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We analyze 221 eclipsing binaries (EBs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud with B-type main-sequence (MS) primaries ($M_1$ $approx$ 4 - 14 M$_{odot}$) and orbital periods $P$ = 20 - 50 days that were photometrically monitored by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. We utilize our three-stage automated pipeline to (1) classify all 221 EBs, (2) fit physical models to the light curves of 130 detached well-defined EBs from which unique parameters can be determined, and (3) recover the intrinsic binary statistics by correcting for selection effects. We uncover two statistically significant trends with age. First, younger EBs tend to reside in dustier environments with larger photometric extinctions, an empirical relation that can be implemented when modeling stellar populations. Second, younger EBs generally have large eccentricities. This demonstrates that massive binaries at moderate orbital periods are born with a Maxwellian thermal orbital velocity distribution, which indicates they formed via dynamical interactions. In addition, the age-eccentricity anticorrelation provides a direct constraint for tidal evolution in highly eccentric binaries containing hot MS stars with radiative envelopes. The intrinsic fraction of B-type MS stars with stellar companions $q$ = $M_2$/$M_1$ $>$ 0.2 and orbital periods $P$ = 20 - 50 days is (7 $pm$ 2)%. We find early-type binaries at $P$ = 20 - 50 days are weighted significantly toward small mass ratios $q$ $approx$ 0.2 - 0.3, which is different than the results from previous observations of closer binaries with $P$ $<$ 20 days. This indicates that early-type binaries at slightly wider orbital separations have experienced substantially less coevolution and competitive accretion during their formation in the circumbinary disk.
Early B-type main-sequence (MS) stars (M$_1$ = 5-16 M$_{odot}$) with closely orbiting low-mass stellar companions (q = M$_2$/M$_1$ < 0.25) can evolve to produce Type Ia supernovae, low-mass X-ray binaries, and millisecond pulsars. However, the formation mechanism and intrinsic frequency of such close extreme mass-ratio binaries have been debated, especially considering none have hitherto been detected. Utilizing observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy conducted by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, we have discovered a new class of eclipsing binaries in which a luminous B-type MS star irradiates a closely orbiting low-mass pre-MS companion that has not yet fully formed. The primordial pre-MS companions have large radii and discernibly reflect much of the light they intercept from the B-type MS primaries ($Delta$I$_{rm refl}$ = 0.02-0.14 mag). For the 18 definitive MS + pre-MS eclipsing binaries in our sample with good model fits to the observed light curves, we measure short orbital periods P = 3.0-8.5 days, young ages $tau$ = 0.6-8 Myr, and small secondary masses M$_2$ = 0.8-2.4 M$_{odot}$ (q = 0.07-0.36). The majority of these nascent eclipsing binaries are still associated with stellar nurseries, e.g. the system with the deepest eclipse $Delta$I$_1$ = 2.8 mag and youngest age $tau$ = 0.6$pm$0.4 Myr is embedded in the bright H II region 30 Doradus. After correcting for selection effects, we find that (2.0$pm$0.6)% of B-type MS stars have companions with short orbital periods P = 3.0-8.5 days and extreme mass ratios q = 0.06-0.25. This is $approx$10 times greater than that observed for solar-type MS primaries. We discuss how these new eclipsing binaries provide invaluable insights, diagnostics, and challenges for the formation and evolution of stars, binaries, and H II regions.
In order to understand the rates and properties of Type Ia and Type Ib/c supernovae, X-ray binaries, gravitational wave sources, and gamma ray bursts as a function of galactic environment and cosmic age, it is imperative that we measure how the close binary properties of O and B-type stars vary with metallicity. We have studied eclipsing binaries with early-B main-sequence primaries in three galaxies with different metallicities: the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC, respectively) as well as the Milky Way (MW). The observed fractions of early-B stars which exhibit deep eclipses 0.25 < Delta(m) (mag) < 0.65 and orbital periods 2 < P (days) < 20 in the MW, LMC, and SMC span a narrow range of (0.7-1.0)%, which is a model independent result. After correcting for geometrical selection effects and incompleteness toward low-mass companions, we find for early-B stars in all three environments: (1) a close binary fraction of (22+/-5)% across orbital periods 2 < P (days) < 20 and mass ratios q = M_2/M_1 > 0.1, (2) an intrinsic orbital period distribution slightly skewed toward shorter periods relative to a distribution that is uniform in log P, (3) a mass-ratio distribution weighted toward low-mass companions, and (4) a small, nearly negligible excess fraction of twins with q > 0.9. Our fitted parameters derived for the MW eclipsing binaries match the properties inferred from nearby, early-type spectroscopic binaries, which further validates our results. There are no statistically significant trends with metallicity, demonstrating that the close binary properties of massive stars do not vary across metallicities -0.7 < log(Z/Z_sun) < 0.0 beyond the measured uncertainties.
We report on observations of a luminous supersoft X-ray source (SSS) in M31, r1-25, that has exhibited spectral changes to harder X-ray states. We document these spectral changes. In addition, we show that they have important implications for modeling the source. Quasisoft states in a source that has been observed as an SSS represent a newly- discovered phenomenon. We show how such state changers could prove to be examples of unusual black hole or neutron star accretors. Future observations of this and other state changers can provide the information needed to determine the nature(s) of these intriguing new sources.
Observations of hundreds of supersoft x-ray sources (SSSs) in external galaxies have shed light on the diversity of the class and on the natures of the sources. SSSs are linked to the physics of Type Ia supernovae and accretion-induced collapse, ultraluminous x-ray sources and black holes, the ionization of the interstellar medium, and tidal disruption by supermassive black holes. The class of SSSs has an extension to higher luminosities: ultraluminous SSSs have luminosities above 10^39 erg/s. There is also an extension to higher energies: quasisoft x-ray sources (QSSs) emit photons with energies above 1 eV, but few or none with energies above 2 keV. Finally, a significant fraction of the SSSs found in external galaxies switch states between observations, becoming either quasisoft or hard. For many systems ``supersoft refers to a temporary state; SSSs are sources, possibly including a variety of fundamentally different system types, that pass through such a state. We review those results derived from extragalactic data and related theoretical work that are most surprising and that suggest directions for future research.

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