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The phase transition to superfluidity and the BCS-BEC crossover for an ultracold gas of fermionic atoms is discussed within a functional renormalization group approach. Non-perturbative flow equations, based on an exact renormalization group equation, describe the scale dependence of the flowing or average action. They interpolate continuously from the microphysics at atomic or molecular distance scales to the macroscopic physics at much larger length scales, as given by the interparticle distance, the correlation length, or the size of the experimental probe. We discuss the phase diagram as a function of the scattering length and the temperature and compute the gap, the correlation length and the scattering length for molecules. Close to the critical temperature, we find the expected universal behavior. Our approach allows for a description of the few-body physics (scattering and molecular binding) and the many-body physics within the same formalism.
The effect of particle-hole fluctuations for the BCS-BEC crossover is investigated by use of functional renormalization. We compute the critical temperature for the whole range in the scattering length $a$. On the BCS side for small negative $a$ we recover the Gorkov approximation, while on the BEC side of small positive $a$ the particle-hole fluctuations play no important role, and we find a system of interacting bosons. In the unitarity limit of infinite scattering length our quantitative estimate yields $T_c/T_F=0.264$. We also investigate the crossover from broad to narrow Feshbach resonances -- for the later we obtain $T_c/T_F=0.204$ for $a^{-1}=0$. A key ingredient for our treatment is the computation of the momentum dependent four-fermion vertex and its bosonization in terms of an effective bound-state exchange.
We consider fermion-dimer scattering in the presence of a large positive scattering length in the frame of functional renormalization group equations. A flow equation for the momentum dependent fermion-dimer scattering amplitude is derived from first principles in a systematic vertex expansion of the exact flow equation for the effective action. The resummation obtained from the nonperturbative flow is shown to be equivalent to the one performed by the integral equation by Skorniakov and Ter-Martirosian (STM). The flow equation approach allows to integrate out fermions and bosons simultaneously, in line with the fact that the bosons are not fundamental but build up gradually as fluctuation induced bound states of fermions. In particular, the STM result for atom-dimer scattering is obtained by choosing the relative cutoff scales of fermions and bosons such that the fermion fluctuations are integrated out already at the initial stage of the RG evolution.
126 - S. Diehl , A. Micheli (1 2008
An open quantum system, whose time evolution is governed by a master equation, can be driven into a given pure quantum state by an appropriate design of the system-reservoir coupling. This points out a route towards preparing many body states and non-equilibrium quantum phases by quantum reservoir engineering. Here we discuss in detail the example of a emph{driven dissipative Bose Einstein Condensate} of bosons and of paired fermions, where atoms in an optical lattice are coupled to a bath of Bogoliubov excitations via the atomic current representing emph{local dissipation}. In the absence of interactions the lattice gas is driven into a pure state with long range order. Weak interactions lead to a weakly mixed state, which in 3D can be understood as a depletion of the condensate, and in 1D and 2D exhibits properties reminiscent of a Luttinger liquid or a Kosterlitz-Thouless critical phase at finite temperature, with the role of the ``finite temperature played by the interactions.

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