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The infrared behavior of perturbative quantum gravity is studied using the method developed for QED by Faddeev and Kulish. The operator describing the asymptotic dynamics is derived and used to construct an IR-finite S matrix and space of asymptotic states. All-orders cancellation of IR divergences is shown explicitly at the level of matrix elements for the example case of gravitational potential scattering. As a practical application of the formalism, the soft part of a scalar scattering amplitude is related to the gravitational Wilson line and computed to all orders.
We consider the relativistic scattering of unequal-mass scalar particles through graviton exchange in the small-angle high-energy regime. We show the self-consistency of expansion around the eikonal limit and compute the scattering amplitude up to the next-to-leading power correction of the light particle energy, including gravitational effects of the same order. The first power correction is suppressed by a single power of the ratio of momentum transfer to the energy of the light particle in the rest frame of the heavy particle, independent of the heavy particle mass. We find that only gravitational corrections contribute to the exponentiated phase in impact parameter space in four dimensions. For large enough heavy-particle mass, the saddle point for the impact parameter is modified compared to the leading order by a multiple of the Schwarzschild radius determined by the mass of the heavy particle, independent of the energy of the light particle.
Investigations of high-energy graviton-graviton and gluon-gluon scattering are performed in the leading eikonal approximation for the kinematic regime of large center of mass energy and low momentum transfer. We find a double copy relation between the amplitudes of the two theories to all loop orders when, on the gauge theory side, we retain only the set of diagrams at each loop order for which the collinear divergences cancel amongst themselves. For this to happen the color structure of all diagrams in the set must be identical. Using standard field theoretic methods, it is shown that this relation is reflected in a similar double copy relationship between the classical shockwaves of the two theories as well.
We point out that a field theory that exhibits the classicalization phenomenon for perfect spherical symmetry ceases to do so when the spherical symmetry is significantly relaxed. We first investigate a small non-spherical deformation and show that the classicalization radius tends to decrease in a region where a shell made of the field is slightly flattened. Next, in order to describe a sufficiently large flattened region, we consider a high-energy collision of planar shells and show that the system never classicalizes before reaching sub-cutoff lengths. This no-go result is further strengthened by an analysis of a small non-planar deformation. Finally, we show that the shape of a scattered planar wave is UV sensitive.
Collinear and soft divergences in perturbative quantum gravity are investigated to arbitrary orders in amplitudes for wide-angle scattering, using methods developed for gauge theories. We show that collinear singularities cancel when all such divergent diagrams are summed over, by using the gravitational Ward identity that decouples the unphysical polarizations from the S-matrix. This analysis generalizes a result previously demonstrated in the eikonal approximation. We also confirm that the only virtual graviton corrections that give soft logarithmic divergences are of the ladder and crossed ladder type.
Numerical simulations of the accretion of test scalar fields with non-standard kinetic terms (of the k-essence type) onto a Schwarzschild black hole are performed. We find a full dynamical solution for the spherical accretion of a Dirac-Born-Infeld type scalar field. The simulations show that the accretion eventually settles down to a well known stationary solution. This particular analytical steady state solution maintains two separate horizons. The standard horizon is for the usual particles propagating with the limiting speed of light, while the other sonic horizon is for the k-essence perturbations propagating with the speed of sound around this accreting background. For the case where the k-essence perturbations propagate superluminally, we show that one can send signals from within a black hole during the approach to the stationary solution. We also find that a ghost condensate model settles down to a stationary solution during the accretion process.
We perform numerical simulations of the gravitational collapse of a k-essence scalar field. When the field is sufficiently strongly gravitating, a black hole forms. However, the black hole has two horizons: a light horizon (the ordinary black hole horizon) and a sound horizon that traps k-essence. In certain cases the k-essence signals can travel faster than light and the sound horizon is inside the light horizon. Under those circumstances, k-essence signals can escape from the black hole. Eventually, the two horizons merge and the k-essence signals can no longer escape.
Numerical simulations are performed of a test scalar field in a spacetime undergoing gravitational collapse. The behavior of the scalar field near the singularity is examined and implications for generic singularities are discussed. In particular, our example is the first confirmation of the BKL conjecture for an asymptotically flat spacetime.
In this paper we study a novel means of coupling neutrinos to a Lorentz violating background k-essence field. We first look into the effect that k-essence has on the neutrino dispersion relation and derive a general formula for the neutrino velocity in the presence on a k-essence background. The influence of k-essence coupling on neutrino oscillations is then considered. It is found that a non-diagonal k-essence coupling leads to an oscillation length that goes like lambda sim E^{-1} where E is the energy. This should be contrasted with the lambda sim E dependence seen in the standard mass-induced mechanism of neutrino oscillations. While such a scenario is not favored experimentally, it places constraints on the interactions of the neutrino with a cosmological k-essence scalar background by requiring it to be flavor diagonal. All non-trivial physical effects discussed here require the speed of sound to be different from the speed of light and hence are primarily a consequence of Lorentz violation.

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