also evident in the HCN, HCO+ and HNC line emission. An unexpectedly bright HC3N 10-9 line is detected inside the central 400 pc of Mrk231. This HC3N emission may emerge from a shielded, dust-enshrouded region within the inner 40-50 pc where the gas is heated to high temperatures (200 - 300 K) by the AGN.
101 - S. Muller , M. Guelin (3 2011
We present the results of a 7 mm spectral survey of molecular absorption lines originating in the disk of a z=0.89 spiral galaxy located in front of the quasar PKS 1830-211. [...] A total of 28 different species, plus 8 isotopic variants, were detected toward the south-west absorption region, located about 2 kpc from the center of the z=0.89 galaxy, which therefore has the largest number of detected molecular species of any extragalactic object so far. The results of our rotation diagram analysis show that the rotation temperatures are close to the cosmic microwave background temperature of 5.14 K that we expect to measure at z=0.89, whereas the kinetic temperature is one order of magnitude higher, indicating that the gas is subthermally excited. The molecular fractional abundances are found to be in-between those in typical Galactic diffuse and translucent clouds, and clearly deviate from those observed in the dark cloud TMC 1 or in the Galactic center giant molecular cloud Sgr B2. The isotopic ratios of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and silicon deviate significantly from the solar values, which can be linked to the young age of the z=0.89 galaxy and a release of nucleosynthesis products dominated by massive stars. [...] We also report the discovery of several new absorption components, with velocities spanning between -300 and +170 km/s. Finally, the line centroids of several species (e.g., CH3OH, NH3) are found to be significantly offset from the average velocity. If caused by a variation in the proton-to-electron mass ratio mu with redshift, these offsets yield an upper limit |Delta_mu/mu|<4e-6, which takes into account the kinematical noise produced by the velocity dispersion measured from a large number of molecular species.

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