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Let ${cal C}$ be a nonempty class of finite groups closed under taking subgroups, homomorphic images and extensions. A subgroup $H$ of an abstract residually ${cal C}$ group $R$ is said to be conjugacy ${cal C}$-distinguished if whenever $yin R$, then $y$ has a conjugate in $H$ if and only if the same holds for the images of $y$ and $H$ in every quotient group $R/Nin {cal C}$ of $R$. We prove that in a group having a normal free subgroup $Phi$ such that $R/Phi$ is in ${cal C}$, every finitely generated subgroup is conjugacy ${cal C}$-distinguished. We also prove that finitely generated subgroups of limit groups, of Lyndon groups and certain one-relator groups are conjugacy distinguished (${cal C}$ here is the class of all finite groups).
We prove that any word hyperbolic group which is virtually compact special (in the sense of Haglund and Wise) is conjugacy separable. As a consequence we deduce that all word hyperbolic Coxeter groups and many classical small cancellation groups are conjugacy separable. To get the main result we establish a new criterion for showing that elements of prime order are conjugacy distinguished. This criterion is of independent interest; its proof is based on a combination of discrete and profinite (co)homology theories.
We prove that the profinite completion of the fundamental group of a compact 3-manifold $M$ satisfies a Tits alternative: if a closed subgroup $H$ does not contain a free pro-$p$ subgroup for any $p$, then $H$ is virtually soluble, and furthermore of a very particular form. In particular, the profinite completion of the fundamental group of a closed, hyperbolic 3-manifold does not contain a subgroup isomorphic to $hat{mathbb{Z}}^2$. This gives a profinite characterization of hyperbolicity among irreducible 3-manifolds. We also characterize Seifert fibred 3-manifolds as precisely those for which the profinite completion of the fundamental group has a non-trivial procyclic normal subgroup. Our techniques also apply to hyperbolic, virtually special groups, in the sense of Haglund and Wise. Finally, we prove that every finitely generated pro-$p$ subgroup of the profinite completion of a torsion-free, hyperbolic, virtually special group is free pro-$p$.
Let $M$ be a closed, orientable, irreducible, geometrizable 3-manifold. We prove that the profinite topology on the fundamental group of $pi_1(M)$ is efficient with respect to the JSJ decomposition of $M$. We go on to prove that $pi_1(M)$ is good, in the sense of Serre, if all the pieces of the JSJ decomposition are. We also prove that if $M$ is a graph manifold then $pi_1(M)$ is conjugacy separable.
We study the subgroup structure of the etale fundamental group $Pi$ of a projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. We obtain an analog of the diamond theorem for $Pi$. As a consequence we show that most normal subgroups of infinite index are semi-free. In particular every proper open subgroup of a normal subgroup of infinite index is semi-free.
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$ and let $C/k$ be a smooth connected affine curve. Denote by $pi_1(C)$ its algebraic fundamental group. The goal of this paper is to characterize a certain subset of closed normal subgroups $N$ of $pi_1(C)$. In Normal subgroups of fundamental groups of affine curves in positive characteristic we proved the same result under the additional hypothesis that $k$ had countable cardinality.

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