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The 6 billion solar mass supermassive black hole at the center of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 powers a relativistic jet. Observations at millimeter wavelengths with the Event Horizon Telescope have localized the emission from the base of this jet to angular scales comparable to the putative black hole horizon. The jet might be powered directly by an accretion disk or by electromagnetic extraction of the rotational energy of the black hole. However, even the latter mechanism requires a confining thick accretion disk to maintain the required magnetic flux near the black hole. Therefore, regardless of the jet mechanism, the observed jet power in M87 implies a certain minimum mass accretion rate. If the central compact object in M87 were not a black hole but had a surface, this accretion would result in considerable thermal near-infrared and optical emission from the surface. Current flux limits on the nucleus of M87 strongly constrain any such surface emission. This rules out the presence of a surface and thereby provides indirect evidence for an event horizon.
Observations of the black hole in the center of the Milky Way with the Event Horizon Telescope at 1.3 mm have revealed a size of the emitting region that is smaller than the size of the black-hole shadow. This can be reconciled with the spectral properties of the source, if the accretion flow is seen at a relatively high inclination (50-60 degrees). Such an inclination makes the angular momentum of the flow, and perhaps of the black hole, nearly aligned with the angular momenta of the orbits of stars that lie within 3 arcsec from the black hole. We discuss the implications of such an alignment for the properties of the black hole and of its accretion flow. We argue that future Event-Horizon-Telescope observations will not only refine the inclination of Sgr A* but also measure precisely its orientation on the plane of the sky.
It has for long been an article of faith among astrophysicists that black hole spin energy is responsible for powering the relativistic jets seen in accreting black holes. Two recent advances have strengthened the case. First, numerical general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accreting spinning black holes show that relativistic jets form spontaneously. In at least some cases, there is unambiguous evidence that much of the jet energy comes from the black hole, not the disk. Second, spin parameters of a number of accreting stellar-mass black holes have been measured. For ballistic jets from these systems, it is found that the radio luminosity of the jet correlates with the spin of the black hole. This suggests a causal relationship between black hole spin and jet power, presumably due to a generalized Penrose process.
We consider a model in which the ultra-relativistic jet in a gamma-ray burst (GRB) is cold and magnetically accelerated. We assume that the energy flux in the outflowing material is partially thermalized via internal shocks or a reverse shock, and we estimate the maximum amount of radiation that could be produced in such magnetized shocks. We compare this estimate with the available observational data on prompt gamma-ray emission in GRBs. We find that, even with highly optimistic assumptions, the magnetized jet model is radiatively too inefficient to be consistent with observations. One way out is to assume that much of the magnetic energy in the post-shock, or even pre-shock, jet material is converted to particle thermal energy by some unspecified process, and then radiated. This can increase the radiative efficiency sufficiently to fit observations. Alternatively, jet acceleration may be driven by thermal pressure rather than magnetic fields. In this case, which corresponds to the traditional fireball model, sufficient prompt GRB emission could be produced either from shocks at a large radius or from the jet photosphere closer to the center.
A typical galaxy is thought to contain tens of millions of stellar-mass black holes, the collapsed remnants of once massive stars, and a single nuclear supermassive black hole. Both classes of black holes accrete gas from their environments. The accreting gas forms a flattened orbiting structure known as an accretion disk. During the past several years, it has become possible to obtain measurements of the spins of the two classes of black holes by modeling the X-ray emission from their accretion disks. Two methods are employed, both of which depend upon identifying the inner radius of the accretion disk with the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), whose radius depends only on the mass and spin of the black hole. In the Fe K method, which applies to both classes of black holes, one models the profile of the relativistically-broadened iron line with a special focus on the gravitationally redshifted red wing of the line. In the continuum-fitting method, which has so far only been applied to stellar-mass black holes, one models the thermal X-ray continuum spectrum of the accretion disk. We discuss both methods, with a strong emphasis on the continuum-fitting method and its application to stellar-mass black holes. Spin results for eight stellar-mass black holes are summarized. These data are used to argue that the high spins of at least some of these black holes are natal, and that the presence or absence of relativistic jets in accreting black holes is not entirely determined by the spin of the black hole.
