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163 - P. Salome , M. Guelin , D. Downes 2012
The radio-quiet quasar BR1202-0725 (z=4.695) is a remarkable source with a bright Northwest (NW) companion detected at submm and radio wavelengths but invisible in the optical. In the absence of amplification by gravitational lensing, BR1202-0725 would be the most luminous binary CO and FIR source in the Universe. In this paper, we report observations with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer of BR1202-0725 in the redshifted emission of the CO(5-4) and (7-6) lines, the [C I](3P2-3P1) line, a high angular resolution (0.3 x 0.8 arcsec) 1.3 mm map of the rest-frame, far-IR dust continuum, and a search for the CO(11-10) line. We compare these results with recent ALMA data in the [C II] line. Both the quasar host galaxy and its NW companion are spatially resolved in the molecular line emission and the dust continuum. The CO profile of the NW companion is very broad with a full width at half maximum of 1000 +/- 130 km/s, compared to 360 +/- 40 km/s for the quasar host galaxy to the Southeast (SE). The difference in linewidths and center velocities, and the absence of any lens candidate or arc-like structure in the field, at any wavelength, show that the obscured NW galaxy and the SE quasar host galaxy cannot be lensed images of the same object. Instead, we find morphological and kinematic evidence for sub-structures in both the NW and SE sources. We interpret these results as strong indications that the BR1202-0725 complex is a group of young, interacting, and highly active starburst galaxies.
166 - P. Salome , F. Combes , Y. Revaz 2011
We present the first detection of CO emission lines in the Halpha filaments at distances as far as 50 kpc from the centre of the galaxy NGC 1275. This gas is probably dense (>=10E3 cm-3). However, it is not possible to accurately determine the density and the kinetic temperature of this relatively warm gas (Tkin~20-500K) with the current data only. The amount of molecular gas in the filaments is large 10E9 Msun (assuming a Galactic N(H2)/Ico ratio). This is 10% of the total mass of molecular gas detected in this cD galaxy. This gas has large-scale velocities comparable to those seen in Halpha. The origin of the filaments is still unclear, but their formation is very likely linked to the AGN positive feedback (Revaz et al., 2008) that regulates the cooling of the surrounding X-ray-emitting gas as suggested by numerical simulations. We also present high-resolution spectra of the galaxy core. The spatial characteristics of the double-peaked profile suggest that the molecular web of filaments and streamers penetrates down to radii of less than 2 kpc from the central AGN and eventually feed the galaxy nucleus. The mass of gas inside the very central region is ~10E^9 Msun, and is similar to the mass of molecular gas found in the filaments.

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