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In this paper, we investigate in some detail the holographic ferromagnetic phase transition in an AdS${_4}$ black brane background by introducing a massive 2-form field coupled to the Maxwell field strength in the bulk. In the two probe limits, one is to neglect the back reaction of the 2-form field to the background geometry and to the Maxwell field, and the other to neglect the back reaction of both the Maxwell field and the 2-form field, we find that the spontaneous magnetization and the ferromagnetic phase transition always happen when the temperature gets low enough with similar critical behavior. We calculate the DC resistivity in a semi-analytical method in the second probe limit and find it behaves as the colossal magnetic resistance effect in some materials. In the case with the first probe limit, we obtain the off-shell free energy of the holographic model near the critical temperature and compare with the Ising-like model. We also study the back reaction effect and find that the phase transition is always second order. In addition, we find an analytical Reissner-Norstrom-like black brane solution in the Einstein-Maxwell-2-form field theory with a negative cosmological constant.
We present a class of charged black hole solutions in an ($n+2)$-dimensional massive gravity with a negative cosmological constant, and study thermodynamics and phase structure of the black hole solutions both in grand canonical ensemble and canonical ensemble. The black hole horizon can have a positive, zero or negative constant curvature characterized by constant $k$. By using Hamiltonian approach, we obtain conserved charges of the solutions and find black hole entropy still obeys the area formula and the gravitational field equation at the black hole horizon can be cast into the first law form of black hole thermodynamics. In grand canonical ensemble, we find that thermodynamics and phase structure depends on the combination $k -mu^2/4 +c_2 m^2$ in the four dimensional case, where $mu$ is the chemical potential and $c_2m^2$ is the coefficient of the second term in the potential associated with graviton mass. When it is positive, the Hawking-Page phase transition can happen, while as it is negative, the black hole is always thermodynamically stable with a positive capacity. In canonical ensemble, the combination turns out to be $k+c_2m^2$ in the four dimensional case. When it is positive, a first order phase transition can happen between small and large black holes if the charge is less than its critical one. In higher dimensional ($n+2 ge 5$) case, even when the charge is absent, the small/large black hole phase transition can also appear, the coefficients for the third ($c_3m^2$) and/or the fourth ($c_4m^2$) terms in the potential associated with graviton mass in the massive gravity can play the same role as the charge does in the four dimensional case.
167 - Rong-Gen Cai 2014
We present exact analytical black hole solutions with conformal anomaly in AdS space and discuss the thermodynamical properties of these black hole solutions. These black holes can have a positive, zero and negative constant curvature horizon, respectively. For the black hole with a positive constant curvature horizon, there exists a minimal horizon determined by the coefficient of the trace anomaly, the black hole with a smaller horizon is thermodynamically unstable, while it is stable for the case with a larger horizon. The Hawking-Page transition happens in this case. For the black hole with a Ricci flat horizon, the black hole is always thermodynamically stable and there is no Hawking-Page transition. In the case of the black hole with a negative constant curvature horizon, there exists a critical value for the coefficient of the trace anomaly, under this critical value, the black hole is always thermodynamical stable and the Hawking-Page transition does not happen. When the coefficient is beyond the critical value, the black hole with a smaller horizon is thermodynamically unstable, but it becomes stable for the case with a larger horizon, the Hawking-Page transition always happens in this case. The latter is a new feature for the black holes with a negative constant curvature horizon.
183 - Rong-Gen Cai , Li-Ming Cao , Li Li 2013
We study the $P-V$ criticality and phase transition in the extended phase space of charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes in anti-de Sitter space, where the cosmological constant appears as a dynamical pressure of the system and its conjugate quantity is the thermodynamic volume of the black hole. The black holes can have a Ricci flat ($k=0$), spherical ($k=1$), or hyperbolic ($k=-1$) horizon. We find that for the Ricci flat and hyperbolic Gauss-Bonnet black holes, no $P-V$ criticality and phase transition appear, while for the black holes with a spherical horizon, even when the charge of the black hole is absent, the $P-V$ criticality and the small black hole/large black hole phase transition will appear, but it happens only in $d=5$ dimensions; when the charge does not vanish, the $P-V$ criticality and the small black hole/large phase transition always appear in $d=5$ dimensions; in the case of $dge 6$, to have the $P-V$ criticality and the small black hole/large black hole phase transition, there exists an upper bound for the parameter $b=widetilde{alpha}|Q|^{-2/(d-3)}$, where $tilde {alpha}$ is the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient and $Q$ is the charge of the black hole. We calculate the critical exponents at the critical point and find that for all cases, they are the same as those in the van der Waals liquid-gas system.
