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160 - S. Giraud , R. Combescot 2011
We consider an imbalanced mixture of two different ultracold Fermi gases, which are strongly interacting. Calling spin-down the minority component and spin-up the majority component, the limit of small relative density $x=nds /nus$ is usually considered as a gas of non interacting polarons. This allows to calculate, in the expansion of the total energy of the system in powers of $x$, the terms proportional to $x$ (corresponding to the binding energy of the polaron) and to $x^{5/3}$ (corresponding to the kinetic energy of the polaron Fermi sea). We investigate in this paper terms physically due to an interaction between polarons and which are proportional to $x^2$ and $x^{7/3}$. We find three such terms. A first one corresponds to the overlap between the clouds dressing two polarons. The two other ones are due to the modification of the single polaron binding energy caused by the non-zero density of polarons. The second term is due to the restriction of the polaron momentum by the Fermi sea formed by the other polarons. The last one results from the modification of the spin-up Fermi sea brought by the other polarons. The calculation of all these terms is made at the simplest level of a single particle-hole excitation. It is performed for all the possible interaction strengths within the stability range of the polaron. At unitarity the last two terms give a fairly weak contribution while the first one is strong and leads to a marked disagreement with Monte-Carlo results. The possible origins of this discrepancy are discussed.
100 - S. Giraud , R. Combescot 2010
Very recently Girardeau and Minguzzi [arXiv:0807.3366v2, Phys. Rev. A 79, 033610 (2009)] have studied an impurity in a one-dimensional gas of hard-core bosons. In particular they deal with the general case where the mass of the impurity is different from the mass of the bosons and the impurity-boson interaction is not necessarily infinitely repulsive. We show that one of their initial step is erroneous, contradicting both physical intuition and known exact results. Their results in the general case apply only actually when the mass of the impurity is infinite.
151 - R. Combescot , S. Giraud 2008
We consider a single down atom within a Fermi sea of up atoms. We elucidate by a full many-body analysis the quite mysterious agreement between Monte-Carlo results and approximate calculations taking only into account single particle-hole excitations. It results from a nearly perfect destructive interference of the contributions of states with more than one particle-hole pair. This is linked to the remarkable efficiency of the expansion in powers of hole wavevectors, the lowest order leading to perfect interference. Going up to two particle-hole pairs gives an essentially perfect agreement with known exact results. Hence our treatment amounts to an exact solution of this problem.

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