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(Original) Recent high-resolution spectra of the Type Ia SN 2006X have revealed the presence of time-variable and blueshifted Na I D features, interpreted by Patat et al. as originating in circumstellar material within the progenitor system. The variation seen in SN 2006X induces relatively large changes in the total Na I D equivalent width ($Deltarm{EW}approx 0.5 unicode{x212B}$ in just over two weeks), that would be detectable at lower resolutions. We have used a large data set comprising 2400 low-resolution spectra of 450 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained by the CfA Supernova Program to search for variable Na I D features. Out of the 31 SNe Ia (including SN 2006X) in which we could have detected similar EW variations, only one other (SN 1999cl) shows variable Na I D features, with an even larger change over a similar ~10-day timescale ($Deltarm{EW} = 1.66 pm 0.21 unicode{x212B}$). Interestingly, both SN 1999cl and SN 2006X are the two most highly-reddened objects in our sample, raising the possibility that the variability is connected to dusty environments. (Erratum) The large variation in the Na I D equivalent width observed in SN 1999cl results in fact from a measurement error. Our new measurements show that the EW variation is significantly lower, at $0.43 pm 0.14 unicode{x212B}$. While the EW variation remains statistically significant (3.1$sigma$ different from zero), it is now below the detection threshold of 0.5 $unicode{x212B}$ derived from the Monte Carlo simulations published in the original paper. As a result, SN 1999cl should no longer be considered as an object displaying variable Na I D lines in our study. The fraction of SNe Ia in our sample displaying Na I D lines thus goes from $sim$6% (2/31) in the original study to $sim$3% (1/31) in the revised analysis, SN 2006X being the only SN Ia in our sample with variable Na I D lines.
We present 2603 spectra of 462 nearby Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) obtained during 1993-2008 through the Center for Astrophysics Supernova Program. Most of the spectra were obtained with the FAST spectrograph at the FLWO 1.5m telescope and reduced in a consistent manner, making data set well suited for studies of SN Ia spectroscopic diversity. We study the spectroscopic and photometric properties of SN Ia as a function of spectroscopic class using the classification schemes of Branch et al. and Wang et al. The width-luminosity relation appears to be steeper for SN Ia with broader lines. Based on the evolution of the characteristic Si II 6355 line, we propose improved methods for measuring velocity gradients, revealing a larger range than previously suspected, from ~0 to ~400 km/s/day considering the instantaneous velocity decline rate at maximum light. We find a weaker and less significant correlation between Si II velocity and intrinsic B-V color at maximum light than reported by Foley et al., owing to a more comprehensive treatment of uncertainties and host galaxy dust. We study the extent of nuclear burning and report new detections of C II 6580 in 23 early-time spectra. The frequency of C II detections is not higher in SN Ia with bluer colors or narrower light curves, in conflict with the recent results of Thomas et al. Based on nebular spectra of 27 SN Ia, we find no relation between the FWHM of the iron emission feature at ~4700 A and Dm15(B) after removing the two low-luminosity SN 1986G and SN 1991bg, suggesting that the peak luminosity is not strongly dependent on the kinetic energy of the explosion for most SN Ia. Finally, we confirm the correlation of velocity shifts in some nebular lines with the intrinsic B-V color of SN Ia at maximum light, although several outliers suggest a possible non-monotonic behavior for the largest blueshifts.
We compare models for Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) light curves and spectra with an extensive set of observations. The models come from a recent survey of 44 two-dimensional delayed-detonation models computed by Kasen, Roepke & Woosley (2009), each viewed from multiple directions. The data include optical light curves of 251 SNe Ia and 2231 low-dispersion spectra from the Center for Astrophysics, plus data from the literature. The analysis uses standard techniques employed by observers, including MLCS2k2, SALT2, and SNooPy for light-curve analysis, and the Supernova Identification (SNID) code of Blondin & Tonry for spectroscopic comparisons to assess how well the models match the data. We show that the models that match observed spectra best lie systematically on the observed width-luminosity relation. Conversely, we reject six models with highly asymmetric ignition conditions and a large amount (>1 M_sun) of synthesized 56Ni that yield poor matches to observed SN Ia spectra. More subtle features of the comparison include the general difficulty of the models to match the U-band flux at early times, caused by a hot ionized ejecta that affect the subsequent redistribution of flux at longer wavelengths. We examine ways in which the asymptotic kinetic energy of the explosion affects both the predicted velocity and velocity gradient in the Si II and Ca II lines. Models with an asymmetric distribution of 56Ni are found to result in a larger variation of photometric and spectroscopic properties with viewing angle, regardless of the initial ignition setup. We discuss more generally whether highly anisotropic ignition conditions are ruled out by observations, and how detailed comparisons between models and observations involving both light curves and spectra can lead to a better understanding of SN Ia explosion mechanisms.
