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350 - C. Grillo , S. H. Suyu , P. Rosati 2014
We present a detailed mass reconstruction and a novel study on the substructure properties in the core of the CLASH and Frontier Fields galaxy cluster MACS J0416.1-2403. We show and employ our extensive spectroscopic data set taken with the VIMOS instrument as part of our CLASH-VLT program, to confirm spectroscopically 10 strong lensing systems and to select a sample of 175 plausible cluster members to a limiting stellar mass of log(M_*/M_Sun) ~ 8.6. We reproduce the measured positions of 30 multiple images with a remarkable median offset of only 0.3 by means of a comprehensive strong lensing model comprised of 2 cluster dark-matter halos, represented by cored elliptical pseudo-isothermal mass distributions, and the cluster member components. The latter have total mass-to-light ratios increasing with the galaxy HST/WFC3 near-IR (F160W) luminosities. The measurement of the total enclosed mass within the Einstein radius is accurate to ~5%, including systematic uncertainties. We emphasize that the use of multiple-image systems with spectroscopic redshifts and knowledge of cluster membership based on extensive spectroscopic information is key to constructing robust high-resolution mass maps. We also produce magnification maps over the central area that is covered with HST observations. We investigate the galaxy contribution, both in terms of total and stellar mass, to the total mass budget of the cluster. When compared with the outcomes of cosmological $N$-body simulations, our results point to a lack of massive subhalos in the inner regions of simulated clusters with total masses similar to that of MACS J0416.1-2403. Our findings of the location and shape of the cluster dark-matter halo density profiles and on the cluster substructures provide intriguing tests of the assumed collisionless, cold nature of dark matter and of the role played by baryons in the process of structure formation.
We present VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph (VIMOS) observations of a z 6 galaxy quintuply imaged by the Frontier Fields galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 (z=0.348). This sub-L^*, high-z galaxy has been recently discovered by Monna et al. (2013) using dropout techniques with the 16-band HST photometry acquired as part of the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Obtained as part of the CLASH-VLT survey, the VIMOS medium-resolution spectra of this source show a very faint continuum between ~8700A and ~9300A and a prominent emission line at 8643A, which can be readily identified with Lyman-alpha at z=6.110. The emission line exhibits an asymmetric profile, with a more pronounced red wing. The rest-frame equivalent width of the line is EW=79+-10A. After correcting for magnification, the star-formation rate (SFR) estimated from the Lya line is SFR(Lya)=11 M_{sol}/yr and that estimated from the UV data is SFR(UV)=3 M_{sol}/yr. We estimate that the effective radius of the source is R_e<~0.4 kpc, which implies a star formation surface mass density Sigma_{SFR}>6 M_{sol}/yr/kpc^2 and, using the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation, a gas surface mass density Sigma_{gas}>10^3 M_{sol}/pc^2. Our results support the idea that this magnified, distant galaxy is a young and compact object with 0.4 L^* at z=6, with comparable amount of mass in gas and stars. Future follow-up observations with ALMA will provide valuable insight into the SFR and molecular gas content of this source. In the spirit of the Frontier Fields initiative, we also publish the redshifts of several multiply imaged sources and other background objects which will help improving the strong lensing model of this galaxy cluster.
We use an unprecedented data-set of about 600 redshifts for cluster members, obtained as part of a VLT/VIMOS large programme, to constrain the mass profile of the z=0.44 cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 over the radial range 0-5 Mpc (0-2.5 virial radii) using the MAMPOSSt and Caustic methods. We then add external constraints from our previous gravitational lensing analysis. We invert the Jeans equation to obtain the velocity-anisotropy profiles of cluster members. With the mass-density and velocity-anisotropy profiles we then obtain the first determination of a cluster pseudo-phase-space density profile. The kinematics and lensing determinations of the cluster mass profile are in excellent agreement. This is very well fitted by a NFW model with mass M200=(1.4 +- 0.2) 10^15 Msun and concentration c200=6 +- 1, only slightly higher than theoretical expectations. Other mass profile models also provide acceptable fits to our data, of (slightly) lower (Burkert, Hernquist, and Softened Isothermal Sphere) or comparable (Einasto) quality than NFW. The velocity anisotropy profiles of the passive and star-forming cluster members are similar, close to isotropic near the center and increasingly radial outside. Passive cluster members follow extremely well the theoretical expectations for the pseudo-phase-space density profile and the relation between the slope of the mass-density profile and the velocity anisotropy. Star-forming cluster members show marginal deviations from theoretical expectations. This is the most accurate determination of a cluster mass profile out to a radius of 5 Mpc, and the only determination of the velocity-anisotropy and pseudo-phase-space density profiles of both passive and star-forming galaxies for an individual cluster [abridged]
