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We used broad-band imaging data for 10 cool-core brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and conducted a Bayesian analysis using stellar population synthesis to determine the likely properties of the constituent stellar populations. Determination of ongoing star formation rates (SFRs), in particular, has a direct impact on our understanding of the cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM), star formation and AGN-regulated feedback. Our model consists of an old stellar population and a series of young stellar components. We calculated marginalized posterior probability distributions for various model parameters and obtained 68% plausible intervals from them. The 68% plausible interval on the SFRs is broad, owing to a wide range of models that are capable of fitting the data, which also explains the wide dispersion in the star formation rates available in the literature. The ranges of possible SFRs are robust and highlight the strength in such a Bayesian analysis. The SFRs are correlated with the X-ray mass deposition rates (the former are factors of 4 to 50 lower than the latter), implying a picture where the cooling of the ICM is a contributing factor to star formation in cool-core BCGs. We find that 9 out of 10 BCGs have been experiencing starbursts since 6 Gyr ago. While four out of 9 BCGs seem to require continuous SFRs, 5 out of 9 seem to require periodic star formation on intervals ranging from 20 Myr to 200 Myr. This time scale is similar to the cooling-time of the ICM in the central (< 5 kpc) regions.
We present Herschel observations of the core of the Perseus cluster of galaxies. The brightest cluster galaxy, NGC 1275, is surrounded by a network of filaments previously imaged extensively in H{alpha} and CO. In this work, we report detections of FIR lines with Herschel. All but one of the lines are spatially extended, with the [CII] line emission extending up to 25 kpc from the core. There is spatial and kinematical correlation among [CII], H{alpha} and CO, which gives us confidence to model the different components of the gas with a common heating model. With the help of FIR continuum Herschel measurements, together with a suite of coeval radio, submm and infrared data, we performed a SED fitting of NGC 1275 using a model that contains contributions from dust emission as well as synchrotron AGN emission. The data indicate a low dust emissivity index, beta ~ 1, a total dust mass close to 10^7 solar mass, a cold dust component with temperature 38 pm 2 K and a warm dust component with temperature of 116 pm 9 K. The FIR-derived star formation rate (SFR) is 24 pm 1 solar mass per yr, in close agreement with the FUV-derived SFR. We investigated in detail the source of the Herschel FIR and H{alpha} emissions emerging from a core region 4 kpc in radius. Based on simulations conducted using the radiative transfer code, CLOUDY, a heating model comprising old and young stellar populations is sufficient to explain these observations. We have also detected [CII] in three well-studied regions of the filaments. We find a [OI]/[CII] ratio about 1 dex smaller than predicted by the otherwise functional Ferland (2009) model. The line ratio suggests that the lines are optically thick, as is typical of galactic PDRs, and implies that there is a large reservoir of cold atomic gas. [abridged]
Brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the cores of galaxy clusters have distinctly different properties from other low redshift massive ellipticals. The majority of the BCGs in cool-core clusters show signs of active star formation. We present observations of NGC 4696, the BCG of the Centaurus galaxy cluster, at far-infrared (FIR) wavelengths with the Herschel space telescope. Using the PACS spectrometer, we detect the two strongest coolants of the interstellar medium, CII at 157.74 micron and OI at 63.18 micron, and in addition NII at 121.90 micron. The CII emission is extended over a region of 7 kpc with a similar spatial morphology and kinematics to the optical H-alpha emission. This has the profound implication that the optical hydrogen recombination line, H-alpha, the optical forbidden lines, NII 6583 Angstrom, the soft X-ray filaments and the far-infrared CII line all have the same energy source. We also detect dust emission using the PACS and SPIRE photometers at all six wavebands. We perform a detailed spectral energy distribution fitting using a two-component modified black-body function and find a cold 19 K dust component with mass 1.6x10^6 solar mass and a warm 46 K dust component with mass 4.0x10^3 solar mass. The total FIR luminosity between 8 micron and 1000 micron is 7.5x10^8 solar luminosity, which using Kennicutt relation yields a low star formation rate of 0.13 solar mass per yr. This value is consistent with values derived from other tracers, such as ultraviolet emission. Combining the spectroscopic and photometric results together with optical H-alpha, we model emitting clouds consisting of photodissociation regions (PDRs) adjacent to ionized regions. We show that in addition to old and young stellar populations, there is another source of energy, such as cosmic rays, shocks or reconnection diffusion, required to excite the H-alpha and CII filaments.
