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241 - Saurya Das , R.B. Mann 2011
Almost all theories of Quantum Gravity predict modifications of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle near the Planck scale to a so-called Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). Recently it was shown that the GUP gives rise to corrections to the Schrodinger and Dirac equations, which in turn affect all non-relativistic and relativistic quantum Hamiltonians. In this paper, we apply it to superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect and compute Planck scale corrections. We also show that Planck scale effects may account for a (small) part of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We obtain (weak) empirical bounds on the undetermined GUP parameter from present-day experiments.
Light scalar fields are expected to arise in theories of high energy physics (such as string theory), and find phenomenological motivations in dark energy, dark matter, or neutrino physics. However, the coupling of light scalar fields to ordinary (or dark) matter is strongly constrained from laboratory, solar system, and astrophysical tests of fifth force. One way to evade these constraints in dense environments is through the chameleon mechanism, where the fields mass steeply increases with ambient density. Consequently, the chameleonic force is only sourced by a thin shell near the surface of dense objects, which significantly reduces its magnitude. In this paper, we argue that thin-shell conditions are equivalent to conducting boundary conditions in electrostatics. As an application, we use the analogue of the method of images to calculate the back-reaction (or self-force) of an object around a spherical gravitational source. Using this method, we can explicitly compute the violation of equivalence principle in the outskirts of galactic haloes (assuming an NFW dark matter profile): Intermediate mass satellites can be slower than their larger/smaller counterparts by as much as 10% close to a thin shell.
340 - R.B. Mann , R. Pourhasan 2011
We consider charged black holes in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity with Lifshitz boundary conditions. We find that this class of models can reproduce the anomalous specific heat of condensed matter systems exhibiting non-Fermi-liquid behaviour at low temperatures. We find that the temperature dependence of the Sommerfeld ratio is sensitive to the choice of Gauss-Bonnet coupling parameter for a given value of the Lifshitz scaling parameter. We propose that this class of models is dual to a class of models of non-Fermi-liquid systems proposed by Castro-Neto

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