98 - A. Zitrin , P. Rosati , M. Nonino 2011
We present a strong-lensing analysis of the galaxy cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 ($z$=0.44) using UV, Optical, and IR, HST/ACS/WFC3 data taken as part of the CLASH multi-cycle treasury program, with VLT/VIMOS spectroscopy for some of the multiply-lensed arcs. The CLASH observations, combined with our mass-model, allow us to identify 47 new multiply-lensed images of 12 distant sources. These images, along with the previously known arc, span the redshift range $1la zla5.5$, and thus enable us to derive a detailed mass distribution and to accurately constrain, for the first time, the inner mass-profile of this cluster. We find an inner profile slope of $dlog Sigma/dlog thetasimeq -0.55pm 0.1$ (in the range [1arcsec, 53arcsec], or $5la r la300$ kpc), as commonly found for relaxed and well-concentrated clusters. Using the many systems uncovered here we derive credible critical curves and Einstein radii for different source redshifts. For a source at $z_{s}simeq2.5$, the critical curve encloses a large area with an effective Einstein radius of $theta_{E}=28pm3arcsec$, and a projected mass of $1.34pm0.15times10^{14} M_{odot}$. From the current understanding of structure formation in concordance cosmology, these values are relatively high for clusters at $zsim0.5$, so that detailed studies of the inner mass distribution of clusters such as MACS J1206.2-0847 can provide stringent tests of the $Lambda$CDM paradigm.
A public release of slitless spectra, obtained with ACS/WFC and the G800L grism, is presented. Spectra were automatically extracted in a uniform way from 153 archival fields (or associations) distributed across the two Galactic caps, covering all observations to 2008. The ACS G800L grism provides a wavelength range of 0.55-1.00 mu$m, with a dispersion of $40 AA / pixel$ and a resolution of $sim 80 AA$ for point-like sources. The ACS G800L images and matched direct images were reduced with an automatic pipeline that handles all steps from archive retrieval, alignment and astrometric calibration, direct image combination, catalogue generation, spectral extraction and collection of metadata. The large number of extracted spectra (73,581) demanded automatic methods for quality control and an automated classification algorithm was trained on the visual inspection of several thousand spectra. The final sample of quality controlled spectra includes 47,919 datasets (65% of the total number of extracted spectra) for $32,149$ unique objects, with a median $i_{rm AB}$-band magnitude of 23.7, reaching 26.5 AB for the faintest objects. Each released dataset contains science-ready 1D and 2D spectra, as well as multi-band image cutouts of corresponding sources and a useful preview page summarising the direct and slitless data, astrometric and photometric parameters. In order to characterize the slitless spectra, emission-line flux and equivalent width sensitivity of the ACS data were compared with public ground-based spectra in the GOODS-South field. An example list of emission line galaxies with two or more identified lines is also included, covering the redshift range $0.2-4.6$.
105 - P. Rosati , S. Borgani , R. Gilli 2010
The Wide Field X-Ray Telescope (WFXT) is a medium-class mission designed to be 2-orders-of-magnitude more sensitive than any previous or planned X-ray mission for large area surveys and to match in sensitivity the next generation of wide-area optical, IR and radio surveys. Using an innovative wide-field X-ray optics design, WFXT provides a field of view of 1 square degree (10 times Chandra) with an angular resolution of 5 (Half Energy Width, HEW) nearly constant over the entire field of view, and a large collecting area (up to 1 m^2 at 1 keV, > 10x Chandra) over the 0.1-7 keV band. WFXTs low-Earth orbit also minimizes the particle background. In five years of operation, WFXT will carry out three extragalactic surveys at unprecedented depth and address outstanding questions in astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics. In this article, we illustrate the mission concept and the connection between science requirements and mission parameters.
