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PDS 456 is a nearby (z=0.184), luminous (L_bol ~10^47 erg/s) type I quasar. A deep 190 ks Suzaku observation in February 2007 revealed the complex, broad band X-ray spectrum of PDS 456. The Suzaku spectrum exhibits highly statistically significant absorption features near 9 keV in the quasar rest--frame. We show that the most plausible origin of the absorption is from blue-shifted resonance (1s-2p) transitions of hydrogen-like iron (at 6.97 keV in the rest frame). This indicates that a highly ionized outflow may be present moving at near relativistic velocities (~0.25c). A possible hard X-ray excess is detected above 15 keV with HXD (at 99.8% confidence), which may arise from high column density gas (Nh>10^24cm^-2) partially covering the X-ray emission, or through strong Compton reflection. Here we propose that the iron K-shell absorption in PDS 456 is associated with a thick, possibly clumpy outflow, covering about 20% of $4pi$ steradian solid angle. The outflow is likely launched from the inner accretion disk, within 15-100 gravitational radii of the black hole. The kinetic power of the outflow may be similar to the bolometric luminosity of PDS 456. Such a powerful wind could have a significant effect on the co-evolution of the host galaxy and its supermassive black hole, through feedback.
310 - K.L. Page 2009
Swift-detected GRB 080307 showed an unusual smooth rise in its X-ray light-curve around 100 seconds after the burst, at the start of which the emission briefly softened. This `hump has a longer duration than is normal for a flare at early times and does not demonstrate a typical flare profile. Using a two component power-law-to-exponential model, the rising emission can be modelled as the onset of the afterglow, something which is very rarely seen in Swift-X-ray light-curves. We cannot, however, rule out that the hump is a particularly slow early-time flare, or that it is caused by upscattered reverse shock electrons.
90 - P.A. Curran 2008
Previously detected in only a few gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), X-ray flares are now observed in ~50% of Swift GRBs, though their origins remain unclear. Most flares are seen early on in the afterglow decay, while some bursts exhibit flares at late times of 10^4 to 10^5 seconds, which may have implications for flare models.We investigate whether a sample of late time (> 10^4s) flares are different from previous samples of early time flares, or whether they are merely examples on the tail of the early flare distribution. We examine the X-ray light curves of Swift bursts for late flares and compare the flare and underlying temporal power-law properties with those of early flares, and the values of these properties predicted by the blast wave model. The burst sample shows late flare properties consistent with those of early flares, where the majority of the flares can be explained by either internal or external shock, though in a few cases one origin is favoured over the other. The underlying power laws are mainly consistent with the normal decay phases of the afterglow. If confirmed by the ever growing sample of late time flares, this would imply that, in some cases, prolonged activity out to a day or a restarting of the central engine is required.
The origins of Gamma-ray Burst prompt emission are currently not well understood and in this context long, well-observed events are particularly important to study. We present the case of GRB 070616, analysing the exceptionally long-duration multipeaked prompt emission, and later afterglow, captured by all the instruments on-board Swift and by Suzaku WAM. The high energy light curve remained generally flat for several hundred seconds before going into a steep decline. Spectral evolution from hard to soft is clearly taking place throughout the prompt emission, beginning at 285 s after the trigger and extending to 1200 s. We track the movement of the spectral peak energy, whilst observing a softening of the low energy spectral slope. The steep decline in flux may be caused by a combination of this strong spectral evolution and the curvature effect. We investigate origins for the spectral evolution, ruling out a superposition of two power laws and considering instead an additional component dominant during the late prompt emission. We also discuss origins for the early optical emission and the physics of the afterglow. The case of GRB 070616 clearly demonstrates that both broadband coverage and good time resolution are crucial to pin down the origins of the complex prompt emission in GRBs.
The energetics and emission mechanism of GRBs are not well understood. Here we demonstrate that the instantaneous peak flux or equivalent isotropic peak luminosity, L_iso ergs s^-1, rather than the integrated fluence or equivalent isotropic energy, E_iso ergs, underpins the known high-energy correlations. Using new spectral/temporal parameters calculated for 101 bursts with redshifts from BATSE, BeppoSAX, HETE-II and Swift we describe a parameter space which characterises the apparently diverse properties of the prompt emission. We show that a source frame characteristic-photon-energy/peak luminosity ratio, K_z, can be constructed which is constant within a factor of 2 for all bursts whatever their duration, spectrum, luminosity and the instrumentation used to detect them. The new parameterization embodies the Amati relation but indicates that some correlation between E_peak and E_iso follows as a direct mathematical inference from the Band function and that a simple transformation of E_iso to L_iso yields a universal high energy correlation for GRBs. The existence of K_z indicates that the mechanism responsible for the prompt emission from all GRBs is probably predominantly thermal.

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