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We spectroscopically measure multiple hydrogen Balmer line profiles from laboratory plasmas to investigate the theoretical line profiles used in white dwarf atmosphere models. X-ray radiation produced at the Z Pulsed Power Facility at Sandia National Laboratories initiates plasma formation in a hydrogen-filled gas cell, replicating white dwarf photospheric conditions. Here we present time-resolved measurements of H$beta$ and fit this line using different theoretical line profiles to diagnose electron density, $n_{rm e}$, and $n=2$ level population, $n_2$. Aided by synthetic tests, we characterize the validity of our diagnostic method for this experimental platform. During a single experiment, we infer a continuous range of electron densities increasing from $n_{rm e}sim4$ to $sim30times10^{16},$cm$^{-3}$ throughout a 120-ns evolution of our plasma. Also, we observe $n_2$ to be initially elevated with respect to local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE); it then equilibrates within $sim55,$ns to become consistent with LTE. This supports our electron-temperature determination of $T_{rm e}sim1.3,$eV ($sim15,000,$K) after this time. At $n_{rm e}gtrsim10^{17},$cm$^{-3}$, we find that computer-simulation-based line-profile calculations provide better fits (lower reduced $chi^2$) than the line profiles currently used in the white dwarf astronomy community. The inferred conditions, however, are in good quantitative agreement. This work establishes an experimental foundation for the future investigation of relative shapes and strengths between different hydrogen Balmer lines.
Our preliminary results from laboratory experiments studying white dwarf (WD) photospheres show a systematic difference between experimental plasma conditions inferred from measured H$beta$ absorption line profiles versus those from H$gamma$. One hypothesis for this discrepancy is an inaccuracy in the relative theoretical line profiles of these two transitions. This is intriguing because atmospheric parameters inferred from H Balmer lines in observed WD spectra show systematic trends such that inferred surface gravities decrease with increasing principal quantum number, $n$. If conditions inferred from lower-$n$ Balmer lines are indeed more accurate, this suggests that spectroscopically determined DA WD masses may be greater than previously thought and in better agreement with the mean mass determined from gravitational redshifts.
We present a comprehensive survey of CII* absorption detections toward stars within 100 pc in order to measure the distribution of electron densities present in the local interstellar medium (LISM). Using high spectral resolution observations of nearby stars obtained by GHRS and STIS onboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we identify 13 sight lines with 23 individual CII* absorption components, which provide electron density measurements, the vast majority of which are new. We employ several strategies to determine more accurate CII column densities from the saturated CII resonance line, including, constraints of the line width from the optically thin CII* line, constraints from independent temperature measurements of the LISM gas based on line widths of other ions, and third, using measured SII column densities as a proxy for CII column densities. The sample of electron densities appears consistent with a log-normal distribution and an unweighted mean value of n_e(CII_SII) = 0.11^+0.10_-0.05 cm^-3. Seven individual sight lines probe the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), and all present a similar value for the electron density, with a weighted mean of n_e(LIC) = 0.12 +/- 0.04 cm^-3. The Hyades Cloud, a decelerated cloud at the leading edge of the platoon of LISM clouds, has a significantly higher electron density than the LIC. Observed toward G191-B2B, the high electron density may be caused by the lack of shielding from such a strong radiation source. Given some simple assumptions, the range of observed electron densities translates into a range of thermal pressures, P/k = 3300^+5500_-1900 K cm^-3. This work greatly expands the number of electron density measurements and provides important constraints on the ionization, abundance, and evolutionary models of the local interstellar medium. (abridged)

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