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For the first time, we reveal large amounts of cold molecular gas in a ram pressure stripped tail, out to a large, intracluster distance from the galaxy. With the APEX telescope we have detected 12CO(2-1) emission corresponding to more than 10^9 Msun of H_2 in three Ha bright regions along the tail of the Norma cluster galaxy ESO 137-001, out to a projected distance of 40 kpc from the disk. ESO 137-001 has an 80 kpc long and bright X-ray tail associated with a shorter (40 kpc) and broader tail of numerous star-forming H II regions. The amount of about 1.5x10^8 Msun of H_2 found in the most distant region is similar to molecular masses of tidal dwarf galaxies, though the standard Galactic CO-to-H_2 factor could overestimate the H_2 content. Along the tail, we find the amount of molecular gas to drop, while masses of the X-ray emitting and diffuse ionized components stay roughly constant. Moreover, the amounts of hot and cold gas are large and similar, and together nearly account for the missing gas from the disk. We find a very low star formation efficiency (tau > 10^10 yr) in the stripped gas in ESO 137-001 and suggest that this is due to a low average gas density in the tail, or turbulent heating of the interstellar medium that is induced by a ram pressure shock. The unprecedented bulk of observed H_2 in the ESO 137-001 tail suggests that some stripped gas may survive ram pressure stripping in the molecular phase.
We present optical imaging and spectroscopy and HI imaging of the Virgo Cluster galaxy IC 3418, which is likely a smoking gun example of the transformation of a dwarf irregular into a dwarf elliptical galaxy by ram pressure stripping. IC 3418 has a spectacular 17 kpc length UV-bright tail comprised of knots, head-tail, and linear stellar features. The only H-alpha emission arises from a few HII regions in the tail, the brightest of which are at the heads of head-tail UV sources whose tails point toward the galaxy (fireballs). Several of the elongated tail sources have H-alpha peaks outwardly offset by 80-150 pc from the UV peaks, suggesting that gas clumps continue to accelerate through ram pressure, leaving behind streams of newly formed stars which have decoupled from the gas. Absorption line strengths, measured from Keck DEIMOS spectra, together with UV colors, show star formation stopped 300+/-100 Myr ago in the main body, and a strong starburst occurred prior to quenching. While neither H-alpha nor HI emission are detected in the main body of the galaxy, we have detected 4x10^7 M_sun of HI from the tail with the VLA. The gas consumption timescale in the tail is relatively long, implying that most of the stripped gas does not form stars but joins the ICM. The velocities of tail HII regions, measured from Keck LRIS spectra, extend only a small fraction of the way to the cluster velocity, suggesting that star formation does not happen in more distant parts of the tail. Stars in the outer tail have velocities exceeding the escape speed, but some in the inner tail should fall back into the galaxy, forming halo streams. One likely fallback stream is identified.
$^{13}$CO(J=2--1) and C$^{18}$O(J=2--1) observations of the molecular cloud G285.90+4.53 (Cloud~16) in the Carina Flare supershell (GSH287+04-17) with the APEX telescope are presented. With an algorithm DENDROFIND we identify 51 fragments and compute their sizes and masses. We discuss their mass spectrum and interpret it as being the result of the shell fragmentation process described by the pressure assisted gravitational instability - PAGI. We conclude that the explanation of the clump mass function needs a combination of gravity with pressure external to the shell.

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