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Using observations obtained with the LOw Fequency ARray (LOFAR), the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) and archival Very Large Array (VLA) data, we have traced the radio emission to large scales in the complex source 4C 35.06 located in the core of the galaxy cluster Abell 407. At higher spatial resolution (~4), the source was known to have two inner radio lobes spanning 31 kpc and a diffuse, low-brightness extension running parallel to them, offset by about 11 kpc (in projection). At 62 MHz, we detect the radio emission of this structure extending out to 210 kpc. At 1.4 GHz and intermediate spatial resolution (~30), the structure appears to have a helical morphology. We have derived the characteristics of the radio spectral index across the source. We show that the source morphology is most likely the result of at least two episodes of AGN activity separated by a dormant period of around 35 Myr. The AGN is hosted by one of the galaxies located in the cluster core of Abell 407. We propose that it is intermittently active as it moves in the dense environment in the cluster core. Using LOFAR, we can trace the relic plasma from that episode of activity out to greater distances from the core than ever before. Using the the WSRT, we detect HI in absorption against the center of the radio source. The absorption profile is relatively broad (FWHM of 288 km/s), similar to what is found in other clusters. Understanding the duty cycle of the radio emission as well as the triggering mechanism for starting (or restarting) the radio-loud activity can provide important constraints to quantify the impact of AGN feedback on galaxy evolution. The study of these mechanisms at low frequencies using morphological and spectral information promises to bring new important insights in this field.
We present new Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of the young (< 10^2 years) radio galaxy PKS B1718-649. We study the morphology and the kinematics of the neutral hydrogen (HI) disk (M(HI) = 1.1x 10^10 M(sun), radius ~ 30 kpc). In particular, we focus on the analysis of the cold gas in relation to the triggering of the nuclear activity. The asymmetries at the edges of the disk date the last interaction with a companion to more than 1 Gyr ago. The tilted-ring model of the HI disk shows that this event may have formed the disk as we see it now, but that it may have not been responsible for triggering the AGN. The long timescales of the interaction are incompatible with the short ones of the radio activity. In absorption, we identify two clouds with radial motions which may represent a population that could be involved in the triggering of the radio activity. We argue that PKS B1718-649 may belong to a family of young low-excitation radio AGN where, rather than through a gas rich merger, the active nuclei (AGN) are triggered by local mechanisms such as accretion of small gas clouds.
247 - J. Holt , R. Morganti (3 2010
(Abridged) We present new deep VLT/FORS optical spectra with intermediate resolution and large wavelength coverage of the GPS radio source and ULIRG PKS1345+12 (4C12.50; z=0.122), taken with the aim of investigating the impact of the nuclear activity on the circumnuclear ISM. PKS1345+12 is a powerful quasar and is also the best studied case of an emission line outflow in a ULIRG. Using the density sensitive transauroral emission lines [S II]4068,4076 and [O II]7318,7319,7330,7331, we pilot a new technique to accurately model the electron density for cases in which it is not possible to use the traditional diagnostic [S II]6716/6731, namely sources with highly broadened complex emission line profiles and/or high (Ne > 10^4 cm^-3) electron densities. We measure electron densities of Ne=2.94x10^3 cm^-3, Ne=1.47x10^4 cm^-3 and Ne=3.16x10^5 cm^-3 for the regions emitting the narrow, broad and very broad components respectively. We calculate a total mass outflow rate of 8 M_sun yr^-1. We estimate the total mass in the warm gas outflow is 8x10^5 M_sun. The total kinetic power in the warm outflow is 3.4x10^42 erg s^-1. We find that only a small fraction (0.13% of Lbol) of the available accretion power is driving the warm outflow, significantly less than currently required by the majority of quasar feedback models (~5-10% of Lbol), but similar to recent findings by Hopkins et al. (2010) for a two-stage feedback model. The models also predict that AGN outflows will eventually remove the gas from the bulge of the host galaxy. The visible warm outflow in PKS1345+12 is not currently capable of doing so. However, it is entirely possible that much of the outflow is either obscured by a dense and dusty natal cocoon and/or in cooler or hotter phases of the ISM. This result is important not just for studies of young (GPS/CSS) radio sources, but for AGN in general.
