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We present spatially resolved photometric and spectroscopic observations of two wide brown dwarf binaries uncovered by the SIMP near-infrared proper motion survey. The first pair (SIMP J1619275+031350AB) has a separation of 0.691 (15.2 AU) and components T2.5+T4.0, at the cooler end of the ill-understood J-band brightening. The system is unusual in that the earlier-type primary is bluer in J-Ks than the later-type secondary, whereas the reverse is expected for binaries in the late-L to T dwarf range. This remarkable color reversal can possibly be explained by very different cloud properties between the two components. The second pair (SIMP J1501530-013506AB) consists of an L4.5+L5.5 (separation 0.96, 30-47 AU) with a surprisingly large flux ratio (Delta J =1.79 mag) considering the similar spectral types of its components. The large flux ratio could be explained if the primary is itself an equal-luminosity binary, which would make it one of the first known triple brown dwarf systems. Adaptive optics observations could not confirm this hypothesis, but it remains a likely one, which may be verified by high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy. These two systems add to the handful of known brown dwarf binaries amenable to resolved spectroscopy without the aid of adaptive optics and constitute prime targets to test brown dwarf atmosphere models.
We present new JHK spectroscopy (R ~ 5000) of GQ Lup b, acquired with the near-infrared integral field spectrograph NIFS and the adaptive optics system ALTAIR at the Gemini North telescope. Angular differential imaging was used in the J and H bands to suppress the speckle noise from GQ Lup A; we show that this approach can provide improvements in signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) by a factor of 2 - 6 for companions located at subarcsecond separations. Based on high quality observations and GAIA synthetic spectra, we estimate the companion effective temperature to Teff = 2400 +/- 100 K, its gravity to log g = 4.0 +/- 0.5, and its luminosity to log(L/L_s) = -2.47 +/- 0.28. Comparisons with the predictions of the DUSTY evolutionary tracks allow us to constrain the mass of GQ Lup b to 8 - 60 MJup, most likely in the brown dwarf regime. Compared with the spectra published by Seifahrt and collaborators, our spectra of GQ Lup b are significantly redder (by 15 - 50%) and do not show important Pabeta emission. Our spectra are in excellent agreement with the lower S/N spectra previously published by McElwain and collaborators.
103 - James R. Graham 2007
The Gemini Planet (GPI) imager is an extreme adaptive optics system being designed and built for the Gemini Observatory. GPI combines precise and accurate wavefront control, diffraction suppression, and a speckle-suppressing science camera with integral field and polarimetry capabilities. GPIs primary science goal is the direct detection and characterization of young, Jovian-mass exoplanets. For systems younger than 2 Gyr exoplanets more massive than 6 MJ and semimajor axes beyond 10 AU are detected with completeness greater than 50%. GPI will also discover faint debris disks, explore icy moons and minor planets in the solar system, reveal high dynamic range main-sequence binaries, and study mass loss from evolved stars. This white paper explains the role of GPI in exoplanet discovery and characterization and summarizes our recommendations to the NSF-NASA-DOE Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee ExoPlanet Task Force.

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