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Stellar kinematics in the external regions of globular clusters can be used to probe the validity of Newtons law in the low acceleration regimes without the complication of non-baryonic dark matter. Indeed, in contrast with what happens when studying galaxies, in globular clusters a systematic deviation of the velocity dispersion profile from the expected Keplerian falloff would provide indication of a breakdown of Newtonian dynamics rather than the existence of dark matter. We perform a detailed analysis of the velocity dispersion in the globular cluster omega Centauri in order to investigate whether it does decrease monotonically with distance as recently claimed by Sollima et al. (2009), or whether it converges toward a constant value as claimed by Scarpa Marconi and Gilmozzi (2003B). We combine measurements from these two works to almost double the data available at large radii, in this way obtaining an improved determination of the velocity dispersion profile in the low acceleration regime. We found the inner region of omega Centauri is clearly rotating, while the rotational velocity tend to vanish, and is consistent with no rotation at all, in the external regions. The cluster velocity dispersion at large radii from the center is found to be sensibly constant. The main conclusion of this work is that strong similarities are emerging between globular clusters and elliptical galaxies, for in both classes of objects the velocity dispersion tends to remain constant at large radii. In the case of galaxies, this is ascribed to the presence of a massive halo of dark matter, something physically unlikely in the case of globular clusters. Such similarity, if confirmed, is best explained by a breakdown of Newtonian dynamics below a critical acceleration.
The globular cluster $omega$ Centauri (NGC 5139) is a puzzling stellar system harboring several distinct stellar populations whose origin still represents a unique astrophysical challenge. Current scenarios range from primordial chemical inhomogeneities in the mother cloud to merging of different sub-units and/or subsequent generations of enriched stars - with a variety of different pollution sources- within the same potential well. In this paper we study the chemical abundance pattern in the outskirts of Omega Centauri, half-way to the tidal radius (covering the range of 20-30 arcmin from the cluster center), and compare it with chemical trends in the inner cluster regions, in an attempt to explore whether the same population mix and chemical compositions trends routinely found in the more central regions is also present in the cluster periphery.We extract abundances of many elements from FLAMES/UVES spectra of 48 RGB stars using the equivalent width method and then analyze the metallicity distribution function and abundance ratios of the observed stars. We find, within the uncertainties of small number statistics and slightly different evolutionary phases, that the population mix in the outer regions cannot be distinguished from the more central regions, although it is clear that more data are necessary to obtain a firmer description of the situation. From the abundance analysis, we did not find obvious radial gradients in any of the measured elements.
We report on the results from an ongoing program aimed at testing Newtons law of gravity in the low acceleration regime using globular clusters. It is shown that all clusters studied so far do behave like galaxies, that is, their velocity dispersion profile flattens out at large radii where the acceleration of gravity goes below 1e-8 cm/s/s, instead of following the expected Keplerian fall off. In galaxies this behavior is ascribed to the existence of a dark matter halo. Globular clusters, however, do not contain dark matter, hence this result might indicate that our present understanding of gravity in the weak regime of accelerations is incomplete and somehow incorrect.
The optical properties of a number of supercompact ultraviolet luminous galaxies (UVLG), recently discovered in the local Universe matching GALEX and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data, are discussed. Detailed re-analysis of the SDSS data for these and other similar but nearer galaxies shows that their surface brightness radial profile in both R and u bands is in most cases well described by an extended disk plus a central unresolved component (possibly a bulge). Since the SDSS pipeline used a single disk component to derive the half light radius of these UVLGs their size was severely underestimated. Consequently, the average UV surface brightness is much lower that previously quoted casting doubts on the claim that UVLGs are the local analogs of high redshift Lyman break galaxies.

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