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We present a spectral and imaging analysis of the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO138-G001, with the aim of characterizing the circumnuclear material responsible for the soft (0.3-2.0 keV) and hard (5-10 keV) X-ray emission. We confirm that the source is absorbed by Compton-thick gas. However, if a self-consistent model of reprocessing from cold toroidal material is used (MYTorus), a possible scenario requires the absorber to be inhomogenous, its column density along the line of sight being larger than the average column density integrated over all lines- of-sight through the torus. The iron emission line may be produced by moderately ionised iron (FeXII-FeXIII), as suggested by the shifted centroid energy and the low K{beta}/K{alpha} flux ratio. The soft X-ray emission is dominated by emission features, whose main excitation mechanism appears to be photoionisation, as confirmed by line diagnostics and the use of self-consistent models (CLOUDY).
This is a White Paper in support of the mission concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT), proposed as a medium-sized ESA mission. We discuss the potential of LOFT for the study of active galactic nuclei. For a summary, we refer to the paper.
We present the first X-ray spectrum of a Hot dust-obscured galaxy (DOG), namely W1835+4355 at z ~ 2.3. Hot DOGs represent a very rare population of hyperluminous (>= 10^47 erg/s), dust-enshrouded objects at z > 2 recently discovered in the WISE All Sky Survey. The 40 ks XMM-Newton spectrum reveals a continuum as flat (Gamma ~ 0.8) as typically seen in heavily obscured AGN. This, along with the presence of strong Fe Kalpha emission, clearly suggests a reflection-dominated spectrum due to Compton-thick absorption. In this scenario, the observed luminosity of L(2-10 keV) ~ 2 x 10^44 erg/s is a fraction (<10%) of the intrinsic one, which is estimated to be >~ 5 x 10^45 erg/s by using several proxies. The Herschel data allow us to constrain the SED up to the sub-mm band, providing a reliable estimate of the quasar contribution (~ 75%) to the IR luminosity as well as the amount of star formation (~ 2100 Msun/yr). Our results thus provide additional pieces of evidence that associate Hot DOGs with an exceptionally dusty phase during which luminous quasars and massive galaxies co-evolve and a very efficient and powerful AGN-driven feedback mechanism is predicted by models.
Physical conditions of the interstellar medium in galaxies are closely linked to the ambient radiation field and the heating of dust grains. In order to characterize dust properties in galaxies over a wide range of physical conditions, we present here the radial surface brightness profiles of the entire sample of 61 galaxies from Key Insights into Nearby Galaxies: Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel (KINGFISH). The main goal of our work is the characterization of the grain emissivities, dust temperatures, and interstellar radiation fields responsible for heating the dust. After fitting the dust and stellar radial profiles with exponential functions, we fit the far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) in each annular region with single-temperature modified black bodies using both variable (MBBV) and fixed (MBBF) emissivity indices beta, as well as with physically motivated dust models. Results show that while most SED parameters decrease with radius, the emissivity index beta also decreases with radius in some galaxies, but in others is increasing, or rising in the inner regions and falling in the outer ones. Despite the fixed grain emissivity (average beta~ 2.1) of the physically-motivated models, they are well able to accommodate flat spectral slopes with beta<= 1. We find that flatter slopes (beta<= 1.5) are associated with cooler temperatures, contrary to what would be expected from the usual Tdust-beta degeneracy. This trend is related to variations in Umin since beta and Umin are very closely linked over the entire range in Umin sampled by the KINGFISH galaxies: low Umin is associated with flat beta<=1. Both these results strongly suggest that the low apparent beta values (flat slopes) in MBBV fits are caused by temperature mixing along the line-of-sight, rather than by intrinsic variations in grain properties. Abstract truncated for arXiv.