We present the results of spectroscopic observations from the ESSENCE high-redshift supernova (SN) survey during its first four years of operation. This sample includes spectra of all SNe Ia whose light curves were presented by Miknaitis et al. (2007) and used in the cosmological analyses of Davis et al. (2007) and Wood-Vasey et al. (2007). The sample represents 273 hours of spectroscopic observations with 6.5 - 10-m-class telescopes of objects detected and selected for spectroscopy by the ESSENCE team. We present 174 spectra of 156 objects. Combining this sample with that of Matheson et al. (2005), we have a total sample of 329 spectra of 274 objects. From this, we are able to spectroscopically classify 118 Type Ia SNe. As the survey has matured, the efficiency of classifying SNe Ia has remained constant while we have observed both higher-redshift SNe Ia and SNe Ia farther from maximum brightness. Examining the subsample of SNe Ia with host-galaxy redshifts shows that redshifts derived from only the SN Ia spectra are consistent with redshifts found from host-galaxy spectra. Moreover, the phases derived from only the SN Ia spectra are consistent with those derived from light-curve fits. By comparing our spectra to local templates, we find that the rate of objects similar to the overluminous SN 1991T and the underluminous SN 1991bg in our sample are consistent with that of the local sample. We do note, however, that we detect no object spectroscopically or photometrically similar to SN 1991bg. Although systematic effects could reduce the high-redshift rate we expect based on the low-redshift surveys, it is possible that SN 1991bg-like SNe Ia are less prevalent at high redshift.
The spectral properties of type Ia supernovae in the ultraviolet (UV) are investigated using the early-time spectra of SN 2001ep and SN 2001eh obtained using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). A series of spectral models is computed with a Monte Carlo spectral synthesis code, and the dependence of the UV flux on the elemental abundances and the density gradient in the outer layers of the ejecta is tested. A large fraction of the UV flux is formed by reverse fluorescence scattering of photons from red to blue wavelengths. This process, combined with ionization shifts due to enhanced line blocking, can lead to a stronger UV flux as the iron-group abundance in the outer layers is increased, contrary to previous claims.
We present multiepoch spectra of 13 high-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) drawn from the literature, the ESSENCE and SNLS projects, and our own separate dedicated program on the ESO Very Large Telescope. We use the Supernova Identification (SNID) code of Blondin & Tonry to determine the spectral ages in the supernova rest frame. Comparison with the observed elapsed time yields an apparent aging rate consistent with the 1/(1+z) factor (where z is the redshift) expected in a homogeneous, isotropic, expanding universe. These measurements thus confirm the expansion hypothesis, while unambiguously excluding models that predict no time dilation, such as Zwickys tired light hypothesis. We also test for power-law dependencies of the aging rate on redshift. The best-fit exponent for these models is consistent with the expected 1/(1+z) factor.
155 - A. Rest , T. Matheson , S. Blondin 2008
We report the successful identification of the type of the supernova responsible for the supernova remnant SNR 0509-675 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using Gemini spectra of surrounding light echoes. The ability to classify outbursts associated with centuries-old remnants provides a new window into several aspects of supernova research and is likely to be successful in providing new constraints on additional LMC supernovae as well as their historical counterparts in the Milky Way Galaxy (MWG). The combined spectrum of echo light from SNR 0509-675 shows broad emission and absorption lines consistent with a supernova (SN) spectrum. We create a spectral library consisting of 26 SNe Ia and 6 SN Ib/c that are time-integrated, dust-scattered by LMC dust, and reddened by the LMC and MWG. We fit these SN templates to the observed light echo spectrum using $chi^2$ minimization as well as correlation techniques, and we find that overluminous 91T-like SNe Ia with $dm15<0.9$ match the observed spectrum best.

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