We present a detailed investigation of the X-ray luminosity (Lx)-gas temperature (Tvir) relation of the complete X-ray flux-limited sample of the 64 brightest galaxy clusters in the sky (HIFLUGCS). We study the influence of two astrophysical processes, active galactic nuclei (AGN) heating and intracluster medium (ICM) cooling, on the Lx-Tvir relation, simultaneously for the first time. We determine best-fit relations for different subsamples using the cool-core strength and the presence of central radio activity as selection criteria. We find the strong cool-core clusters (SCCs) with short cooling times (< 1Gyr)to display the steepest relation (Lx ~ Tvir^{3.33}) and the non-cool-core clusters (NCCs) with long cooling times (> 7.7Gyr) to display the shallowest (Lx ~ Tvir^{2.42}). This has the simple implication that on the high-mass scale (Tvir > 2.5keV) the steepening of the Lx-Tvir relation is mainly due to the cooling of the intracluster medium gas. We propose that ICM cooling and AGN heating are both important in shaping the Lx-Tvir relation but on different length-scales. While our study indicates that ICM cooling dominates on cluster scales (Tvir > 2.5keV), we speculate that AGN heating dominates the scaling relation in poor clusters and groups (Tvir < 2.5keV). The intrinsic scatter about the Lx-Tvir relation in X-ray luminosity for the whole sample is 45.4% and varies from a minimum of 34.8% for weak cool-core clusters to a maximum of 59.4% for clusters with no central radio source. We find that after excising the cooling region, the scatter in the Lx-Tvir relation drops from 45.4% to 39.1%, implying that the cooling region contributes ~ 27% to the overall scatter. Lastly, we find the true SCC fraction to be 25% lower than the observed one and the true normalizations of the Lx-Tvir relations to be lower by 12%, 7%, and 17% for SCC, WCC, and NCC clusters, respectively. [abridged]
We have carried out an intensive study of the AGN heating-ICM cooling network by comparing various cluster parameters of the HIFLUGCS sample to the integrated radio luminosity of the central AGN, L_R, defined as the total synchrotron power between 10 MHz and 15 GHz. We adopt the central cooling time, t_cool, as the diagnostic to ascertain cooling properties of the clusters and classify clusters with t_cool < 1 Gyr as strong cooling core (SCC) clusters, with 1 Gyr < t_cool <7.7 Gyr as weak cooling core (WCC) clusters and with t_cool > 7.7 Gyr as non-cooling core (NCC) clusters. We find 48 out of 64 clusters (75%) contain cluster center radio sources (CCRS) cospatial with or within 50 h^{-1}_{71} kpc of the X-ray peak emission. Further, we find that the probability of finding a CCRS increases from 45% to 67% to 100% for NCC, WCC and SCC clusters, respectively, suggesting an AGN-feedback machinery in SCC clusters which regulates the cooling in the central regions. We find L_R in SCC clusters depends strongly on the cluster scale such that more massive clusters harbor more powerful radio AGN. The same trend is observed between L_R and the classical mass deposition rate, MDR, albeit much stronger, in SCC and partly also in WCC clusters. We also perform correlations of the 2MASS K-band luminosity of the brightest cluster galaxy, L_BCG, with L_R and cluster parameters. We invoke the relation between L_BCG and the black hole mass, M_BH, and find a surprisingly tight correlation between M_BH and L_R for SCC clusters. We find also an excellent correlation of L_BCG with M500 and L_X for the entire sample; however, SCC clusters show a tighter trend in both the cases. We discuss the plausible reasons behind these scaling relations in the context of cooling flows and AGN feedback. [Abridged]

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