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We examine the stellar velocity dispersions (sigma) of a sample of 48 galaxies, 35 of which are spirals, from the Palomar nearby galaxy survey. It is known that for ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) and merger remnants thesigma derived from the near-infrared CO band-heads is smaller than that measured from optical lines, while no discrepancy between these measurements is found for early-type galaxies. No such studies are available for spiral galaxies - the subject of this paper. We used cross-dispersed spectroscopic data obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS), with spectral coverage from 0.85 to 2.5um, to obtain sigma measurements from the 2.29 $mu$m CO band-heads (sigma_{CO}), and the 0.85 um calcium triplet (sigma_{CaT}). For the spiral galaxies in the sample, we found that sigma_{CO} is smaller than sigma_{CaT}, with a mean fractional difference of 14.3%. The best fit to the data is given by sigma_{opt} = (46.0+/-18.1) + (0.85+/-0.12)sigma_{CO}. This sigma discrepancy may be related to the presence of warm dust, as suggested by a slight correlation between the discrepancy and the infrared luminosity. This is consistent with studies that have found no sigma-discrepancy in dust-poor early-type galaxies, and a much larger discrepancy in dusty merger remnants and ULIRGs. That sigma_{CO}$ is lower than sigma_{opt} may also indicate the presence of a dynamically cold stellar population component. This would agree with the spatial correspondence between low sigma_{CO} and young/intermediate-age stellar populations that has been observed in spatially-resolved spectroscopy of a handful of galaxies.
We use near-infrared spectroscopic data from the inner few hundred parsecs of a sample of 47 active galaxies to investigate possible correlations between the stellar velocity dispersion (sigma_star), obtained from the fit of the K-band CO stellar absorption bands, and the gas velocity dispersion (sigma) obtained from the fit of the emission-line profiles of [SIII]0.953um, [Fe II]1.257um, [FeII]1.644um and H_2 2.122um. While no correlations with sigma_star were found for H_2 and [SIII], a good correlation was found for the two [Fe II] emission lines, expressed by the linear fit sigma_star = 95.4pm16.1 + (0.25pm0.08)sigma_[Fe II]. Excluding barred objects from the sample a better correlation is found between sigma_star and sigma_[FeII], with a correlation coefficient of R=0.80 and fitted by the following relation: sigma_star = 57.9pm23.5 + (0.42pm0.10)sigma_[FeII]. This correlation can be used to estimate $sigma_star$ in cases it cannot be directly measured and the [FeII] emission lines are present in the spectra, allowing to obtain the mass of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) from the M-sigma_star relation. The scatter from a one-to-one relationship between sigma_star and its value derived from sigma_[FeII] using the equation above for our sample is 0.07dex, which is smaller than that obtained in previous studies which use sigma_[OIII] in the optical as a proxy for sigma_star. The use of sigma_[Fe,II] in the near-IR instead of sigma_[OIII] in the optical is a valuable option for cases in which optical spectra are not available or are obscured, as is the case of many AGN.
We present a spectroscopic library of late spectral type stellar templates in the near-IR range 2.15-2.42microns, at R=5300-5900 resolution, oriented to support stellar kinematics studies in external galaxies, such as the direct determination of the masses of supermassive black-holes in nearby active (or non-active) galaxies. The combination of high spectral resolution and state-of-the-art instrumentation available in 8-m class telescopes has made the analysis of circumnuclear stellar kinematics using the near-IR CO band heads one of the most used techniques for such studies, and this library aims to provide the supporting datasets required by the higher spectral resolution and larger spectral coverage currently achieved with modern near-IR spectrographs. Examples of the application for kinematical analysis are given for data obtained with two Gemini instruments, but the templates can be easily adjusted for use with other near-IR spectrographs at similar or lower resolution. The example datasets are also used to revisit the template mismatch effect and the dependence of the velocity dispersion values obtained from the fitting process with the characteristics of the stellar templates. The library is available in electronic form from the Gemini web pages (link above).
We have used the Gemini Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) to map the emission-line intensity distributions and ratios in the Narrow-Line Region (NLR) of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 in the Z, J, H and K bands at a resolving power ~ 5000, covering the inner 200 pc x 300 pc of the galaxy at a spatial resolution of 8 pc. We present intensity distributions I(r) in 14 emission lines. (1) For the ionized gas, I(r) is extended to ~ 100 pc from the nucleus along pos. angle PA=60/240 deg-- NE--SW), consistent with an origin in the known biconical outflow; while for the recombination lines I(r) ~ r^-1, for the forbidden lines I(r) is flat (r^0). (2) The H_2 emission lines intensity distributions avoid the region of the bicone, extending to r ~ 60 pc, perpendicular to the bicone axis, supporting an origin for the H_2-emitting gas in the galaxy plane. (3) The coronal lines show a steep intensity profile, described by r^-2. Using the line-ratio maps [Fe II]1.644/1.257 and Pa_b/Br_g we obtain a reddening of E(B-V)~0.5 along the NLR and E(B-V)>1 at the nucleus. Our line-ratio map [Fe II] 1.257/[P II] 1.189 is the first such map of an extragalactic source. Together with the [Fe II]/Pa_b map, these line ratios correlate with the radio intensity distribution, mapping the effects of shocks produced by the radio jet, which probably release the Fe locked in grains and produce the enhancement of the [Fe II] emission observed at ~ 1 arcsec from the nucleus. At these regions, we obtain densities N_e ~4000 cm^-3 and temperatures T_e ~ 15000K for the [Fe II]-emitting gas. For the H_2-emitting gas we obtain T ~ 2100K. The distinct intensity distributions, physical properties and locations of the ionized and molecular gas suggest that the H_2-emitting gas traces the AGN feeding, while the ionized gas traces its feedback.

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