AX J1745.6-2901 is a high-inclination (eclipsing) neutron star Low Mass X-ray Binary (LMXB) located less than ~1.5 arcmin from Sgr A*. Ongoing monitoring campaigns have targeted Sgr A* frequently and these observations also cover AX J1745.6-2901. We present here an X-ray analysis of AX J1745.6-2901 using a large dataset of 38 XMM-Newton observations, including eleven which caught AX J1745.6-2901 in outburst. Fe K absorption is clearly seen when AX J1745.6-2901 is in the soft state, but disappears during the hard state. The variability of these absorption features does not appear to be due to changes in the ionizing continuum. The small Kalpha/Kbeta ratio of the equivalent widths of the Fe xxv and Fe xxvi lines suggests that the column densities and turbulent velocities of the absorbing ionised plasma are in excess of N_H ~ 10^23 cm^-2 and v_turb >~ 500 km s^-1. These findings strongly support a connection between the wind (Fe K absorber) and the accretion state of the binary. These results reveal strong similarities between AX J1745.6-2901 and the eclipsing neutron star LMXB, EXO 0748-676, as well as with high-inclination black hole binaries, where winds (traced by the same Fe K absorption features) are observed only during the accretion-disc-dominated soft states, and disappear during the hard states characterised by jet emission.
We examined variations in the 160/250 and 250/350 micron surface brightness ratios within 24 nearby (<30 Mpc) face-on spiral galaxies observed with the Herschel Space Observatory to identify the heating mechanisms for dust emitting at these wavelengths. The analysis consisted of both qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the 160/250 and 250/350 micron ratios to H alpha and 24 micron surface brightnesses, which trace the light from star forming regions, and 3.6 micron emission, which traces the light from the older stellar populations of the galaxies. We find broad variations in the heating mechanisms for the dust. In one subset of galaxies, we found evidence that emission at <=160 microns (and in rare cases potentially at <=350 microns) originates from dust heated by star forming regions. In another subset, we found that the emission at >=250 microns (and sometimes at >=160 microns) originates from dust heated by the older stellar population. In the rest of the sample, either the results are indeterminate or both of these stellar populations may contribute equally to the global dust heating. The observed variations in dust heating mechanisms does not necessarily match what has been predicted by dust emission and radiative transfer models, which could lead to overestimated dust temperatures, underestimated dust masses, false detections of variability in dust emissivity, and inaccurate star formation rate measurements.
176 - M. Baes , D. Herranz , S. Bianchi 2014
We cross-correlate the Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources (PCCS) with the fully sampled 84 deg2 Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS) fields. We search for and identify the 857 and 545 GHz PCCS sources in the HeViCS fields by studying their FIR/submm and optical counterparts. We find 84 and 48 compact Planck sources in the HeViCS fields at 857 and 545 GHz, respectively. Almost all sources correspond to individual bright Virgo Cluster galaxies. The vast majority of the Planck detected galaxies are late-type spirals, with the Sc class dominating the numbers, while early-type galaxies are virtually absent from the sample, especially at 545 GHz. We compare the HeViCS SPIRE flux densities for the detected galaxies with the four different PCCS flux density estimators and find an excellent correlation with the aperture photometry flux densities, even at the highest flux density levels. We find only seven PCCS sources in the HeViCS fields without a nearby galaxy as obvious counterpart, and conclude that all of these are dominated by Galactic cirrus features or are spurious detections. No Planck sources in the HeViCS fields seem to be associated to high-redshift proto-clusters of dusty galaxies or strongly lensed submm sources. Finally, our study is the first empirical confirmation of the simulation-based estimated completeness of the PCCS, and provides a strong support of the internal PCCS validation procedure.
