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Old Globular Clusters (GCs) in the Milky Way have ages of about 13 Gyr, placing their formation time in the reionization epoch. We propose a novel scenario for the formation of these systems based on the merger of two or more atomic cooling halos at high-redshift (z>6). First generation stars are formed as an intense burst in the center of a minihalo that grows above the threshold for hydrogen cooling (halo mass M_h~10^8 Msun) by undergoing a major merger within its cooling timescale (~150 Myr). Subsequent minor mergers and sustained gas infall bring new supply of pristine gas at the halo center, creating conditions that can trigger new episodes of star formation. The dark-matter halo around the GC is then stripped during assembly of the host galaxy halo. Minihalo merging is efficient only in a short redshift window, set by the LCDM parameters, allowing us to make a strong prediction on the age distribution for old GCs. From cosmological simulations we derive an average merging redshift <z>=9 and narrow distribution Dz=2, implying average GC age <t_age>=13.0+/-0.2 Gyr including ~0.2 Gyr of star formation delay. Qualitatively, our scenario reproduces other general old GC properties (characteristic masses and number of objects, metallicity versus galactocentric radius anticorrelation, radial distribution), but unlike age, these generally depend on details of baryonic physics. In addition to improved age measurements, direct validation of the model at z~10 may be within reach of ultradeep gravitationally lensed observations with the James Webb Space Telescope.
We present first results from the Southern Cosmology Survey, a new multiwavelength survey of the southern sky coordinated with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), a recently commissioned ground-based mm-band Cosmic Microwave Background experiment. This article presents a full analysis of archival optical multi-band imaging data covering an 8 square degree region near right ascension 23 hours and declination -55 degrees, obtained by the Blanco 4-m telescope and Mosaic-II camera in late 2005. We describe the pipeline we have developed to process this large data volume, obtain accurate photometric redshifts, and detect optical clusters. Our cluster finding process uses the combination of a matched spatial filter, photometric redshift probability distributions and richness estimation. We present photometric redshifts, richness estimates, luminosities, and masses for 8 new optically-selected clusters with mass greater than $3times10^{14}M_{sun}$ at redshifts out to 0.7. We also present estimates for the expected Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) signal from these clusters as specific predictions for upcoming observations by ACT, the South Pole Telescope and Atacama Pathfinder Experiment.

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