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268 - R. Parimala , V. Suresh 2014
Let K be a complete discretely valued field with residue field k. If char(K) = 0, char(k) = 2 and the 2-rank of k is d, we prove that there exists an integer N depending on d such that the u-invariant of any function field in one variable over K is bounded by N. The method of proof is via introducing the notion of uniform boundedness for the p-torsion of the Brauer group of a field and relating the uniform boundedness of the 2-torsion of the Brauer group to finiteness of the u-invariant. We prove that the 2-torsion of the Brauer group of function fields in one variable over K are uniformly bounded.
We prove the universal triviality of the third unramified cohomology group of a very general complex cubic fourfold containing a plane. The proof uses results on the unramified cohomology of quadrics due to Kahn, Rost, and Sujatha.
195 - R. Parimala , V. Suresh 2013
Let K be a complete discretely valued field and F the function field of a curve over K. If the characteristic of the residue field k of K is p > 0, then we give a bound for the Brauer p-simension of F in terms of the p-rank of k. If k is a perfect field of characteristic 2, we show that the u-invaraint of F is at most 8.
Let k be a global field of characteristic not 2. We prove a local-global principle for the existence of self-dual normal bases, and more generally for the isomorphism of G-trace forms, of G-Galois algebras over k.
Let T -> S be a finite flat morphism of degree two between regular integral schemes of dimension at most two (and with 2 invertible), having regular branch divisor D. We establish a bijection between Azumaya quaternion algebras on T and quadric surface bundles over S with simple degeneration along D. This is a manifestation of the exceptional isomorphism A_1^2 = D_2 degenerating to the exceptional isomorphism A_1 = B_1. In one direction, the even Clifford algebra yields the map. In the other direction, we show that the classical algebra norm functor can be uniquely extended over the discriminant divisor. Along the way, we study the orthogonal group schemes, which are smooth yet nonreductive, of quadratic forms with simple degeneration. Finally, we provide two surprising applications: constructing counter-examples to the local-global principle for isotropy, with respect to discrete valuations, of quadratic forms over surfaces; and a new proof of the global Torelli theorem for very general cubic fourfolds containing a plane.

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