Black hole event horizons, causally separating the external universe from compact regions of spacetime, are one of the most exotic predictions of General Relativity (GR). Until recently, their compact size has prevented efforts to study them directly. Here we show that recent millimeter and infrared observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, all but requires the existence of a horizon. Specifically, we show that these observations limit the luminosity of any putative visible compact emitting region to below 0.4% of Sgr A*s accretion luminosity. Equivalently, this requires the efficiency of converting the gravitational binding energy liberated during accretion into radiation and kinetic outflows to be greater than 99.6%, considerably larger than those implicated in Sgr A*, and therefore inconsistent with the existence of such a visible region. Finally, since we are able to frame this argument entirely in terms of observable quantities, our results apply to all geometric theories of gravity that admit stationary solutions, including the commonly discussed f(R) class of theories.
We present an empirical model of Comptonization for fitting the spectra of X-ray binaries. This model, simpl, has been developed as a package implemented in XSPEC. With only two free parameters, simpl is competitive as the simplest empirical model of Compton scattering. Unlike other empirical models, such as the standard power-law model, simpl incorporates the basic physics of Compton scattering of soft photons by energetic coronal electrons. Using a simulated spectrum, we demonstrate that simpl closely matches the behavior of physical Comptonization models which consider the effects of optical depth, coronal electron temperature, and geometry. We present fits to RXTE spectra of the black-hole transient H1743-322 and a BeppoSAX spectrum of LMC X-3 using both simpl and the standard power-law model. A comparison of the results shows that simpl gives equally good fits and a comparable spectral index, while eliminating the troublesome divergence of the standard power-law model at low energies. Importantly, simpl is completely flexible and can be used self-consistently with any seed spectrum of photons. We show that simpl - unlike the standard power law - teamed up with diskbb (the standard model of disk accretion) gives results for the inner-disk radius that are unaffected by strong Comptonization, a result of great importance for the determination of black hole spin via the continuum-fitting method.
We consider a two-parameter family of cylindrical force-free equilibria, modeled to match numerical simulations of relativistic force-free jets. We study the linear stability of these equilibria, assuming a rigid impenetrable wall at the outer cylindrical radius R_j. We find that equilibria in which the Lorentz factor gamma(R) increases monotonically with increasing radius R are stable. On the other hand, equilibria in which gamma(R) reaches a maximum value at an intermediate radius and then declines to a smaller value gamma_j at R_j are unstable. The most rapidly growing mode is an m=1 kink instability which has a growth rate ~ (0.4 / gamma_j) (c/R_j). The e-folding length of the equivalent convected instability is ~2.5 gamma_j R_j. For a typical jet with an opening angle theta_j ~ few / gamma_j, the mode amplitude grows weakly with increasing distance from the base of the jet, much slower than one might expect from a naive application of the Kruskal-Shafranov stability criterion.
Spin parameters of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binaries are currently being estimated by fitting the X-ray continuum spectra of their accretion disk emission. For this method, it is necessary to know the inclination of the X-ray-producing inner region of the disk. Since the inner disk is expected to be oriented perpendicular to the spin axis of the hole, the usual practice is to assume that the black hole spin is aligned with the orbital angular momentum vector of the binary, and to estimate the inclination of the latter from ellipsoidal modulations in the light curve of the secondary star. We show that the inclination of the disk can be inferred directly if we have both spectral and polarization information on the disk radiation. The predicted degree of polarization varies from 0% to 5% as the disk inclination changes from face-on to edge-on. With current X-ray polarimetric techniques the polarization degree of a typical bright X-ray binary could be measured to an accuracy of 0.1% by observing the source for about 10 days. Such a measurement would constrain the disk inclination to within a degree or two and would significantly improve the reliability of black hole spin estimates. In addition, it would provide new information on the tilt between the black hole spin axis and the orbital rotation axis of the binary, which would constrain any velocity kicks experienced by stellar-mass black holes during their formation.
487 - Rebecca Shafee 2008
We describe three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a geometrically thin accretion disk around a non-spinning black hole. The disk has a thickness $h/rsim0.05-0.1$ over the radial range $(2-20)GM/c^2$. In steady state, the specific angular momentum profile of the inflowing magnetized gas deviates by less than 2% from that of the standard thin disk model of Novikov & Thorne (1973). Also, the magnetic torque at the radius of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is only $sim2%$ of the inward flux of angular momentum at this radius. Both results indicate that magnetic coupling across the ISCO is relatively unimportant for geometrically thin disks.

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