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We present a high spatial resolution optical and infrared study of the circumnuclear region in Arp 220, a late-stage galaxy merger. Narrowband imaging using HST/WFC3 has resolved the previously observed peak in H$alpha$+[NII] emission into a bubble-shaped feature. This feature measures 1.6 in diameter, or 600 pc, and is only 1 northwest of the western nucleus. The bubble is aligned with the western nucleus and the large-scale outflow axis seen in X-rays. We explore several possibilities for the bubble origin, including a jet or outflow from a hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN), outflows from high levels of star formation within the few hundred pc nuclear gas disk, or an ultraluminous X-ray source. An obscured AGN or high levels of star formation within the inner $sim$100 pc of the nuclei are favored based on the alignment of the bubble and energetics arguments.
The Gemini Multi-conjugate adaptive optics System (GeMS) is a facility instrument for the Gemini-South telescope. It delivers uniform, near-diffraction-limited image quality at near-infrared wavelengths over a 2 arcminute field of view. Together with the Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI), a near-infrared wide field camera, GeMS/GSAOIs combination of high spatial resolution and a large field of view will make it a premier facility for precision astrometry. Potential astrometric science cases cover a broad range of topics including exo-planets, star formation, stellar evolution, star clusters, nearby galaxies, black holes and neutron stars, and the Galactic center. In this paper, we assess the astrometric performance and limitations of GeMS/GSAOI. In particular, we analyze deep, mono-epoch images, multi-epoch data and distortion calibration. We find that for single-epoch, un-dithered data, an astrometric error below 0.2 mas can be achieved for exposure times exceeding one minute, provided enough stars are available to remove high-order distortions. We show however that such performance is not reproducible for multi-epoch observations, and an additional systematic error of ~0.4 mas is evidenced. This systematic multi-epoch error is the dominant error term in the GeMS/GSAOI astrometric error budget, and it is thought to be due to time-variable distortion induced by gravity flexure.
We present new kinematic measurements and modeling of a sample of 116 young stars in the central parsec of the Galaxy in order to investigate the properties of the young stellar disk. The measurements were derived from a combination of speckle and laser guide star adaptive optics imaging and integral field spectroscopy from the Keck telescopes. Compared to earlier disk studies, the most important kinematic measurement improvement is in the precision of the accelerations in the plane of the sky, which have a factor of six smaller uncertainties (~10 uas/yr/yr). We have also added the first radial velocity measurements for 8 young stars, increasing the sample at the largest radii (6-12) by 25%. We derive the ensemble properties of the observed stars using Monte-Carlo simulations of mock data. There is one highly significant kinematic feature (~20 sigma), corresponding to the well-known clockwise disk, and no significant feature is detected at the location of the previously claimed counterclockwise disk. The true disk fraction is estimated to be ~20%, a factor of ~2.5 lower than previous claims, suggesting that we may be observing the remnant of what used to be a more densely populated stellar disk. The similarity in the kinematic properties of the B stars and the O/WR stars suggests a common star formation event. The intrinsic eccentricity distribution of the disk stars is unimodal, with an average value of <e> = 0.27 +/- 0.07, which we show can be achieved through dynamical relaxation in an initially circular disk with a moderately top-heavy mass function.
The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way plays host to a massive, young cluster that may have formed in one of the most inhospitable environments in the Galaxy. We present new measurements of the global properties of this cluster, including the initial mass function (IMF), age, and cluster mass. These results are based on Keck laser-guide-star adaptive optics observations used to identify the young stars and measure their Kp-band luminosity function as presented in Do et al. 2013. A Bayesian inference methodology is developed to simultaneously fit the global properties of the cluster utilizing the observations and extensive simulations of synthetic star clusters. We find that the slope of the mass function for this cluster is alpha = 1.7 +/- 0.2, which is steeper than previously reported, but still flatter than the traditional Salpeter slope of 2.35. The age of the cluster is between 2.5-5.8 Myr with 95% confidence, which is a younger age than typically adopted but consistent within the uncertainties of past measurements. The exact age of the cluster is difficult to determine since our results show two distinct age solutions (3.9 Myr and 2.8 Myr) due to model degeneracies in the relative number of Wolf-Rayet and OB stars. The total cluster mass is between 14,000 - 37,000 msun above 1 msun and it is necessary to include multiple star systems in order to fit the observed luminosity function and the number of observed Wolf-Rayet stars. The new IMF slope measurement is now consistent with X-ray observations indicating a factor of 10 fewer X-ray emitting pre-main-sequence stars than expected when compared with a Salpeter IMF. The young cluster at the Galactic center is one of the few definitive examples of an IMF that deviates significantly from the near-universal IMFs found in the solar neighborhood.