84 - B. H. C. Emonts 2010
An important aspect of solving the long-standing question as to what triggers various types of Active Galactic Nuclei involves a thorough understanding of the overall properties and formation history of their host galaxies. This is the second in a series of papers that systematically study the large-scale properties of cold neutral hydrogen (HI) gas in nearby radio galaxies. The main goal is to investigate the importance of gas-rich galaxy mergers and interactions among radio-loud AGN. In this paper we present results of a complete sample of classical low-power radio galaxies. We find that extended Fanaroff & Riley type-I radio sources are generally not associated with gas-rich galaxy mergers or ongoing violent interactions, but occur in early-type galaxies without large (> 10^8 M_sun) amounts of extended neutral hydrogen gas. In contrast, enormous discs/rings of HI gas (with sizes up to 190 kpc and masses up to 2 x 10^10 M_sun) are detected around the host galaxies of a significant fraction of the compact radio sources in our sample. This segregation in HI mass with radio source size likely indicates that these compact radio sources are either confined by large amounts of gas in the central region, or that their fuelling is inefficient and different from the fuelling process of classical FR-I radio sources. To first order, the overall HI properties of our complete sample (detection rate, mass and morphology) appear similar to those of radio-quiet early-type galaxies. If confirmed by better statistics, this would imply that low-power radio-AGN activity may be a short and recurrent phase that occurs at some point during the lifetime of many early-type galaxies.
Radio astronomy is entering the era of large surveys. This paper describes the plans for wide surveys with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) and their synergy with large surveys at higher frequencies (in particular in the 1-2 GHz band) that will be possible using future facilities like Apertif or ASKAP. The LOFAR Survey Key Science Project aims at conducting large-sky surveys at 15, 30, 60, 120 and 200 MHz taking advantage of the wide instantaneous field of view and of the unprecedented sensitivity of this instrument. Four topics have been identified as drivers for these surveys covering the formation of massive galaxies, clusters and black holes using z>6 radio galaxies as probes, the study of the intercluster magnetic fields using diffuse radio emission and Faraday rotation measures in galaxy clusters as probes and the study of star formation processes in the early Universe using starburst galaxies as probes. The fourth topic is the exploration of new parameter space for serendipitous discovery taking advantage of the new observational spectral window open up by LOFAR. Here, we briefly discuss the requirements of the proposed surveys to address these (and many others!) topics as well as the synergy with other wide area surveys planned at higher frequencies (and in particular in the 1-2 GHz band) with new radio facilities like ASKAP and Apertif. The complementary information provided by these surveys will be crucial for detailed studies of the spectral shape of a variety of radio sources (down to sub-mJy sources) and for studies of the ISM (in particular HI and OH) in nearby galaxies.
We present a preliminary analysis of the HI properties of early-type galaxies in the ATLAS3D sample. Using WSRT data for ~100 galaxies outside the Virgo cluster and data from the Alfalfa project for galaxies inside Virgo, we discuss the dependence of HI properties on environment. We detect HI in about half of the galaxies outside Virgo. For these systems, the HI morphology and kinematics change as a function of environment, going from regular, rotating systems around isolated galaxies to progressively more disturbed structures for galaxies with neighbours or in groups. In denser environment, inside Virgo, nearly none of the galaxies contains HI. We discuss future work in this field which will be enabled by next-generation, pre-SKA radio instruments. We present a simulated Apertif HI observation of an ATLAS3D early-type galaxy, showing how its appearance and detection level vary as a function of redshift.
272 - N. Shafi 2009
Very deep neutral hydrogen (HI) observations of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 3079 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) are presented. The galaxy has been studied extensively in different wavelengths and known for its several unique and complex features. However, the new data still revealed several new features and show that the galaxy is even more complicated and interesting than previously thought. In the new data a large stream of gas, encircling the entire galaxy, was discovered, while the data also show, for the first time, that not only hot gas is blown into space by the starburst/AGN, but also large amounts of cold gas, despite the high energies involved in the outflow.
