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334 - Qing Lin , Jialing Fei , Fei Gao 2015
We present new measurements of the scintillation and ionization yields in liquid xenon for low energy electronic (about 3--7 keV$_{ee}$) and nuclear recoils (about 8--20 keV$_{nr}$) at different drift fields from 236 V/cm to 3.93 kV/cm, using a three-dimensional sensitive liquid xenon time projection chamber with high energy and position resolutions. Our measurement of signal responses to nuclear recoils agrees with predictions from the NEST model. However, our measured ionization (scintillation) yields for electronic recoils are consistently higher (lower) than those from the NEST model by about 5 e$^-$/keV$_{ee}$ (ph/keV$_{ee}$) at all scanned drift fields. New recombination parameters based on the Thomas-Imel box model are derived from our data. Given the lack of precise measurement of scintillation and ionization yields for low energy electronic recoils in liquid xenon previously, our new measurement provides so far the best available data covering low energy region at different drift fields for liquid xenon detectors relevant to dark matter searches.
In this paper, we investigate the ground-state properties of a bosonic Tonks-Girardeau gas confined in a one-dimensional periodic potential. The single-particle reduced density matrix is computed numerically for systems up to $N=265$ bosons. Scaling analysis of the occupation number of the lowest orbital shows that there are no Bose-Einstein Condensation(BEC) for the periodically trapped TG gas in both commensurate and incommensurate cases. We find that, in the commensurate case, the scaling exponents of the occupation number of the lowest orbital, the amplitude of the lowest orbital and the zero-momentum peak height with the particle numbers are 0, -0.5 and 1, respectively, while in the incommensurate case, they are 0.5, -0.5 and 1.5, respectively. These exponents are related to each other in a universal relation.
We apply mean-field theory and Hirsch-Fye quantum Monte Carlo method to study the spin-spin interaction in the bulk of three-dimensional topological insulators. We find that the spin-spin interaction has three different components: the longitudinal, the transverse and the transverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-like terms. When the Fermi energy is located in the bulk gap of topological insulators, the spin-spin interaction decays exponentially due to Bloembergen-Rowland interaction. The longitudinal correlation is antiferromagnetic and the transverse correlations are ferromagnetic. When the chemical potential is in the conduction or valence band, the spin-spin interaction follows power law decay, and isotropic ferromagnetic interaction dominates in short separation limit.
Superconductivity at the interface of a heterostructure confined to nanometer-sized scale offers unique opportunities to study the exotic physics of two-dimensional superconductivity. The realization of superconductivity at the interface between a topological insulator and an iron-chalcogenide compound is highly attractive for exploring several recent theoretical predictions involving these two new classes of materials. Here, we report transport measurements on a Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure fabricated via van der Waals epitaxy, which demonstrate superconductivity at the interface induced by the Bi2Te3 epilayer with thickness even down to one quintuple layer. The two-dimensional nature of the observed superconductivity with the highest transition temperature around 12 K was verified by the existence of a Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and the diverging ratio of in-plane to out-plane upper critical field on approaching the superconducting transition temperature. With the combination of interface superconductivity and Dirac surface states of Bi2Te3, the heterostructure studied in this work provides a novel platform for realizing Majorana fermions.
104 - Qing Lin , Yuehuan Wei , Jie Bao 2013
Dual phase Xenon Time Projection Chambers (XeTPCs) are being used by several experiments as a promising technique for direct detection of dark matter. We report on the design and performance of a small 3-D sensitive dual phase XeTPC. The position resolution is 2 mm in the center of detector, limited by the hole size of the mesh at the proportional scintillation region. An energy resolution of 1.6%({sigma} /E) for 662 keV gamma rays is achieved by combining the ionization and scintillation signals at a drift field of 0.5 kV/cm. This represents the best energy resolution achieved among liquid xenon detectors. The energy resolution is only slightly dependent on drift field. Better than 2% energy resolution ({sigma} /E) for 662 keV gamma rays can be achieved for drift fields between 100 V/cm and 2 kV/cm. With high position and energy resolutions, a dual phase XeTPC has also potential applications in surveys for neutrinoless double-beta decay and in gamma ray imaging.
113 - Qing Lin , Bing He , R. Ghobadi 2013
The radiation pressure induced coupling between an optical cavity field and a mechanical oscillator can create entanglement between them. In previous works this entanglement was treated as that of the quantum fluctuations of the cavity and mechanical modes around their classical mean values. Here we provide a fully quantum approach to optomechanical entanglement, which goes beyond the approximation of classical mean motion plus quantum fluctuation, and applies to arbitrary cavity drive. We illustrate the real-time evolution of optomechanical entanglement under drive of arbitrary detuning to show the existence of high, robust and stable entanglement in blue detuned regime, and highlight the quantum noise effects that can cause entanglement sudden death and revival.
Multi-photon states are widely applied in quantum information technology. By the methods presented in this paper, the structure of a multi-photon state in the form of multiple single photon qubit product can be mapped to a single photon qudit, which could also be in separable product with other photons. This makes the possible manipulation of such multi-photon states in the way of processing single photon states. The optical realization of unknown qubit discrimination [B. He, J. A. Bergou, and Y.-H. Ren, Phys. Rev. A 76, 032301 (2007)] is simplified with the transformation methods. Another application is the construction of quantum logic gates, where the inverse transformations back to the input state spaces are also necessary. We especially show that the modified setups to implement the transformations can realize the deterministic multi-control gates (including Toffoli gate) operating directly on the products of single photon qubits.
277 - Shi-Jian Gu , Hai-Qing Lin 2009
We analyze ground-state behaviors of fidelity susceptibility (FS) and show that the FS has its own distinct dimension instead of real systems dimension in general quantum phases. The scaling relation of the FS in quantum phase transitions (QPTs) is then established on more general grounds. Depending on whether the FSs dimensions of two neighboring quantum phases are the same or not, we are able to classify QPTs into two distinct types. For the latter type, the change in the FSs dimension is a characteristic that separates two phases. As a non-trivial application to the Kitaev honeycomb model, we find that the FS is proportional to $L^2ln L$ in the gapless phase, while $L^2$ in the gapped phase. Therefore, the extra dimension of $ln L$ can be used as a characteristic of the gapless phase.

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