We present a multi-wavelength study of galaxy populations in the core of the massive, X-ray luminous cluster XMMU J2235 at z=1.39, based on VLT and HST optical and near-infrared photometry. Luminosity functions in the z, H, and Ks bands show a faint-end slope consistent with being flat, and a characteristic magnitude M* close to passive evolution predictions of M* of local massive clusters, with a formation redshift z>2. The color-magnitude and color-mass diagrams show evidence of a tight red sequence of massive galaxies, with overall old stellar populations, generally early-type morphology, typically showing early-type spectral features and rest-frame far-UV emission consistent with very low star formation rates (SFR<0.2Msun/yr). Star forming spectroscopic members, with SFRs of up to ~100Msun/yr, are all located at clustercentric distances >~250kpc, with the central cluster region already appearing effectively quenched. Massive galaxies in the core of this cluster appear to be in an advanced evolutionary stage in terms of both star formation and mass assembly. The high-mass end of the galaxy stellar mass function is essentially already in place, and the stellar mass fraction estimated within r500 (~1%, Kroupa IMF) is already similar to that of local massive clusters. On the other hand, morphological analysis of the massive red sequence galaxies suggests that they are smaller than similarly massive local early-types. While possibly affected by systematics and biases, this result might imply that, in spite of the overall early assembly of these sources, their evolution is not complete, and processes like minor (and likely dry) merging might still shape their structural properties to resemble those of their local counterparts, without substantially affecting their stellar mass or host stellar populations.[abridged]
131 - P. Rosati , P. Tozzi , R. Gobat 2009
[Abridged] XMMU J2235.3-2557 is one of the most distant X-ray selected clusters, spectroscopically confirmed at z=1.39. We characterize the galaxy populations of passive members, the thermodynamical properties of the hot gas, its metal abundance and the total mass of the system using imaging data with HST/ACS (i775 and z850 bands) and VLT/ISAAC (J and K_s bands), extensive spectroscopic data obtained with VLT/FORS2, and deep Chandra observations. Out of a total sample of 34 spectroscopically confirmed cluster members, we selected 16 passive galaxies within the central 2 (or 1 Mpc) with ACS coverage, and inferred star formation histories for a sub-sample of galaxies inside and outside the core by modeling their spectro-photometric data with spectral synthesis models, finding a strong mean age radial gradient. Chandra data show a regular elongated morphology, closely resembling the distribution of core galaxies, with a significant cool core. We measure a global X-ray temperature of kT=8.6(-1.2,+1.3) keV (68% c.l.). By detecting the rest-frame 6.7 keV Iron K line, we measure a metallicty Z= 0.26(+0.20,-0.16) Zsun. In the likely hypothesis of hydrostatic equilibrium, we obtain a total mass of Mtot(<1 Mpc)=(5.9+-1.3)10^14 Msun. Overall, our analysis implies that XMM2235 is the hottest and most massive bona-fide cluster discovered to date at z>1, with a baryonic content, both its galaxy population and intra-cluster gas, in a significantly advanced evolutionary stage at 1/3 of the current age of the Universe.
461 - M. J. Jee 2009
We present a weak-lensing analysis of the z=1.4 galaxy cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557, based on deep Advanced Camera for Surveys images. Despite the observational challenge set by the high redshift of the lens, we detect a substantial lensing signal at the >~ 8 sigma level. This clear detection is enabled in part by the high mass of the cluster, which is verified by our both parametric and non-parametric estimation of the cluster mass. Assuming that the cluster follows a Navarro-Frenk-White mass profile, we estimate that the projected mass of the cluster within r=1 Mpc is (8.5+-1.7) x 10^14 solar mass, where the error bar includes the statistical uncertainty of the shear profile, the effect of possible interloping background structures, the scatter in concentration parameter, and the error in our estimation of the mean redshift of the background galaxies. The high X-ray temperature 8.6_{-1.2}^{+1.3} keV of the cluster recently measured with Chandra is consistent with this high lensing mass. When we adopt the 1-sigma lower limit as a mass threshold and use the cosmological parameters favored by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 5-year (WMAP5) result, the expected number of similarly massive clusters at z >~ 1.4 in the 11 square degree survey is N ~ 0.005. Therefore, the discovery of the cluster within the survey volume is a rare event with a probability < 1%, and may open new scenarios in our current understanding of cluster formation within the standard cosmological model.
We discuss the central role played by the X-ray study of hot baryons within galaxy clusters to reconstruct the assembly of cosmic structures and to trace the past history of star formation and accretion onto supermassive Black Holes (BHs). We shortly review the progress in this field contributed by the current generation of X-ray telescopes. Then, we focus on the outstanding scientific questions that have been opened by observations carried out in the last years and that represent the legacy of Chandra and XMM: (a) When and how is entropy injected into the inter-galactic medium (IGM)? (b) What is the history of metal enrichment of the IGM? (c) What physical mechanisms determine the presence of cool cores in galaxy clusters? (d) How is the appearance of proto-clusters at z~2 related to the peak of star formation activity and BH accretion? We show that a highly efficient observational strategy to address these questions is to carry out a large-area X-ray survey, reaching a sensitivity comparable to that of deep Chandra and XMM pointings, but extending over several thousands of square degrees. A similar survey can only be carried out with a Wide-Field X-ray Telescope (WFXT), which combines a high survey speed with a sharp PSF across the entire FoV. We emphasize the important synergies that WFXT will have with a number of future ground-based and space telescopes, covering from the radio to the X-ray bands. Finally, we discuss the immense legacy value that such a mission will have for extragalactic astronomy at large.

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