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We show a simulation of quantum random walks with multiple photons using a staggered array of 50/50 beam splitters with a bank of detectors at any desired level. We discuss the multiphoton interference effects that are inherent to this setup, and introduce one, two, and threefold coincidence detection schemes. The use of Feynman diagrams are used to intuitively explain the unique multiphoton interference effects of these quantum random walks.
We develop an improvement to the weak laser pulse BB84 scheme for quantum key distribution, which utilizes entanglement to improve the security of the scheme and enhance its resilience to the photon-number-splitting attack. This protocol relies on the non-commutation of photon phase and number to detect an eavesdropper performing quantum non-demolition measurement on number. The potential advantages and disadvantages of this scheme are compared to the coherent decoy state protocol.
A recently proposed phase-estimation protocol that is based on measuring the parity of a two-mode squeezed-vacuum state at the output of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer shows that Cram{e}r-Rao bound sensitivity can be obtained [P. M. Anisimov, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf104}, 103602 (2010)]. This sensitivity, however, is expected in the case of an infinite number of parity measurements made on an infinite number of photons. Here we consider the case of a finite number of parity measurements and a finite number of photons, implemented with photon-number-resolving detectors. We use Bayesian analysis to characterize the sensitivity of the phase estimation in this scheme. We have found that our phase estimation becomes biased near 0 or $pi/2$ phase values. Yet there is an in-between region where the bias becomes negligible. In this region, our phase estimation scheme saturates the Cram{e}r-Rao bound and beats the shot-noise limit.
One of the major challenges in quantum computation has been to preserve the coherence of a quantum system against dephasing effects of the environment. The information stored in photon polarization, for example, is quickly lost due to such dephasing, and it is crucial to preserve the input states when one tries to transmit quantum information encoded in the photons through a communication channel. We propose a dynamical decoupling sequence to protect photonic qubits from dephasing by integrating wave plates into optical fiber at prescribed locations. We simulate random birefringent noise along realistic lengths of optical fiber and study preservation of polarization qubits through such fibers enhanced with Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) dynamical decoupling. This technique can maintain photonic qubit coherence at high fidelity, making a step towards achieving scalable and useful quantum communication with photonic qubits.
The interference between coherent and squeezed vacuum light can produce path entangled states with very high fidelities. We show that the phase sensitivity of the above interferometric scheme with parity detection saturates the quantum Cramer-Rao bound, which reaches the Heisenberg-limit when the coherent and squeezed vacuum light are mixed in roughly equal proportions. For the same interferometric scheme, we draw a detailed comparison between parity detection and a symmetric-logarithmic-derivative-based detection scheme suggested by Ono and Hofmann.
Autler-Townes splitting (ATS) and electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) both yield transparency in an absorption profile, but only EIT yields strong transparency for a weak pump field due to Fano interference. Empirically discriminating EIT from ATS is important but so far has been subjective. We introduce an objective method, based on Akaikes information criterion, to test ATS vs. EIT from experimental data and determine which pertains. We apply our method to a recently reported induced-transparency experiment in superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics.
We present a method of directly obtaining the parity of a Gaussian state of light without recourse to photon-number counting. The scheme uses only a simple balanced homodyne technique, and intensity correlation. Thus interferometric schemes utilizing coherent or squeezed light, and parity detection may be practically implemented for an arbitrary photon flux. Specifically we investigate a two-mode, squeezed-light, Mach-Zehnder interferometer and show how the parity of the output state may be obtained. We also show that the detection may be described independent of the parity operator, and that this parity-by-proxy measurement has the same signal as traditional parity.
We study the sensitivity and resolution of phase measurement in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with two-mode squeezed vacuum (<n> photons on average). We show that super-resolution and sub-Heisenberg sensitivity is obtained with parity detection. In particular, in our setup, dependence of the signal on the phase evolves <n> times faster than in traditional schemes, and uncertainty in the phase estimation is better than 1/<n>.
In this paper we examine the N-photon absorption properties of N00N states, a subclass of path entangled number states. We consider two cases. The first involves the N-photon absorption properties of the ideal N00N state, one that does not include spectral information. We study how the N-photon absorption probability of this state scales with N. We compare this to the absorption probability of various other states. The second case is that of two-photon absorption for an N = 2 N00N state generated from a type II spontaneous down conversion event. In this situation we find that the absorption probability is both better than analogous coherent light (due to frequency entanglement) and highly dependent on the optical setup. We show that the poor production rates of quantum states of light may be partially mitigated by adjusting the spectral parameters to improve their two-photon absorption rates. This work has application to quantum imaging, particularly quantum lithography, where the N-photon absorbing process in the lithographic resist must be optimized for practical applications.

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