We present new observational results that conclude that the nearby radio galaxy B2 0722+30 is one of the very few known disc galaxies in the low-redshift Universe that host a classical double-lobed radio source. In this paper we use HI observations, deep optical imaging, stellar population synthesis modelling and emission-line diagnostics to study the host galaxy, classify the Active Galactic Nucleus and investigate environmental properties under which a radio-loud AGN can occur in this system. Typical for spiral galaxies, B2 0722+30 has a regularly rotating gaseous disc throughout which star formation occurs. Dust heating by the ongoing star formation is likely responsible for the high infrared luminosity of the system. The optical emission-line properties of the central region identify a Low Ionization Nuclear Emission-line Region (LINER)-type nucleus with a relatively low [OIII] luminosity, in particular when compared with the total power of the Fanaroff & Riley type-I radio source that is present in this system. This classifies B2 0722+30 as a classical radio galaxy rather than a typical Seyfert galaxy. The environment of B2 0722+30 is extremely HI-rich, with several nearby interacting galaxies. We argue that a gas-rich interaction involving B2 0722+30 is a likely cause for the triggering of the radio-AGN and/or the fact that the radio source managed to escape the optical boundaries of the host galaxy.
102 - B.H.C. Emonts 2008
We present the detection of an enormous disc of cool neutral hydrogen (HI) gas surrounding the S0 galaxy NGC 612, which hosts one of the nearest powerful radio sources (PKS 0131-36). Using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we detect M_HI = 1.8 x 10^9 M_sun of HI emission-line gas that is distributed in a 140 kpc wide disc-like structure along the optical disc and dust-lane of NGC 612. The bulk of the gas in the disc appears to be settled in regular rotation with a total velocity range of 850 km/s, although asymmetries in this disc indicate that perturbations are being exerted on part of the gas, possibly by a number of nearby companions. The HI disc in NGC 612 suggests that the total mass enclosed by the system is M_enc ~ 2.9 x 10^12 sin^-2(i) M_sun, implying that this early-type galaxy contains a massive dark matter halo. We also discuss an earlier study by Holt et al. that revealed the presence of a prominent young stellar population at various locations throughout the disc of NGC 612, indicating that this is a rare example of an extended radio source that is hosted by a galaxy with a large-scale star-forming disc. In addition, we map a faint HI bridge along a distance of 400 kpc in between NGC 612 and the gas-rich (M_HI = 8.9 x 10^9 M_sun) barred galaxy NGC 619, indicating that likely an interaction between both systems occurred. From the unusual amounts of HI gas and young stars in this early-type galaxy, in combination with the detection of a faint optical shell and the systems high infra-red luminosity, we argue that either ongoing or past galaxy interactions or a major merger event are a likely mechanism for the triggering of the radio source in NGC 612. This paper is part of an ongoing study to map the large-scale neutral hydrogen properties of nearby radio galaxies. --abridged--
70 - J. Holt 2008
We present intermediate resolution, wide wavelength coverage spectra for a complete sample of 14 compact radio sources taken with the aim of investigating the impact of the nuclear activity on the circumnuclear (ISM) in the early stages of radio source evolution. We observe spatially extended line emission (up to 20 kpc) in the majority of sources which is consistent with a quiescent halo. In the nuclear apertures we observe broad, highly complex emission line profiles. Multiple Gaussian modelling of the [O III]5007 line reveals 2-4 components which can have FWHM and blueshifts relative to the halo of up to 2000 km/s. We interpret these broad, blueshifted components as material in outflow and discuss the kinematical evidence for jet-driven outflows. Comparisons with samples in the literature show that compact radio sources harbour more extreme nuclear kinematics than their extended counterparts, a trend seen within our sample with larger velocities in the smaller sources. The observed velocities are also likely to be influenced by source orientation with respect to the observers line of sight. Nine sources have associated HI absorption. In common with the optical emission line gas, the HI profiles are often highly complex with the majority of the detected components significantly blueshifted, tracing outflows in the neutral gas. The sample has been tested for stratification in the ISM (FWHM/ionisation potential/critical density) as suggested by Holt et al. (2003) for PKS1345+12 but we find no significant trends within the sample using a Spearman Rank analysis. This study supports the idea that compact radio sources are young radio loud AGN observed during the early stages of their evolution and currently shedding their natal cocoons through extreme circumnuclear outflows.

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