We present new high angular resolution near-infrared spectroscopic observations of the nuclear star cluster surrounding the Milky Ways central supermassive black hole. Using the integral-field spectrograph OSIRIS on Keck II behind the laser-guide-star adaptive optics system, this spectroscopic survey enables us to separate early-type (young, 4-6 Myr) and late-type (old, >1 Gyr) stars with a completeness of 50% down to K = 15.5 mag, which corresponds to ~10 msun for the early-type stars. This work increases the radial extent of reported OSIRIS/Keck measurements by more than a factor of 3 from 4 to 14 (0.16 pc to 0.56 pc), along the projected disk of young stars. For our analysis, we implement a new method of completeness correction using a combination of star-planting simulations and Bayesian inference. We assign probabilities for the spectral type of every source detected in deep imaging down to K = 15.5 mag using information from spectra, simulations, number counts, and the distribution of stars. The inferred radial surface-density profiles, $Sigma(R) propto R^{-Gamma}$, for the young stars and late-type giants are consistent with earlier results ($Gamma_{early} = 0.93 pm 0.09$, $Gamma_{late} = 0.16 pm 0.07$). The late-type surface-density profile is approximately flat out to the edge of the survey. While the late-type stellar luminosity function is consistent with the Galactic bulge, the completeness-corrected luminosity function of the early-type stars has significantly more young stars at faint magnitudes compared to previous surveys with similar depth. This luminosity function indicates that the corresponding mass function of the young stars is likely less top-heavy than that inferred from previous surveys.
120 - Z. F. Xu , R. Lu , 2011
We revisit in detail the non-mean-field ground-state phase diagram for a binary mixture of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates including quantum fluctuations. The non-commuting terms in the spin-dependent Hamiltonian under single spatial mode approximation make it difficult to obtain exact eigenstates. Utilizing the spin z-component conservation and the total spin angular momentum conservation, we numerically derive the information of the building blocks and evaluate von Neumann entropy to quantify the ground states. The mean-field phase boundaries are found to remain largely intact, yet the ground states show fragmented and entangled behaviors within large parameter spaces of interspecies spin-exchange and singlet-pairing interactions.
207 - Z. F. Xu , J. W. Mei , R. Lu 2010
We study the ground state phases for a mixture of two atomic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in the presence of a weak magnetic (B-) field. The ground state is found to contain a broken-axisymmetry (BA) phase due to competitions among intra- and inter-species spin exchange interactions and the linear Zeeman shifts. This is in contrast to the case of a single species spin- 1 condensate, where the axisymmetry breaking results from competitions among the linear and quadratic Zeeman shifts and the intra-species ferromagnetic interaction. All other remaining ground state phases for the mixture are found to preserve axisymmetry. We further elaborate on the ground state phase diagram and calculate their Bogoliubov excitation spectra. For the BA phase, there exist three Goldstone modes attempting to restore the broken U(1) and SO(2) symmetries.
We present significantly improved proper motion measurements of the Milky Ways central stellar cluster. These improvements are made possible by refining our astrometric reference frame with a new geometric optical distortion model for the W. M. Keck II 10 m telescopes Adaptive Optics camera (NIRC2) in its narrow field mode. For the first time, this distortion model is constructed from on-sky measurements, and is made available to the public. When applied to widely dithered images, it produces residuals in the separations of stars that are a factor of ~3 smaller compared to the outcome using previous models. By applying this new model, along with corrections for differential atmospheric refraction, to widely dithered images of SiO masers at the Galactic center, we improve our ability to tie into the precisely measured radio Sgr A*-rest frame. The resulting infrared reference frame is ~2-3 times more accurate and stable than earlier published efforts. In this reference frame, Sgr A* is localized to within a position of 0.6 mas and a velocity of 0.09 mas/yr, or ~3.4 km/s at 8 kpc (1 sigma). While earlier proper motion studies defined a reference frame by assuming no net motion of the stellar cluster, this approach is fundamentally limited by the clusters intrinsic dispersion and therefore will not improve with time. We define a reference frame with SiO masers and this reference frames stability should improve steadily with future measurements of the SiO masers in this region. This is essential for achieving the necessary reference frame stability required to detect the effects of general relativity and extended mass on short-period stars at the Galactic center.
142 - Z. F. Xu , P. Zhang , R. Lu 2010
We propose a pump scheme for quantum circulations, including counter-circulations for superposition states, of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Our scheme is efficient and can be implemented within current experimental technologies and setups. It remains valid for non-classical atomic states, such as pseudo-spin squeezed states and maximal entangled N-GHZ or NooN states. Moreover, it is capable of transforming several enhanced sensing protocols relying on reduced fluctuations from quantum correlation and entanglement of atomic internal states to enhanced measurement of spatial interference and rotation.
We present new proper motions from the 10 m Keck telescopes for a puzzling population of massive, young stars located within 3.5 (0.14 pc) of the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Center. Our proper motion measurements have uncertainties of only 0.07 mas/yr (3 km/s), which is ~7 times better than previous proper motion measurements for these stars, and enables us to measure accelerations as low as 0.2 mas/yr^2 (7 km/s/yr). Using these measurements, line-of-sight velocities from the literature, and 3D velocities for additional young stars in the central parsec, we constrain the true orbit of each individual star and directly test the hypothesis that the massive stars reside in two stellar disks as has been previously proposed. Analysis of the stellar orbits reveals only one of the previously proposed disks of young stars using a method that is capable of detecting disks containing at least 7 stars. The detected disk contains 50% of the young stars, is inclined by ~115 deg from the plane of the sky, and is oriented at a position angle of ~100 deg East of North. Additionally, the on-disk and off-disk populations have similar K-band luminosity functions and radial distributions that decrease at larger projected radii as propto r^-2. The disk has an out-of-the-disk velocity dispersion of 28 +/- 6 km/s, which corresponds to a half-opening angle of 7 +/- 2 deg, and several candidate disk members have eccentricities greater than 0.2. Our findings suggest that the young stars may have formed in situ but in a more complex geometry than a simple, thin circular disk.

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