193 - Rong-Gen Cai , Li-Ming Cao 2013
By use of the gauge-invariant variables proposed by Kodama and Ishibashi, we obtain the most general perturbation equations in the $(m+n)$-dimensional spacetime with a warped product metric. These equations do not depend on the spectral expansions of the Laplace-type operators on the $n$-dimensional Einstein manifold. These equations enable us to have a complete gauge-invariant perturbation theory and a well-defined spectral expansion for all modes and the gauge invariance is kept for each mode. By studying perturbations of some projections of Weyl tensor in the case of $m=2$, we define three Teukolsky-like gauge-invariant variables and obtain the perturbation equations of these variables by considering perturbations of the Penrose wave equations in the $(2+n)$-dimensional Einstein spectime. In particular, we find the relations between the Teukolsky-like gauge-invariant variables and the Kodama-Ishibashi gauge-invariant variables. These relations imply that the Kodama-Ishibashi gauge-invariant variables all come from the perturbations of Weyl tensor of the spacetime.
307 - Rong-Gen Cai , Li Li , Li-Fang Li 2013
We continue our study of entanglement entropy in the holographic superconducting phase transitions. In this paper we consider the holographic p-wave superconductor/insulator model, where as the back reaction increases, the transition is changed from second order to first order. We find that unlike the s-wave case, there is no additional first order transition in the superconducting phase. We calculate the entanglement entropy for two strip geometries. One is parallel to the super current, and the other is orthogonal to the super current. In both cases, we find that the entanglement entropy monotonically increases with respect to the chemical potential.
191 - Rong-Gen Cai 2012
In a recent paper [arXiv:1206.4916] by T. Padmanabhan, it was argued that our universe provides an ideal setup to stress the issue that cosmic space is emergent as cosmic time progresses and that the expansion of the universe is due to the difference between the number of degrees of freedom on a holographic surface and the one in the emerged bulk. In this note following this proposal we obtain the Friedmann equation of a higher dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. By properly modifying the volume increase and the number of degrees of freedom on the holographic surface from the entropy formulas of black hole in the Gauss-Bonnet gravity and more general Lovelock gravity, we also get corresponding dynamical equations of the universe in those gravity theories.
113 - Qiping Su , Rong-Gen Cai 2012
Constrains of dark energy (DE) at high redshift from current and mock future observational data are obtained. It is found that present data give poor constraints of DE even beyond redshift z=0.4, and mock future 2298 type Ia supernove data only give a little improvement of the constraints. We analyze in detail why constraints of DE decrease rapidly with the increasing of redshift. Then we try to improve the constraints of DE at high redshift. It is shown that the most efficient way is to improve the error of observations.
100 - Qiping Su , Xi He , Rong-Gen Cai 2012
The model-independent piecewise parametrizations (0-spline, linear-spline and cubic-spline) are used to estimate constraints of equation of state of dark energy ($w_{de}$) from current observational data (including SNIa, BAO and Hubble parameter) and the simulated future data. A combination of fitting results of $w_{de}$ from these three spline methods reveal essential properties of real equation of state $w_{de}$. It is shown that $w_{de}$ beyond redshift $zsim0.5$ is poorly constrained from current data, and the mock future $sim2300$ supernovae data give poor constraints of $w_{de}$ beyond $zsim1$. The fitting results also indicate that there might exist a rapid transition of $w_{de}$ around $zsim0.5$. The difference between three spline methods in reconstructing and constraining $w_{de}$ has also been discussed.
To constrain cosmological parameters, one often makes a joint analysis with different combinations of observational data sets. In this paper we take the figure of merit (FoM) for Dark Energy Task Force fiducial model (CPL model) to estimate goodness of different combinations of data sets, which include 11 widely-used observational data sets (Type Ia Supernovae, Observational Hubble Parameter, Baryon Acoustic Oscillation, Cosmic Microwave Background, X-ray Cluster Baryon Mass Fraction, and Gamma-Ray Bursts). We analyze different combinations and make a comparison for two types of combination based on two types of basic combinations, which are often adopted in the literatures. We find two sets of combinations, which have strong ability to constrain the dark energy parameters, one has the largest FoM, the other contains less observational data with a relative large FoM and a simple fitting procedure.

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