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The fluid dynamics video considers an array of two NREL 5-MW turbines separated by seven rotor diameters in a neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The neutral atmospheric boundary-layer flow data were obtained from a precursor ABL simulation using a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) framework within OpenFOAM. The mean wind speed at hub height is 8m/s, and the surface roughness is 0.2m. The actuator line method (ALM) is used to model the wind turbine blades by means of body forces added to the momentum equation. The fluid dynamics video shows the root and tip vortices emanating from the blades from various viewpoints. The vortices become unstable and break down into large-scale turbulent structures. As the wakes of the wind turbines advect further downstream, smaller-scale turbulence is generated. It is apparent that vortices generated by the blades of the downstream wind turbine break down faster due to increased turbulence levels generated by the wake of the upstream wind turbine.
We present a model describing the use of ultra-short strong pulses to control the population of the excited level of a two-level quantum system. In particular, we study an off-resonance excitation with a few cycles pulse which presents a smooth phase jump i.e. a change of the pulses phase which is not step-like, but happens over a finite time interval. A numerical solution is given for the time-dependent probability amplitude of the excited level. The control of the excited levels population is obtained acting on the shape of the phase transient, and other parameters of the excitation pulse.
We theoretically demonstrate coherent control over propagation of surface plasmon polaritons(SPP), at both telecommunication and visible wavelengths, on a metallic surface adjacent to quantum coherence (phaseonium) medium composed of three-level quantum emitters (semiconductor quantum dots, atoms, rare-earth ions, etc.) embedded in a dielectric host. The coherent drive allows us to provide sufficient gain for lossless SPP propagation and also lowers the pumping requirements. In case of lossy propagation, an order of magnitude enhancement in propagation length can be achieved. Optical control over SPP propagation dynamics via an external coherent drive holds promise for quantum control in the field of nanophotonics.
107 - Pankaj K. Jha 2013
Quantum coherence and interference effects in atomic and molecular physics has been extensively studied due to intriguing counterintuitive physics and potential important applications. Here we present one such application of using quantum coherence to generate and enhance gain in extreme ultra-violet(XUV)(@58.4nm in Helium) and infra-red(@794.76nm in Rubidium) regime of electromagnetic radiation. We show that using moderate external coherent drive, a substantial enhancement in the energy of the lasing pulse can be achieved under optimal conditions. We also discuss the role of coherence. The present paper is intended to be pedagogical on this subject of coherence-enhanced lasing.
We investigate surface plasmon amplification in a silver nanoparticle coupled to an externally driven three-level gain medium, and show that quantum coherence significantly enhances the generation of surface plasmons. Surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is achieved in the absence of population inversion on the spasing transition, which reduces the pump requirements. The coherent drive allows us to control the dynamics, and holds promise for quantum control of nanoplasmonic devices.
145 - Pankaj K. Jha , Sumanta Das , 2012
We propose an efficient scheme for the generation and the manipulation of Raman fields in an homogeneously broadened atomic vapor in a closed three levels $Lambda$-configuration. The key concept in generating the Raman and sub-Raman fields efficiently at lower optical densities involve the microwave induced atomic coherence of the lower levels. We show explicitly that, generation efficiency of the Raman fields can be controlled by manipulating the coherences via phase and amplitude of the microwave field.
Ultralow-power diode-laser radiation is employed to induce photodesorption of cesium from a partially transparent thin-film cesium adsorbate on a solid surface. Using resonant Raman spectroscopy, we demonstrate that this photodesorption process enables an accurate local optical control of the density of dimer molecules in alkali-metal vapors.
We present an experimental and theoretical study of phase-dependent interference effects in multi-photon excitation under bichromatic radio-frequency (rf) field. Using an intense rf pulse, we study the interference between the three-photon and one-photon transition between the Zeeman sub-levels of the ground state of $^{87}$Rb that allows us to determine the carrier-envelope phase of the fields even for long pulses.
Using a recently developed technique to solve Schrodinger equation for constant mass, we studied the regime in which mass varies with position i.e position dependent mass Schrodinger equation(PDMSE). We obtained an analytical solution for the PDMSE and applied our approach to study a position dependent mass $m(x)$ particle scattered by a potential $mathcal{V}(x)$. We also studied the structural analogy between PDMSE and two-level atomic system interacting with a classical field.

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