We present Herschel observations of the Fornax cluster at 100, 160, 250, 350 and 500u with a spatial resolution of 7 - 36 arc sec (10 = 1 kpc at d_Fornax=17.9 Mpc). We define a sample of 11 bright galaxies, selected at 500u, directly comparable with our past work on Virgo. We find good agreement with previous observations made by IRAS and Planck. The FIR luminosity density is higher (factor of three) in Fornax compared to Virgo. The 100u (42.5-122.5u) luminosity is two orders of magnitude larger in Fornax than in the local field as measured by IRAS. Using stellar (L_{0.4-2.5}) and FIR (L_{100-500}) luminosities we estimate a mean optical depth of tau=0.4+/-0.1 - the same value as Virgo. For 10 of the 11 galaxies (NGC1399 excepted) we fit a modified blackbody curve (beta=2.0) to the SEDs to derive dust masses and temperatures of 10^{6.54-8.35} M_0 and T=14.6-24.2K respectively, comparable to Virgo. The derived stars-to-gas(atomic) and gas(atomic)-to-dust ratios vary from 1.1-67.6 and 9.8-436.5 respectively, again consistent with Virgo. Fornax is a mass overdensity in stars and dust of about 120 compared to the local field (30 for Virgo). Fornax and Virgo are both a factor of 6 lower over densities in gas(atomic) than in stars and dust indicating loss of gas, but not dust and stars, in the cluster environment. As the brightest FIR source in either Fornax and Virgo, NGC1365 is detected by Planck. The Planck data fit the PACS/SPIRE SED out to 1382u with no evidence of other sources of emission (spinning dust, free-free, synchrotron). At the opposite end of the scale NGC1399 is detected only at 500$mu$m with the emission probably arising from the nuclear radio source rather than inter-stellar dust.
We report on our analysis of XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy ESO 138-G1 (z = 0.0091). These data reveal a complex spectrum in both its soft and hard portions. The 0.5-2 keV band is characterized by a strong soft-excess component with several emission lines, as commonly observed in other narrow-line AGN. Above 3 keV, a power-law fit yields a very flat slope (Gamma ~0.35), along with the presence of a prominent line-like emission feature around ~6.4 keV. This indicates heavy obscuration along the line of sight to the nucleus. We find an excellent fit to the 3-10 keV continuum with a pure reflection model, which provides strong evidence of a Compton-thick screen, preventing direct detection of the intrinsic nuclear X-ray emission. Although a model consisting of a power law transmitted through an absorber with Nh ~2.5 x 10^{23} cm^-2 also provides a reasonable fit to the hard X-ray data, the equivalent width value of ~800 eV measured for the Fe Kalpha emission line is inconsistent with a primary continuum obscured by a Compton-thin column density. Furthermore, the ratio of 2-10 keV to de-reddened [OIII] fluxes for ESO 138-G1 agrees with the typical values reported for well-studied Compton-thick Seyfert galaxies. Finally, we also note that the upper limits to the 15-150 keV flux provided by Swift/BAT and INTEGRAL/IBIS seem to rule out the presence of a transmitted component of the nuclear continuum even in this very hard X-ray band, hence imply that the column density of the absorber could be as high as 10^{25} cm^-2. This makes ESO 138-G1 a very interesting, heavy Compton-thick AGN candidate for the next X-ray missions with spectroscopic and imaging capabilities above 10 keV.
We present the XMM-Newton RGS and EPIC pn spectra of a long (simeq 100 ks) observation of one of the soft X-ray brightest Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxies, NGC 424. As a first step, we performed a phenomenological analysis of the data to derive the properties of all the spectral components. On the basis of these results, we fitted the spectra with self-consistent photoionisation models, produced with CLOUDY. The high-energy part of the spectrum is dominated by a pure neutral Compton reflection component and a neutral iron K-alpha line, together with K-alpha emission from neutral Ni, suggesting a significant Ni/Fe overabundance. The soft X-ray RGS spectrum comes mostly from line emission from H-like and He-like C, N, O, and Ne, as well as from the Fe L-shell. The presence of narrow RRC from O VIII, O VII, and C VI, the last two with resolved widths corresponding to temperatures around 5-10 eV, is a strong indication of a gas in photoionisation equilibrium, as confirmed by the prevalence of the forbidden component in the O VII triplet. Two gas phases with different ionisation parameters are needed to reproduce the spectrum with a self-consistent photoionisation model, any contribution from a gas in collisional equilibrium being no more than 10% of the total flux in the 0.35-1.55 keV band. When this self-consistent model is applied to the 0.5-10 keV band of the EPIC pn spectrum, a third photoionised phase is needed to account for emission lines with higher ionisation potential, although K-alpha emission from S XV and Fe XXVI remains under-predicted.

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